Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 86

Chapter 86 A battle to set the world
For the property of the Tiger Gang, Li Bin asked his disciples to get the house deeds and land deeds, and make a new copy of the account books of each store and hand them over to the Futumen for safekeeping, so that it can be reconciled at the end of the month.

After taking over the property of the Tiger Gang in Guangzhou City, the disciples of the Futu Sect, led by the leader Li Bin, marched majesticly to Guangzhou Port. The port is the main source of income for the Tiger Gang. Without the source of income of the Tiger Gang, how long can the head of the Tiger Gang hide without income?
When the Futumen's horse team stepped into the dock, all the people on the dock stopped what they were doing and talked about it while looking at the Futumen's horse team.Everyone is speculating that something is wrong with the pier.

Li Bin called Fatty, the manager of the Tiger Gang at the dock, to his side, and whispered to Fatty to lead Zhang Ju and others to take over all the Tiger Gang's business at the dock.
Fatty is a typical idiot, he can fall wherever the wind blows, anyway, as long as he has enough to eat, he doesn't care who is the boss.The fat man has seen Li Bin's methods with his own eyes, and knows that this is a ruthless character, so how dare he not be obedient.

Judging from the terminal's account book income, the terminal's merchant ship berthing fees, detention fees, loading and unloading fees are the bulk of the income.Just for the daily berthing fee for merchant ships, the Tiger Gang earns tens of thousands of taels of silver every day!
Even though Li Bin was mentally prepared, he was still stunned by this eye-popping income figure.No wonder businessmen from all over the world are complaining about the Tiger Gang.The Tiger Gang's imposition of parking fees is tantamount to killing the goose that lays the goose, and will only fundamentally strangle overseas trade.

Except for a very small number of well-funded big merchants who can survive by trafficking in high-demand goods with huge profits, the rest of the merchants will basically disappear.

Li Bin decided to abolish the berthing and detention fees stipulated by the Tiger Gang, and charge 10% of the actual value of the goods on board.

Doing so will greatly reduce the burden on merchants, enabling some small and medium-sized merchants to survive and develop by selling some common goods.

With more merchants doing overseas trade, the number of new merchant ships calling at the port will increase day by day, the demand for loading and unloading goods and warehouses will also increase sharply, and the real income will only increase.

As soon as Li Bin's new port measures were promulgated, they received warm responses and welcome from all businessmen.The name of Futu Gate and Li Bin's fame spread quickly throughout the Great Qi Kingdom and overseas with the flow of merchants.

There is Futu Gate in the port, and the trade order is very healthy.Not only is the port calm and the sea is calm, but the public security situation in Guangzhou is also very good.

During the past few days when the Futu Gate was stationed in Guangzhou, Chen has also done a lot of good things by catching thieves. Now the law and order in Guangzhou is a thousand times stronger than it was in the days of the Tiger Gang!Although it has not yet reached the perfect state of not closing the door at night and not picking up lost things, it is not far away.

After a few days of observation, the people of Guangzhou are full of praise for the Futu Gate, saying that the Futu Gate is the patron saint of Guangzhou City.

Seeing that the Futumen gradually gained a firm foothold in Guangzhou City and became a climate, Min Wu, the leader of the Tiger Gang, couldn't sit still. Min Wu secretly gathered thousands of Tiger Gang troops, led by himself, and went to Guangzhou in a mighty way. port.I vowed to kill Li Bin and kill Futu Gate!
Li Bin was overjoyed when he learned of the Tiger Gang's actions.As expected, Min Wu couldn't sit still anymore, and Min Wu's actions caught Li Bin's heart.

The arrival of thousands of Min Wu's disciples from the Tiger Gang caused chaos in the busy port wharf. Everyone left their livelihoods and took refuge everywhere.

Li Bin led more than 20 disciples of the Buddha Sect and walked up to Min Wu in a domineering manner.

The people hiding around the pier saw that the Tiger Gang had a large number of people, and they were aggressive. The Futu Gate, in terms of numbers, could not be compared with the Tiger Gang. A giant, the Futu Gate is like a baby learning to speak, just learning to walk.

Although the people and merchants around the port hoped that the Futumen would win this battle, what everyone saw was a cruel scene. Thousands of people from the Tiger Gang fought against more than 20 people from the Futumen.Everyone secretly sweated for the Futu Gate.

With a mad expression on his face, Min Wu squinted at Li Bin, and said contemptuously: "Just this family background? Why do you challenge me? Believe it or not, I can drown you and the people you brought with me by spitting stars !"

Li Bin looked at Min Wu forcefully, and smiled in an extremely relaxed tone: "Your idea is quite funny, I want to see it." The teasing tone was full of confidence.

Min Wu was choked by these words, and he couldn't come back to his senses with half the salary. Min Wu has been in the world for decades, and no one has dared to speak like this in front of him.

"Fuck them! Not one left!" Min Wu burst away, yelling at his subordinates.

"Let him do it." Li Bin signaled his disciples to do it.

This time, Li Bin didn't want to take action, he just wanted to observe the results of the disciples' hard training for several months.

Everyone thought that this was a fight without any suspense. The Tiger Gang, whose number was dozens of times larger than that of the Futu Gate, would definitely win the final victory easily with an overwhelming victory.

But the battle situation left everyone dumbfounded from the very beginning.

The members of the Tiger Gang were like papery figures in front of the Buddha Sect disciples. They were knocked down one by one by the Buddha Sect disciples at an incredible speed.

Seeing that his subordinates couldn't help beating him so much, Min Wu was hanged and beaten in various postures by the disciples of the Futu Sect.He took a deep breath, felt that the situation was not good, secretly observed the escape route, and wanted to slip away.

Min Wu's expression couldn't escape Li Bin's eyes. This time, Min Wu couldn't escape no matter what.

The applause and applause from the people watching the excitement around the port and the merchants were of course dedicated to the brave disciples of the Futu Sect. More than 20 people slapped the Tiger Gang with an overwhelming advantage, which really opened the eyes of the people and merchants in Guangzhou Port and gained insight.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the battle on the pier ended with the final victory of the disciples of the Futu Sect.

On the dock, the members of the Tiger Gang lay densely all over the place, making constant screams and howls of pain.

Min Wu wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape, but was restrained by Li Bin's volley and unable to move.

"You get 300 sect prestige points." The system gave the sect prestige point rewards obtained in this battle with the Futu sect.

"Idlers are waiting, hurry up and avoid it! Master Ships of Guangzhou Port City is here!" A group of officers and soldiers hugged a gentleman and rode into the pier with great style on tall horses.

(Thanks to the bold fish, Mr. Alucardo, and Boggs Tong friends for their recommendation votes and support~Thanks to all the book friends who voted for "Wulin Tyranny"~Thank you~)

(End of this chapter)

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