Wulin Tyrant

Chapter 98 Death is coming

Chapter 98 Death is coming
Li Bin led his disciples on Turkic war horses to the grove where he abandoned his horse and walked. He got off the panting Turkic war horse, rode on the horses that had been tied in the woods, and continued to gallop towards Junshan.

Behind them, a group of elite Turkic cavalry still followed closely behind Li Bin and others by changing horses and galloping.

Suddenly, Li Bin saw smoke and dust covering the sun at the corner of the woods in front of him, and horseshoes were clattering, as if a large group of cavalry were galloping.

Li Bin threw Su Louluo's head to Chase, and said loudly: "If there are enemy forces blocking the front later, don't bother to fight, just rush out and go straight to Junshan, and you will be the master! Do you understand?"

"Master!" All the disciples knew the meaning behind Li Bin's words, and everyone was worried about Master Li Bin. After all, the terrain here is flat, which is more suitable for the cavalry of the Turkic Army to fight. No matter how strong your martial arts are, you will be flesh and blood The body is bound to be unable to resist the repeated charge of the Turkic cavalry.

"Are your wings hardened? Don't you listen to Master's words?" Li Bin emphasized the tone in his words, leaving no room for discussion at all.

"Follow the master's order!" The disciples knew that Master Li Bin's words must be done, and they dared not offend the master's majesty, so they could only agree with tears.

After arranging for the retreat of his disciples, Li Bin drew out the Meteor Sword, and charged forward to the large group of cavalry that suddenly appeared in front of him.

When the front cavalry was approaching, Li Bin vaguely saw the words Qi on the banner fluttering in the wind!

It was not the Turkic cavalry, but the Qi cavalry, Li Bin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who is coming? Report the name quickly! Otherwise, you will be killed on the spot!" A familiar voice came, and Li Bin was overjoyed.

"Fourth Prince! I'm Li Bin!" Li Bin shouted excitedly.

Qi Xing was also very happy when he heard that it was Li Bin who came, so he galloped over with his horse on the rein, and joined Li Bin on the horse.

"Brother Li, why did you become a bloody man?"

"Fourth Prince, there are still thousands of Turks chasing after me, how many soldiers and horses did you bring today?"

"Not many, there are five thousand elite cavalry in the capital's hussar battalion, plus the one thousand guards in my house, there are only more than 6000."

"Enough, how about we go back and kill the scattered pursuers?"

"Okay, that's exactly what I mean! General Wei, get the team ready to meet the enemy!"

"Impressive order!"

Soon, under the mobilization of the horn, the cavalry of the Qi State formed an assault formation in a short while. The six thousand spirited and high-spirited Qi State Cavalry took the official road as the center and spread out into hundreds of columns one by one.

"Master, let's go kill the enemy too." Yun Shi and others rushed to Li Bin to ask for a fight.

"The three-day period is coming soon! You must rush back to Junshan immediately, stop talking nonsense!"

"As ordered."

Seeing that the master's attitude was extremely firm, Yunshi had no choice but to reluctantly continue to run towards Junshan with his brothers and sisters.

"Fourth Prince, this person is also following our group? Is he okay?" General Wei frowned and looked at Li Bin's body covered in blood. He was in a mess and had no armor to protect him. He didn't believe that Li Bin could play any role.

"Oh, Brother Li, I forgot to introduce to you, this cavalry general is the commander of the Hussar Battalion in the capital, and his ancestors have been famous generals of my Daqi for three generations.

"Oh, it turns out that General Wei was born as a general, so he must be proficient in bow and horse, and proficient in all eighteen martial arts, right?" After Qi Xing finished his introduction, Li Bin also politely said a word of appreciation in a timely manner.

"The fourth prince is absurd, Wei Qiquan is only today thanks to the help of the fourth prince."

While a few people were talking, a Turkic chasing horse loomed.

Wei Qi pulled out his saber from his waist, and said loudly: "Brother Li, you must have been tired after running away for a long time, and you are here to fight for the young general, so you don't have to risk your life."

It could be heard that Wei Qi's polite words contained a strong sense of distrust and contempt for Li Bin.

Wei Qi thought this way: "How can a plain-headed commoner fleeing in a panic be qualified to charge and kill the enemy side by side with himself, the Great Qi General?"

Wei Qi really wanted to show off his martial arts and ability to lead troops in front of Fourth Prince Qi Xing.

Waving the saber with his right hand, he shouted at his subordinates to follow him and charge.

After a while, the Qi cavalry lined up in a neat formation, trotted all the way, followed Wei Qi, and killed the Turkic cavalry.

The Turkic cavalry quickly changed into an attack formation while marching, divided into three teams from the left, middle and right, and attacked from the two wings of the Qi cavalry.

Although the number of Turkic raiders chasing them was not many, at most two or three thousand, judging from the marching and mobilization, they were definitely well-trained elites.

"Fourth Prince, is this the first time that General Wei has led troops in actual combat?"

"Brother Li, how does he know? Wei Qi has been serving in the Hussars Battalion in the capital, and indeed he has not participated in any wars."

"It's no wonder that Wei Qi and his cavalry lined up neatly and beautifully, but they lacked a way to deal with the enemy. They will suffer a big loss when they fight with the Turkic cavalry."

Sure enough, after the two cavalry attacked each other and fought together, the two cavalry surrounded by the Turkic cavalry from the two wings posed a deadly threat to the two wings of the Qi cavalry.

The two Turkic cavalry relied on flexible and mobile roaming tactics, and used arrows to continuously harass the Qi cavalry from the flanks and backs of the Qi cavalry, causing great casualties to the Qi cavalry.

