Five Poison Hunter

Chapter 358 Visiting the Hengshan School

Chapter 358 Visiting the Hengshan School

Ji Xunhuan left the city in a hurry at this time. He wanted to rest for a day before rushing to Hengshan School, but there was no time for him to stay now.

In fact, it was not very late at this time, at least the sunset had not completely set down the mountain. Ji Xunhuan rode his horse and galloped all the way towards Hengshan Mountain.Climbing all the way up Hengshan Mountain again, the sky was already dark by this time, and the houses on the mountain began to light up with candlelight.

The Hengshan Sect's compound was also closed for this matter, and there was no sound. Ji Xunhuan clenched his fist with one hand and knocked lightly on the door.

This kind of late-night visit makes people feel a little uneasy. Ji Xunhuan was also in a state of exhaustion when this happened. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was running for his life. He is still out of breath. If he encounters If the Hengshan sect was really malicious, it would be hard to predict his own life.

At this time, I only heard someone shouting "Come on" from a distance, and then there was a rush of footsteps approaching the door, and the sound of pulling the door bolt.

The person who opened the door saw Ji Xunhuan holding a knife in his hand, panting profusely with sweat, and felt puzzled.

"Who are you? Why did you visit my Hengshan School late at night, and I've never seen you come to Hengshan School, right?"

Ji Xunhuan responded, "I'm from the martial arts world. I have something to visit with senior brother Xiang Jin from your sect. I hope this senior brother can convey it."

Now Ji Xunhuan is acting very polite, the previous incident did not affect his mood much.And now he doesn't dare to say that he belongs to the Five Poisons Sect, for fear that it may cause some misunderstandings.

But the disciple who opened the door was naturally not so easy to be dismissed by Ji Xunhuan, and he seemed to be a thoughtful person.

"Who are you? If you don't explain your origin, how can I tell you? Besides, my senior brother has never seen anyone who is unknown. You should at least report the name of a sect."

It seemed that Ji Xunhuan felt that if he didn't give his name, it might not be justified.After all, it was a late night visit, so it was very suspicious.

Ji Xunhuan was thinking rapidly in his mind, how to reply to the person in front of him.

"My name is Ji Xunhuan, and I have no family or sect. I had a deep friendship with senior brother Xiang Jin in Yunnan before. I have something to discuss with him today. I hope this senior brother can pass it on. I believe senior brother Xiang Jin will definitely It made an impression on me."

Now he is not allowed to report his sect. If he reports this, it will naturally arouse people's suspicion. Even if he says that he has no sect and no sect, Xiang Jin will naturally know who Ji Xunhuan is after hearing it.

After the Hengshan School disciple who opened the door heard this, he immediately closed the door tightly again, and there was a sound of hurried footsteps coming from the courtyard. At this time, they should have informed their senior brother to go.

At this time, Xiang Jin was strolling in the garden under the tree. Seeing his junior brother running over in a hurry, he couldn't help saying from a distance: "It's not suitable for strenuous exercise after this meal. We are martial arts practitioners. Even if we are strong Muscles and bones, but this strenuous exercise after a meal will also destroy the movement of the true energy of the body."

The disciple could only say: "Thank you, Senior Brother, for reminding me. I also have something to look for you. A man came outside the door just now and said he was looking for you. I felt strange. Although Senior Brother, you have many friends, I haven't seen him yet." He came to see you late at night, and he is a person with no family or sect. Does Senior Brother have any memory? If not, I will send him away."

Xiang Jin continued pacing, moving slowly under the tree, looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, as if thinking of such a person, and suddenly said: "I know a few people who have no background and no affiliation, you haven't given them yet." I'm declaring my name, how do you let me know who it is?"

At this time, the younger brother smiled and said, "Just now you taught me too deeply, I accidentally forgot, it seems that your name is Ji Xunhuan, and you said you met when you were in Yunnan."

When he heard the name "Ji Xunhuan", Xiang Jin immediately thought of it, lowered his head and muttered: "So it's him, I'll go and meet him."

Xiang Jin also started to walk towards the compound, and the junior brother also followed behind him very politely, and came to the door first to open the door for his senior brother.

Although it was already dark at this time, there was still faint candlelight in the yard. When he opened the door, Xiang Jin recognized it at a glance, it was indeed Ji Xunhuan.

Seeing that Xiang had come in, Ji Xunhuan was a little happy for a while, and said, "Brother Xiang, long time no see, how you've been doing lately!"

"Brother Ji, it's been a long time. I didn't expect to see you today. I don't know what's the matter with your late-night visit. You might as well come in and tell me." At this time, Xiang Jin was also quite polite. After getting along with each other, he knew how Ji Xunhuan was.

At Xiang Jin's invitation, Ji Xunhuan also came to the courtyard, followed Xiang Jin, sat down on the stone bench, and asked the disciple to prepare a guest room for Ji Xunhuan.

Ji Xunhuan was not so out of breath at this time, and after his junior brother left, he also started to say: "Brother Xiang, do you know that our Five Poison Sect has encountered some things, and we were unknowingly affected by the gossip in the rivers and lakes?" Surrounded, this is someone who wants to put our Five Poison Sect to death."

"Brother Ji came here for this matter. The Five Poisons Sect is actually not far away from us, but we have never believed the rumors in the world. Although we have also received letters from the beggar gang, we I don't take it too seriously, so Brother Ji, don't be afraid that our sect will hurt you."

"Brother Xiang is really smart, he immediately guessed my purpose of coming here, I don't know if the head is in the mountain gate, so I can pay a visit to the head."

Xiang Jin also smiled and said: "The head of the sect has always been in the mountain gate, but he is not in good health recently, but we really have to tell him about it, after all, the power of our sect is still in his hands, you Come with me to meet the master."

Ji Xunhuan was a little happy when he heard what Xiang Jin said, and guessed that Xiang Jin was about to become the head of the Hengshan School.But if the head is not in good health, then naturally the Hengshan faction will definitely try to avoid disputes between the rivers and lakes.

Xiang Jin stood up and walked towards the courtyard, with Ji Xunhuan following closely behind.Until they came to a door, Xiang Jin stretched out his hand and knocked on the door gently.

There was also a faint coughing sound from inside the door. Ji Xunhuan judged from this coughing sound that he was indeed an old man, and he was in a very weak state.

"Who is it? Come in if you have anything to do." An old voice came from inside the room.

"Master head, I am Xiang Jin. Ji Xunhuan from the Five Poisons Sect came to ask for an interview. I had acquaintance with him once in Yunnan, so I decided on my own."

"The one who comes is the guest, so come in." After the old man finished speaking, Xiang Jin pushed the door open.

Ji Xunhuan saw an old man lying on the bed. He had white hair and a sallow complexion. The wrinkles on his face were deep, and he looked very weak.

(End of this chapter)

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