Chapter 180 Predators.

Now that Yue Longhui joined the organization created by Ye Xingchen and became Ye Xingchen's subordinate, Yue Longhui naturally wanted to give himself a suitable position.

Others called Ye Xingchen the lord, so he naturally called Ye Xingchen the lord without hesitation.

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "If you just want to deal with that python, you really don't need to go.

Qiu Fukun had already gone by himself.

It's just that our trip this time isn't just to deal with the life of that boa constrictor.

Let me tell you this, this time we went not for the meat of the boa constrictor, but to subdue that boa constrictor.

If you want to subdue that boa constrictor, you must capture it thoroughly first. You should know that there is a huge difference between beheading a boa constrictor at the second level of true martial arts and capturing a python at the second level of true martial arts of. "

A strong man at the third level of true martial arts wants to kill a strong man at the second level of true martial arts, he is completely capable.

But it is impossible for a strong man at the third level of true martial arts to capture a strong man at the second level of true martial arts, and to capture him alive.

Unless it is a strong man at the second level of true martial arts who is afraid of death and surrenders directly.

It is very simple for Qiu Fukun to kill a giant python with the second level of true martial arts, but if he wants to restrain the giant python with the second level of true martial arts, Qiu Fukun alone has no certainty of.

After listening to Ye Xingchen's words, Qiu Fukun immediately understood what Ye Xingchen said.

What surprised Yue Longhui even more was that Ye Xingchen actually had a beast trainer in the real martial arts realm under Ye Xingchen's hands. You must know that even in the entire Yue Kingdom, it is very difficult to find a beast trainer in the congenital realm, let alone one who can train the real martial arts realm. The beast tamer.

Yue Longhui became more curious about Ye Xingchen's origin, but Ye Xingchen, you didn't take the initiative to tell him, and Yue Longhui didn't ask him without authorization.

Ye Xingchen led a group of his subordinates who were strong in the real martial arts realm and went directly to the 10-mile mountain.

As soon as Ye Xingchen entered the 10-mile mountain, he was surrounded by a group of people.

The funny thing about it was that Ye Xingchen and the others were only surrounded by a group of people from the acquired realm, and one of them was the leader of the first level of the innate realm.

The leader of the Xiantian Realm said to Ye Xingchen and the others: "I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree.

To pass by from now on, stay to buy road money. "

Ye Xingchen could tell at a glance that the other party should be a predator.

Many warriors entered the [-]-mile mountain to seek opportunities, some warriors died in the [-]-mile mountain, but some warriors got a few yuan back.

It is for this reason that the industry of predators was born.

There are some warriors who feel that their cultivation level is not bad, they dare not go into the mountains of [-] miles to seek opportunities, but they don't want to let go of the opportunities in the mountains of [-] miles.

So they acted as robbers directly on the edge of the 10-mile mountain. They didn't need to enter the 10-mile mountain.

They only need to wait for the warriors who come out of the 10-mile mountain, and then directly rob them to get a lot of opportunities.

But Ye Xingchen had already noticed that the other group of predators should be just a group of novices, otherwise they would not be able to snatch a group of people who had just entered the mountain.

The real predators, they have always only robbed people who came out of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and they would not rob people who had just entered the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

They have a very complete system that can tell whether a person has come out of the 10-mile mountain or has just entered the 10-mile mountain.

It is obvious that this group of people has not undergone systematic training, nor do they know the complete system.

That's why this group of people saw that they robbed people who had just entered the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Ye Xingchen also felt teasing.

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "Everyone, I know that you are all great predators.

It's just that we have just entered the Hundred Thousand Mountains and haven't had any chance yet, and you can't snatch anything from us.

Can you let us enter the 10-mile mountain first, and then come out for you to snatch after we get an opportunity in the [-]-mile mountain. "

The leader of the innate realm warrior said lightly: "Are you kidding me, want me to let you go now.

I don't care whether you have just entered the 10-mile mountain or just left the 10-mile mountain, I want you to give me enough resources now.

Otherwise, don't blame the steel knife in my hand for not recognizing people. It would be bad if you were all slaughtered by that time.

After all, we are here to do this business, and we are only seeking money, not killing. "

Ye Xingchen said calmly: "Boss, what you said is very reasonable.

It's just that we don't have any financial resources, so if you rob us all, you won't get a few cents at all.

If we really have property, how can we enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains to find opportunities.

Our group is just poor warriors, and we entered the Hundred Thousand Mountains to find some opportunities to improve our cultivation.

Do you think if we are really rich people, do you think we will enter the 10-mile mountain? "

The leader of the innate realm immediately felt that Ye Xingchen's method was very reasonable after hearing what he said.

Next to him, a martial artist of the Ninth Level of Acquired Realm, also said to the leader of the Xiantian series: "Brother, what the other party said is indeed somewhat reasonable. If the other party is really rich, he should not be so dangerous as entering the Hundred Thousand Mountains." place it.

Maybe the other party is a poor person like us, I think we might as well put them in the 10-mile mountain, and when they come out, we will rob them once, then we might be able to return with a full reward.

If they can't get out of the 10-mile mountain, it can only be regarded as our robbing once for nothing.

After all, the things we robbed can’t be returned to our hearts’ content, right? Just like the last time those looters robbed us, we didn’t get anything.

Maybe this group of people is the same as our original situation. "

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