Because the cavalry of the Qi State had already fought head-on with the cavalry of the Turks, the people and horses crowded and trampled each other, making it very inconvenient to move.It is basically impossible to adjust the formation, so I can only stare blankly, allowing the Turkic cavalry on the periphery to roam and attack wantonly without any way.

Although the number of Qi cavalry was twice that of the Turkic cavalry, they fell into the disadvantageous situation of being passively beaten from the very beginning because of the rigid tactical command.

Qi Xing watched his knights falling off their horses one by one under the attack of Turkic cavalry arrows. He was so anxious that he shouted to the personal guard behind him: "Bring me my dragon horn bow!"

Li Bin knew that Qi Xing was really in a hurry. The 6 Qi cavalry was brutally abused by less than 3 Turkic cavalry.

Li Bin stopped Qi Xing's idea of ​​going into battle to kill the enemy, and said: "Fourth Prince, you are a precious person, and it is not appropriate to risk yourself. If you trust me, Li Bin, I will go to the battle on behalf of the prince!"

Qi Xing hesitated for a while, then sighed and said: "Please take care of everything, Brother Li, to tell you the truth, the cavalry of this hussar battalion is the only cavalry force that Daqi can mobilize at present, if you are so confused If we are annihilated by the Turks, Daqi will be in danger."

"It's powerful, Li Bin knows, don't worry, Fourth Prince, I will definitely bring back your cavalry force in its entirety!"

As soon as the words fell, the black rose had already driven Li Bin a hundred steps away.

Li Bin did not rush into the cavalry group that was crowded into a group, but only targeted the cavalry group that was harassing the Turkic outskirts.

After repeated fights with the Turkic people, Li Bin knew the difference between the head of a thousand households and the head of a hundred households who led the Turkic army.The one with one eagle feather on the helmet is the head of a hundred Turkic households, and the one with two eagle feathers is the head of a thousand households.

Therefore, Li Bin singled out the Turkic commanders to attack, and rushed down after a few rounds. With the help of the horse Black Rose, Li Bin beheaded all the commanders of the outer Turkic cavalry with more than [-] heads of households. The Turkic cavalry who lost their command was like losing It is difficult to organize a decent attack formation and tactics to attack and kill Qi cavalry.

Qi Xing could see Li Bin's every move on the battlefield clearly. Qi Xing couldn't help but praise Li Bin to the left and right guards: "See, that is a good man of our Great Qi Kingdom, a real hero! He is the king's best man!" Good friends! We once fought the enemy hand in hand!" His tone was full of admiration and admiration for Li Bin.

After solving the threat from the periphery, Li Bin made a big circle and rushed in from the side of the Turkic cavalry.

At this time, Wei Qi was fighting fiercely with a Turkic head of ten thousand households with three eagle feathers on his helmet. The guards around Wei Qi had been beheaded by the Turkic cavalry one after another. Wei Qi was surrounded by the enemy cavalry. There is a fear of life.

The Turkic Wanhu chief is also very good at swordsmanship, and his arm strength is also much stronger than Wei Qi. After a few encounters, Wei Qi's saber was picked off by the Turkic Wanhu chief, and the opponent chopped off Wei Qi's neck with a single blow. , Wei Qi closed his eyes in despair, calmly waiting for death to come.

"Ah!" Wei Qi closed his eyes and waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for the opponent's steel knife. He didn't know what happened, so he quickly opened his eyes. The scene before him was something Wei Qi will never forget!

Li Bin held the head of the fierce Turkic head of ten thousand households, and the surrounding Turkic cavalry turned their horses' heads quickly and galloped back like the sea at low tide. This is not the fighting style of the Turkic cavalry at all.

Turkic people are brave by nature, and cavalrymen who have undergone long-term and rigorous training never know what retreat is. But today, Wei Qi saw for the first time that Turkic cavalrymen actually retreated on their own initiative.

This group of Turkic barbarians definitely didn't run away because they were afraid of Wei Qi. No matter how arrogant Wei Qi was, he still knew in his heart how much he weighed. This group of Turkic barbarians must have seen it and made them feel scared Only the most talented people will collapse and retreat, and who will this person be?Wei Qi looked around, and only the majestic Li Bin was eligible.

Wei Qi thought to himself: "Who is this person who has an extraordinary relationship with the Fourth Prince? Even the Turkic people who have always been brave and fearless are so afraid of him. Seeing him is like seeing a devil."

Li Bin ordered Wei Qi loudly: "Why are you in a daze!" Hurry up and command the troops to chase and kill the fleeing enemy! "

It's strange to say that, when Li Bin yelled orders arrogantly, Wei Qi not only didn't feel that there was anything wrong or uncomfortable, but felt like he had a backbone, and replied loudly: "Okay!"

Wei Qi took off the horn from his waist and issued an order to the whole army to regroup and hunt down the remnants of the enemy.

"I'll give you the head, go back and claim your credit. Remember, next time you lead an army into battle, don't be too rigid, and pay attention to the enemy's movement at all times."

"But you beheaded the head of ten thousand households. I can't take your credit. I don't, I can't take it."

"I'm not a soldier. Why do you want this thing? Just take it if you tell me to! Don't talk nonsense!" Li Bin shouted domineeringly, his tone unquestionable.

"Yes! Thank you Li Daxia." Wei Qi couldn't tell how grateful Li Bin was in his heart at this time. Li Bin not only saved his life at a critical moment, but also gave him the great credit for beheading the head of the Turkic household. Qi has no words to thank.

(End of this chapter)

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