Chapter 271
Yu Dachong and the others were chatting with Mr. Watanabe on the boat. In an instant, both sides had no defense against each other.Yu Dachong felt that Mr. Watanabe was a man of temperament. Even if he worked for him, it would still be good, as long as he was not more scheming than those in the Ming Dynasty.

Their boat slowly drove into the harbor. This place is different from theirs. A lot of fortifications have been built along the coast here. Obviously, there are many wars in Japan at sea.

At this time, they found that the people in Dongying were really too short, with a height of only six feet. They thought that Chen Yuhui and Rong Rong were taller than men in Dongying. They seemed to be in a small country.

Although they were not tall, Yu Dachong and the others had seen the skills of these people a long time ago, and they were indeed agile. They had to admire that only three hundred Japanese pirates could wipe out five thousand Ming troops.

When Watanabe talked about the Battle of Yandao, Yu Dachong was even more surprised that [-] troops could kill [-] troops. Aren't they all masters of martial arts?

They didn't arrive at their destination when they reached the shore, but the officers and soldiers brought them horses.

Chief Watanabe said: "We will ride for another hour or two, and we will reach Hiroshima, where the King is. You must be careful, and you must not anger the King. After his recent victory, his mood is very swollen. Don't say anything demeaning about him."

Yu Dachong and the others agreed repeatedly: "We will just try to listen to you when the time comes. You will have to introduce that powerful ninja you said to us."

Mr. Watanabe laughed and said, "It's natural, I always keep my word, so don't worry about it."

The few people went all the way, and Dongpu did have a good scenery, which made them feel very comfortable along the way.But the pedestrians on the side of the road, and all kinds of people passing by, are all in ragged clothes and starving, which is also very distressing. This is all brought about by the war. The princes of all parties only care about their own Territory, and the slightest care about civilian life.

Looking at these people, they suddenly felt that Daming had actually done quite well. Dongpu had been fighting for more than a hundred years, and the number of deaths and injuries could not be counted.

But he remembered what his father said at that time. What he told him at the time was about Jianzong and Qizong. After going through tempering, they became stronger and improved themselves in non-stop battles.And although I don't talk about Mahayana in my current internal strength, there are not many people who can defeat him. Now I have to practice swordsmanship, and Dongpu, a place full of dangers, can make people full of tension.

Finally, before they came to a city, the city wall was also well built with stones, and this kind of defense was considered heavy. However, in the city, it seemed a little more lively, and it was rare to see those who could not afford food. Generally speaking, it is still very lively.

In the market, there must be a lot of strange things in their place, which made them feel very curious.Even so, they did not stop at their feet and continued to move forward.

In a blink of an eye, they came to a mansion guarded by heavy soldiers. It seemed that this was where their king stayed.It is estimated that there are fifty or sixty people guarding this house for a week alone.

Except for the courtyard walls, which are built of stone, the buildings inside are all made of wood, and are even a little crude. They are incomparable to those of the Ming Dynasty.Chen Yuhui and Rongrong thought Japan was such a prosperous place at first, but they were instantly disappointed.

After the guard reported, Yu Dachong and the others also put their weapons aside, and then let them in, obviously for fear of some assassin.And the people who followed them also held weapons in their hands and surrounded them tightly, fearing that they would do something bad.

Several people passed through the courtyard and came to a big house, and saw a man sitting on the floor reading a book in the highest seat in the house, wearing auspicious cloud kimono, full of beards, bald forehead, fifty Looking next year, a little thinner.That's obviously Maori Yuan on it.

Watanabe took off his shoes, put them aside, walked in slowly, knelt down, and said, "Your Majesty, when I was cruising the sea today, I met some Han people. Let’s try Japanese ninjutsu, and they are very skilled, so I want to recruit my subordinates, and I hope the king will be kind to you.”

Mao Liyuan threw the book aside casually, looked at Mr. Watanabe, and said slowly: "So that's the case, has our Japanese ninjutsu become so famous? This guest from the Han nationality must be treated well." fan."

After finishing speaking, he kept waving to Yu Dachong and his group, gesturing them to come in and sit down, while Director Watanabe beside him also gesticulated them to go in.Then they tiptoed to the side, took off their shoes like Mr. Watanabe did, and then slowly entered the house.

As soon as the few people entered the room, Mao Liyuan waved to them very politely and asked them to sit down, without any pretensions of high-ranking officials.

Watanabe took the lead and said: "When I met them, I thought of Hattori Masaru-sama. He is a first-class ninjutsu master. I just wait for them to learn from each other."

"Watanabe-kun, you are a general in my hands. Your talent is not comparable to that of Hattori. Why do you keep worrying about losing to him? I see, it is you who want to Let's watch Hattori-kun make a fool of himself."

This statement made Watanabe bow his head and smirk, as if Mao Liyuan had seen everything through.Yu Dachong also understood that he wanted to follow them to deal with a ninja who bullied him.

However, when Chief Watanabe said this, both Yu Dachong and Ji Xunhuan became very interested, and they couldn't wait to meet this person named "Masashi Hattori".

Mao Liyuan also suddenly smiled and said: "Hahaha, I see that you guests seem to be full of expectations. It makes me want to see whether the Japanese ninjutsu is better or the Central Plains martial arts is better."

Yu Dachong thought to himself, this Mao Liyuan really deserves to be the most intelligent general in the Western Kingdom. They didn't show any signs of it, yet they saw through it so easily.However, such a character is still too scary. If it is a general, it will undoubtedly kill people invisible.

Maori Yuan shouted: "Come here, hurry up and invite Hattori Masagi over, saying that there are some guests from the Central Plains who are looking for him."

After the errand runner said "obedience", he ran out in a hurry, as if he was afraid of delaying the opportunity, and it could be seen that Mao Liyuan was also strict with his subordinates.

(End of this chapter)

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