Five Poison Hunter

Chapter 268 Fighting the Japanese

Chapter 268 Fighting the Japanese

The four of them stepped off the boat one after another. The sea breeze made each of them feel a little bit cool, but when they stepped on the shore, a trace of warmth came to their hearts.

I saw a few scattered people around, all looking at them with strange eyes. They didn't pay attention at first, but after walking a few steps, they realized that there was something wrong with these people. Those people actually looked at them. They ducked.

Rongrong said curiously: "This place is too quiet. It doesn't look like a port, and it seems to be an island. In fact, it was too foggy, so I didn't see it clearly."

Ji Xunhuan also echoed: "Rongrong is right, this place doesn't look like a port at all. Although there are some houses in front, it's so deserted."

"Japanese pirates are rampant now. I guess this place has been raided by others, or maybe the family is poor and has gone to become a Japanese pirate. However, this is indeed a small island, not Korea. Let's go forward and ask someone later. Just ask."

After Yu Dachong finished speaking, he led them to the houses in front of them. Those houses were all wooden houses, which looked a bit old and simple, and seemed to have experienced a lot of wind and rain.

Yu Dachong said: "This kind of house structure does not belong to us Han people. We should have arrived in Korea or Japan, but what about the people? Why were the people just hiding from us? Did they think we were Japanese pirates?"

Chen Yuhui patted Yu Dachong's head with his hands, and said: "Are people on an island afraid of four Japanese pirates? I think we should be surrounded. Let's walk carefully, you really don't pay attention at all." .”

Chen Yuhui was the kind of person who would do nothing but make a big splash. He had never spoken to him before, but was observing the surroundings carefully. He tried his best to capture information about whatever happened around him.

Sure enough, they had already started to hear a little wind and grass around them, and there were rustling sounds in the surrounding bushes. They were really surrounded, and judging by the sound, there were more than a dozen people look.

Yu Dachong whispered to the three of them: "It seems that we have really entered the camp of the Japanese pirates. We can really make a big fuss."

Now they can only stay put and see who is coming here, and they didn't say that they must do something, but they have to do it when the communication fails.

"Who are you? If you dare to break into our camp, if you are sensible, you can hand over your weapons and money, and you can also leave a whole body for you. Otherwise, we will have to chop it up for you."

At this time, he still only heard his voice but could not see his person. Even if he was in the grass, he spoke pure Northeast dialect. It seemed that he was indeed a Han Chinese.

Ji Xunhuan said loudly: "We are passing by here, we are going to Dongpu, we intend to rest here, there is no malice, please be merciful to all the strong men."

At this time, a man suddenly jumped out from the grass, looked at the four of them, and said, "We are Japanese pirates. Since you are passers-by and are going to Dongying, then hand over your money and spare you not to die."

This man was eight feet tall, wearing a linen vest, with thick arms exposed, and a fierce expression on his face. He looked like a Japanese pirate, and the voice was the voice of the man who had just been hiding.

Ji Xunhuan did not think about taking action and said: "Sir, we are just passing through here and plan to stay in Japan for a while. We cannot leave a lot of money. And we are also people in the martial arts. You should be careful If it’s really unreasonable, then we have to do it.”

Ji Xunhuan said this because he still retained a trace of kindness and was unwilling to take action with real swords and guns. It would be fine if Ji Xunhuan came forward to be diplomatic and Yu Dachong listened to his senior brother's arrangements.

"It seems that you have money and don't want to give it. Even if you are in the martial arts, there are only twenty or thirty people here. You have to think about the consequences. Don't underestimate us."

As soon as the man from the Northeast finished speaking, all the people who were squatting in the grass stood up, all of them were tall and big, with big knives in their hands, and a strong smell of gunpowder permeated the air.

"You are all Han Chinese, why do you still want to be Japanese pirates, why do you still have to make trouble with the Han people." Ji Xunhuan obviously still wanted to reconcile, but was unwilling to do anything.

But how could those people be able to persuade them, so many Japanese pirates, if they were real Japanese, less than [-]% of them were fake Japanese pirates of Han nationality.

"You little brother is really funny, and you still force us to be good. In this world, what else can we do except for the quick money from the pirates. You don't care about yourself, but let us come. I think you still have two She is a little beauty, it seems that I will have to leave it for us to enjoy in the future, hahaha."

It doesn't matter what others say about Ji Xunhuan. If Rongrong is involved, then Ji Xunhuan will show no mercy.

I saw Ji Xunhuan pull out the knife in his hand directly. When the others saw this, they also pulled out the knife in their hands, and the knife in Yu Dachong's hand attracted even more attention. After all, he was holding the sword that the real Japanese pirates used. .

"Let's go together!" The northeast man roared, and a group of people rushed up like hungry wolves preying on food.

But Yu Dachong and the others were not afraid of these people. After all, although these fake Japanese pirates seemed to have a large number of people, they were actually just a bunch of idiots who relied on their superiority in weapons to bully the farmers. They were not even the slightest bit different from the real Japanese pirates. .

Yu Dachong spent several months recovering from his injuries in the cellar. While recuperating from his injuries, he followed Yu Zhengnan to learn martial arts. Although the time was not very long, he felt that he had made great progress, and now he was finally able to display his skills. This is my chance for martial arts.

In the face of this group of Japanese pirates, for Da Chong and the others, killing them is also to eliminate harm for the people, and it is also to protect the family and the country.They won't be soft-hearted anymore, not to mention that they just angered Ji Xunhuan, Ji Xunhuan's blood is boiling with enthusiasm, and Yu Dachong is worried that he will become bloodthirsty and fall into the magic way.

After Chen Yuhui and Rongrong were teased just now, they were also full of anger. After a few short tricks, these two women were actually scared of them.

It took the four of them a dozen or so moves to knock down all these fake Japanese pirates. Thirty of them were killed and injured everywhere.

This is endless, Ji Xunhuan pointed a knife at the boss and said, "Put away your arrogance, my woman is something you will never have."

After hearing this, Rongrong turned to Ji Xunhuan, with a hint of sweetness in her eyes.

After he finished speaking, he wiped the knife on the man's neck, and the others pretended to be dead. For a while, twenty or thirty corpses were placed on the side of the road, and the surroundings fell into silence.

 Historically, when Japanese pirates were prevalent, they were all fake Japanese pirates from the Han people, not Japanese pirates. They only accounted for a minority.

(End of this chapter)

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