Five Poison Hunter

Chapter 304 Discovery Camp

Chapter 304 Discovery Camp
Seeing the four black men approaching the barracks slowly, this also made Yu Dachong and the others a little nervous.After all, the observation skills of those ninjas are not trivial.

Yu Dachong and the others lay on the ground, not daring to move at all, and the white cloth tightly covered them.Fortunately, there was some white snow on top of the white cloth, and it was impossible to tell that it was white cloth, which made them a bit safer.

Yu Dachong gently pushed aside the white cloth, revealing a gap, and then looked out through the gap.He could finally see those four people clearly now.

Although Yu Dachong had been away from the Ninja Legion for a few months, he still remembered clearly the appearance of those people.They are the people of the Ninja Legion, the people who used to get along with him day and night.

The good thing is that Da Chong and the others are still a little away from the barracks, so their position is relatively safe, and they can't hear clearly at all when they speak in a low voice.

Yu Dachong said in a low voice: "Now I can be sure that they are members of the Ninja Legion. We must keep quiet now and don't make any noise."

Although there was a hint of joy in Taro Matsumoto's heart, he said very ordinary: "I know, we must try our best to control our emotions now, and we will not act rashly. Later, if we follow them again, we will be able to find them Their camp."

The four ninjas and the guards started talking, as if they were acquaintances.The guard didn't have a very stern gaze, nor did he have a very fierce tone, everything was so calm and natural.

Yu Dachong and the others watched these people talking for a while, and then began to enter the barracks.At this time, they can only wait outside to see what will happen next.If nothing unexpected, they should have come to transport food.

Yu Dachong and the others struggled with the cold, even though the cold snow continued to absorb their heat, but they still did not shiver. This is the most basic requirement for a ninja.

Ninjas can have various problems at ordinary times, but when performing tasks, they cannot relax for a moment.Moreover, in this icy and snowy place, in such a quiet surrounding, a slight movement will cause other people's ideas.

Finally, after a quarter of an hour, the four ninjas came out of the barracks, and their carriage also carried several large bags of grain.However, in this thick snow, the speed of the horses is also very slow, which also gives them enough opportunities to keep up with them.

Yu Da rushed to them and moved his body slowly.They had to follow a new target, not this barracks anymore.

The four ninjas were still advancing with difficulty. In the thick snow, they were all pushing the carriage, and they didn't have much energy to look around and observe the surrounding situation.

Matsumoto Taro is directing everyone's actions now, because Yu Dachong and the others have no experience in action in the snow at all, so he has to listen to Matsumoto Taro.

They moved their bodies slowly, but were the actions of the four ninjas very serious?After all, this was the rare heavy snowfall in decades, and the carriage couldn't move at all.Maybe if people carry bags one by one, they will move faster than this carriage.

The four ninjas were sweating profusely in the snow, but Yu Dachong and the others were extremely cold.They were crawling forward, it was already noon, and it would be dusk soon.

However, the sky has always been gloomy, and it is impossible to accurately calculate the time. They only know that the sky is getting darker and darker.

They estimated that they had traveled more than ten miles, but it took them more than two hours. The road was really difficult.

They looked ahead and saw a small canyon. The layout looked somewhat similar to Koga, but it was not as high as Mount Koga. It was much smaller here.

The terrain here is no longer open, but they are still walking on tiptoe, the more they arrive at the enemy's camp, the more they must pay attention.Because Yu Dachong knew that there must be many secret sentries here, and if they wanted to find out this place carefully, they had to wait until night to act.

Those four ninjas really entered the canyon, and now they finally found the enemy's camp, and the next step is to see how to arrange the encirclement and suppression operations.

Matsumoto Taro ordered two of his subordinates: "You two, don't follow us anymore. We need you to go back and report the news, saying that we have found their camp and can request encirclement and suppression. We I will continue to observe and formulate a comprehensive strategy at that time, which is not a matter of a day or two."

The two ninjas were also very obedient. After all, Matsumoto Taro was the only heir to the Bizen-ryu, but it was a pity that the Bizen-ryu no longer existed.

Now there are only six people left in Yu Dachong, but for them, the fewer people the better, the more people the easier it is to be exposed.

"Taro, we can't act rashly now. We don't dare to get close to the place ahead. We have to wait until the darkness is slowly approaching. They must have a lot of secret sentries hidden in the hills and ravines."

Matsumoto Taro said: "Da Chong-kun, you are wrong, there is no need for us to get close to them."

This made Yu Dachong a bit more puzzled, and asked: "Why do you say that, we don't get close to them, we are familiar with the surrounding terrain, how can we encircle and suppress them then."

"What I mean is, we still have enough time now, we just need to be on the periphery, there is no need to compress the distance so tightly. I know that the closer to the critical moment, the more we can't relax, so if we want to attack, we must You have to spy around first."

"Okay, Mr. Taro, what you said is also reasonable, then we can just lurk on the periphery. Next, I will try my best to follow your instructions, and of course we will also stop your impulsive behavior."

Matsumoto Taro smiled slightly and said: "I won't be impulsive at this time. My idea is that we have inquired about the secret whistles in every place around them in the past few days, at least the outermost ones. Their little food But in two or three days, since we know their trajectories, we have to find a way to intercept them halfway, so that they will continue to lose their hands, and let them fall into panic."

At this time, Yu Dachong roughly understood what Matsumoto Taro meant. He just wanted to kill the four ninjas who were transporting food, and then attract more ninjas to disperse the enemies and defeat them one by one.

Although it sounds unreliable, this is also a good way to confuse the enemy. As long as there are no accidents, it will definitely bring some panic to Masa Hattori.

(End of this chapter)

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