Chapter 302
It was getting colder and colder, and the weather was getting worse and worse. Yu Dachong and the others heard that this might be the only heavy snowfall in Japan in decades.

Yu Dachong and the four of them, together with Matsumoto Taro and the four of them, formed a small team of eight. They were still moving slowly in the thick snow. This was the fifth day they went out, although Trying to move forward, but the speed can't get up at all.

In the past few days, Matsumoto Taro also wanted to go back to Bizenryu for a visit, because he would also miss home and the people in that village and tribe.

When he came to the snow-covered village, the four of them cried aloud. The houses here collapsed, and there were still traces of being burned. If the snow was thicker, no one might know. It was the village of the Bizen style.

They wailed in the snow and came to the ruins of their respective homes. Looking at all this, the anger in their hearts burned even more intensely.

Yu Dachong and the others kept persuading that at this time, the overall situation should be the most important thing. Since it is for revenge, you must first bury the hatred in your heart, and you must learn to endure humiliation so that you can break out of the cocoon and be reborn.

Fortunately, Matsumoto Taro is not a very single-minded person. After all, they are all very mature ninjas. Naturally, they are very clear about what to think and what to do.

Yu Dachong and the others also admired ninjas very much. At first they thought that ninjas had high skills in ninjutsu, but then they gradually discovered that the idea of ​​ninjutsu is tolerance. They are constantly being infected and their hearts become stronger. .

They didn't stay for a long time, only about half an hour's rest, missing their family and the past, and then went on the road.

They were very careful along the way, wearing white steps all over their bodies to disguise themselves.The closer they were to the previous camp, the more careful they were going.

Yu Dachong pointed to the forest wrapped in white snow in front of him and said, "That's where we have been. They were lurking in the trees or on the grass. It's winter now and I don't know if they are still there. In short, let's slow down a bit and approach there slowly."

They listened quietly to Yu Dachong's words, leaning on the edge of the mountain and moving forward slowly step by step.They bent their waists and covered their bodies with white cloth tightly. It was difficult to spot a moving target like this from at least twenty steps away.The snow gave them good cover, but they were still careful.

Finally they approached the jungle, and now it is really covered in silver. The previously dense leaves have all withered, and the crystal clear ice hangs on the branches. If the sun is shining at this time, it will definitely shine.

A few of them lay there, observing the movement around them.

Matsumoto Taro said lightly: "There seems to be no one around here. I think they can be in the jungle in summer, but in such a cold winter, no matter how bearable it is, this kind of cold is unbearable."

Ji Xunhuan also agreed with this point very much, saying: "Because of our rebellion, it may not be so safe here, and they may also move to other places."

Although their guesses were slack, they still maintained a tense mood and walked very slowly.

Gradually, they had come to the middle of the woods. It was still cold at this time, but they didn't find any trace of people.

Without the lush leaves, there is no camouflage. If you lie on the snow all the time, the cold is unbearable, so there is no one here.

Matsumoto Taro asked: "It seems that the leader's guess is correct, they are no longer here, but where can we find them now? Da Chong-kun, do you have any comments, is there any way to find out their whereabouts?" .”

Yu Dachong shook his head, this matter has become easier.Hattori just moved them to other places, and it is impossible for Yu Dachong and the others to be familiar with the terrain in other places. If they accidentally enter their territory, they may be exposed without knowing it.

"I don't know what to do. Let's sneak up to the top of the mountain to have a look. It will be farther away."

Yu Dachong deduced that if they migrated, they might not be able to find their people, because they did not migrate with their families, they did not have houses, and they did not have many clothes.

What Yu Dachong hoped was that they would not migrate too far, at least not too far away from Mao Liyuan.Because the ninjas of the Ninja Legion are not necessarily sabotaging the assassination mission, but they are also likely to protect Motojo Moto in the dark.

They had already climbed up the mountain slowly, halfway up the mountain, next to the hut where Hattori lived before.

Yu Da rushed in, this was the first time he went in here, and he had never gone in before.They have been traveling outside for so long, and they can finally take shelter inside the house, avoiding the storm.

The room is very simple and there are not many things. They touched the dust on the table and found that there is not a lot of dust. According to their experience, it may be about half a month after moving away from here.

At this time, it was only seven or eight days before the Bizen-ryu attack.Therefore, it can be more accurately inferred that after they moved away from here, they attacked the Bizen-ryu.In this way, even if Yu Dachong and the others know their whereabouts, they will miss out when they get here.

Soon, they stood on this high mountain, watching how beautiful the snow-covered Hiroshima was all around.But Taro Matsumoto only has hatred in his eyes, even the pure whiteness cannot wash away the hatred.

Yu Dachong also thought about his uncle. Maybe he was still sad at this time. After all, he was also a man with white hair sending a man with black hair.

Matsumoto Taro asked: "Da Chong-kun, what should we do now, we must find Hattori Masa's ninja army."

Naturally, Yu Dachong knew their urgency, and began to talk about his own thoughts.

"Taro, according to our understanding of Masaru Hattori, they can't be in crowded places, they have to hide. Second, they may go to places where they can avoid the wind and snow, so I think we should go to the complex terrain now. for the woods in winter are no good for hiding and camouflage."

Taro Matsumoto nodded, feeling that what Yu Dachong said was very reasonable, and continued to add: "There is also a place where there is no shortage of food. In winter, they can no longer rely on catching wild animals and weeds. They need sufficient food." Food, so moving out of here is inevitable.”

The point of food was something that Yu Da Chong had neglected, but with this reminder, they were able to narrow down the scope of the investigation.

"Where is the most suitable place to supply food for dozens of people every day?" Yu Dachong asked Matsumoto Taro.

Matsumoto Taro didn't think too much, and replied directly: "Naturally, it is a military camp. It can not only isolate people, but also be in the wilderness."

(End of this chapter)

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