Five Poison Hunter

Chapter 177 Winning is Too Difficult

Chapter 177 Winning is Too Difficult

Lu Zhiping supported the wall to stabilize himself, and saw Quan Juezi's sword stabbing towards him, it was already very close, as if it would kill him immediately.

In this situation, there was no chance of a counterattack at all, so Lu Zhiping had no choice but to climb up the wall, towards the wall.

Quan Juezi on the ground is much more convenient, and he can easily get up in one jump.Seeing that he was about to stab himself again, Lu Zhiping stepped on the wall, and flew out. This was a slight distance from Quan Juezi, and he had gained a firm foothold.

After all, this foot was on the wall, and Quan Juezi couldn't see the direction in which Lu Zhiping was moving.

Seeing that Lu Zhiping was standing still, Quan Juezi didn't rush forward immediately, and said with a fake smile: "Xiang Daxia is very skillful, you can even dodge a series of attacks by Pindao, but you are so Even if you resist stubbornly, I don’t think you can beat me, and you’ve also been hit by my sword.”

According to common sense, in a normal sparring, if you hurt your opponent, you should persuade him to surrender, but Quan Juezi did not, and he obviously wanted to fight to the end.

Lu Zhiping actually felt the pain at that moment, and immediately forgot about it in the pursuit, but Quan Juezi brought it up again, it was nothing more than rubbing salt on the wound, and Lu Zhiping began to feel the burning on his back again It hurts.

"This little skin injury is nothing at all. It probably didn't hurt. If you didn't say anything, I might have forgotten it." Lu Zhiping said flatly, looking very calm, and didn't care about the injury.

Everyone on the side actually saw Lu Zhiping's back, his clothes had been dyed dark, and he almost saw flesh and blood.

When Yu Dachong and Ji Xunhuan heard what Lu Zhiping said, they thought that the elder brother meant to fight again. This might really put their lives at risk.Naturally, it also worried the two bystanders.

Quan Juezi said: "Xiang Daxia has good perseverance, so let's continue."

Who would say that in a normal competition?This is clearly a sentence that will put someone to death, and Lu Zhiping seems to be ready to die.

Lu Zhiping's eyes were full of determination, and at this time he showed more blood.With a full head of a man, without the slightest hesitation, he raised his sword and rushed towards Quan Juezi.

A fierce slash of the sword made a deafening sound once again. Both sides were competing with each other for strength. In fact, the internal energy had already been wrapped around the sword, which was the sword energy.During the exchange of sword energy, Lu Zhiping was obviously at a disadvantage, and Yu Dachong found that his hands were shaking more than Quan Juezi's.

It was obvious that Lu Zhiping was obviously not his opponent, and if he wanted to win, he had to rely on his moves.

This was the case with the Huashan School of the Five Sacred Sword School many years ago. It was divided into the Sword Sect and the Qi Sect, and they fought a big battle.If Lu Zhiping is classified, he should be Jianzong, and he should rely on moves to win rather than excessive internal strength.

Yu Dachong shouted from the side: "Brother, don't fight hard, you have to calm down."

After hearing Yu Dachong's prompt, Lu Zhiping immediately withdrew his moves, and hurriedly retreated two or three steps. Obviously, he knew that he was too confused at this time, completely lost his reason, and fell into someone else's trap Among them.

Seeing an opportunity, Quan Juezi rushed over immediately. Lu Zhi jumped up plainly, and landed behind Quan Juezi with a somersault, which could be considered as a temporary escape.

Lu Zhiping's eyes were still as firm and calm as ever. He avoided this move because he wanted to think more about how to deal with the enemy.So many moves can be resolved, it can only prove that Quan Juezi is really strong, if he doesn't keep attacking him with new moves, he has no chance of winning at all.

Lu Zhiping adjusted his breath and attacked again. This is already countless times of such attacks from both sides.

But this time it was a bit different, Lu Zhiping completely abandoned most of the previous moves, and instead attacked in a disorderly manner, sometimes attacking the upper body, sometimes the lower body, sometimes the left side, sometimes the right side, the moves are very changeable.

Ji Xunhuan said to Yu Dachong: "Senior brother has broken through himself again. This is a strange move but I have never seen it before. After all, senior brother is a person who can create the so-called 'Golden Snake Sword Technique' ah."

Lu Zhiping's ability to temporarily create so many moves is by no means accidental, nor is it a talent, but because there are more people fighting against each other, he naturally knows how to gather the strengths of everyone, otherwise the previous fighting would be meaningless.

Moreover, after playing against Quan Juezi for so long, he has somewhat understood the opponent's moves. Wherever the opponent's defense is weak, he has to slowly try them out.

I saw Lu Zhiping stabbing Quan Juezi in the lower abdomen. Quan Juezi seemed to be a little slow in reacting, and the block was not timely enough. The sword pierced through the clothes around the waist, but did not hurt anyone, that is, By a hair.

Lu Zhiping also seemed to see hope, and he kept on attacking. He seemed to have finally discovered that the weakest part of Quan Juezi's defense was his lower abdomen.

Quan Juezi had just been stabbed, and his reaction was to retreat quickly, but his footsteps were still steady. Seeing Lu Zhiping attacking him rapidly, he could barely handle it.

The two of them have exchanged forty or fifty moves now, and they still look very fierce, all supported by their passion.Both of them were panting and sweating profusely.

Finally, Lu Zhiping stabbed Quan Juezi's lower abdomen again, and Quan Juezi drew an arc with his sword, trying to knock Lu Zhiping's sword into the air.

But Lu Zhiping relied on the direction of the arc, swept across and swiped across Quan Juezi's chest, and if he missed it by a hair, he would wipe his neck.

This time, Lu Zhiping did not return without success. Quan Juezi's clothes were torn, and he was not sure if he was hurt. At least for this moment, the blood had not had time to seep out.

Quan Juezi seemed to be really angry, and launched an attack more actively, just like Lu Zhiping just now.

But Quan Juezi's anger was completely different from Lu Zhiping's. His moves became more chaotic and full of flaws, just like a group of demons dancing around.Lu Zhiping, on the other hand, was constantly trying out moves. At this time, he was actually relying on reason to attack the opponent.

This is obviously to give Lu Zhiping a chance. If Lu Zhiping doesn't cherish the opportunity, when Quan Juezi reacts, I don't know how long the battle will be.

Lu Zhiping found the right time, this time it didn't go to the chest and lower abdomen, but to the wrist of his right hand while dancing wildly.

Lu Zhiping was also very careful at this time, after all, he could easily hurt himself like this.If you don't find the right time, you may just reach his wrist, but he can also reach your wrist.

When the two of them were fighting in a panic, Lu Zhiping unleashed a fierce internal force that once again left Quan Juezi at a loss, and his moves suddenly slowed down by half a beat.

Right now.Lu Zhiping spun quickly, turned sideways, and the sword had already cut towards Quan Juezi's wrist.

For a moment, all the people present widened their eyes and widened their mouths, and the uproar continued.

The sound of "clang" was the sound of Quan Juezi's sword falling to the ground, and there was still a hand holding the sword tightly on the hilt, but the hand and wrist had been separated.

Quan Juezi kept retreating, blood splattered from his wrists.

 It's really hard to write the battle scene, it's really brain-intensive, the key is that no one reads my book and cries a bit

(End of this chapter)

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