Chapter 239 Talent Training Base
Ye Xingchen is someone who is prepared to fight for a long time. Ye Xingchen must at least be able to compete with the movement of Tianzong before he can completely explode.

At that time, he will first kill a few of Tianzong's innate competitive powerhouses, and then fight with Tianzong in an all-round way.

In this way, it will be easier to complete his mission. You must know that once he completes his mission, he will have a strong master in the realm of masters to serve him.

By then, he would no longer be afraid of facing the Yue Dynasty. By that time, Ye Xingchen would have completely established a foothold on this continent.

He won't be as timid as before. As long as Ye Xingchen has the power to compete with Tianzong, Ye Xingchen will have absolute certainty to completely integrate Qingyun Sword Sect into his own power.

And if Ye Xingchen is serious now, no matter if it's the predators within the Hundred Thousand Mountains or the people from the five major sects who have discovered his purpose.

They will definitely spread the news, and they will spread the news when the time comes. It will be very difficult for Ye Xingchen to continue to develop like this.

After all, the five major sects and the predators within the [-] mountains would definitely not want to be ruled by Ye Xingchen.

What Ye Xingchen did was to slowly control them. The people from the five major sects and the predators within the Hundred Thousand Mountains would definitely not let Ye Xingchen go so easily.

Ye Xingchen continued to say calmly: "Now your most urgent task is to win the hearts of the mayor of Shanwai Town first, as long as you win their hearts first.

Then slowly get rid of those who are congenitally perfect and strong, and finally grasp the place outside the mountain town thoroughly.

I will let you handle these things in this place for the time being, and you don't have to follow me to catch those predators.

If you can handle everything here well, I can let you practice for a period of time in the cave.

Of course, the premise is that you can do it to my satisfaction. If you can't do it to my satisfaction, I won't give you this opportunity.

And I haven't considered the True Martial Pill for the time being. If you perform well, you may have a chance to get the True Martial Pill and break through to the third stage of True Martial Arts.

There is nothing wrong with these, but you must not play any tricks in front of me.

Because your little thoughts seem to me to be some stupid practices. "

Ye Xingchen's method of educating people is very simple: a big stick and honey, which makes it very easy to control his subordinates.

Xing Tianshou said to Ye Xingchen with a respectful look on his face: "Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will definitely handle the matter here properly.

I will definitely not let the lord worry a little bit, so just leave the matter here to me. "

Ye Xingchen reminded Xing Tianshou from the side, if Xing Tianshou couldn't listen to it at this time, then he really didn't understand things.

Xing Tianshou has already made up his mind that he must perform well and make Ye Xingchen admire him.

Ye Xingchen had already told him that even if it was a real martial arts pill, he would have a chance to get it, and if the affairs here were done well, he would have a chance to enter the Paradise of Paradise to practice.

Xing Tianshou had long been envious of the opportunity to practice in the Paradise of the Paradise, but Ye Xingchen never let him enter the Paradise of the Paradise to practice.

Therefore, if there is an opportunity now, he will naturally seize it and will never let it go.

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "Among this group of people, you are the one with the better cultivation and more flexible mind.

That's why I entrusted you with this difficult task. You should understand what I mean. "

Xing Tianshou immediately said respectfully: "My lord, it is my honor to be able to look up to my subordinates, and my subordinates will never let my lord down in any way.

The subordinates here absolutely dare to promise to help the lord to handle things well, and if the affairs are not handled well, the subordinates are willing to accept any punishment. "

In fact, in Xing Tianshou's view, it is very easy to integrate the power of the entire Shanwai Town. After all, he has already mastered nearly 1/3 of the Shanwai Town's strength.

Wanting to control is the remaining two-thirds of the power, which is naturally much faster than starting from the beginning step by step.

If Xing Tianshou has the cultivation base of a real martial arts expert and one-third of the power, if Xing Tianshou still can't handle the remaining two-thirds of the power, he really doesn't need to continue messing around.

It was precisely because of this situation that Xing Tianshou dared to guarantee the ticket at this time. Unless there was an accident in the middle, Xing Tianshou would definitely be able to completely control the place outside Shanwai Town.

If there was an accident in this place, and other outside true martial arts powerhouses came here and wanted to control this place, Ye Xingchen would definitely not let this matter go unnoticed.

So, Xing Tianshou didn't even have the last worry, so he naturally said such words very boldly.

At this time, Xing Tianshou was 100% sure that he could control this place, so he said these things without any politeness.

To do things under the hands of a conceited person like Ye Xingchen, one must know how to express oneself, otherwise, it is impossible to get the chance to rise.

Ye Xingchen is obviously not afraid of someone surpassing him, and he is not afraid of someone getting out of his control. Ye Xingchen is a very confident person.

Xing Tianshou was so old that he was able to speak his mind, and he was able to speak in such a big way.

If there was a boss who didn't have self-confidence, and always suppressed the boss under him, Xing Tianshou would not dare to say such things in such a big way.

Xing Tianshou must at least know how to conceal his sharpness when speaking, otherwise he will be killed.

Corresponding to different bosses, there must be different ways of expression. This is the truth that Xing Tianshou has realized in his long life journey. He has always regarded this as the most important principle of his life.

Xing Tianshou was suppressed miserably in the Qingyun Sword Sect at the beginning, now that he has the opportunity to perform, he naturally wants to perform as a mission.

He didn't want to be suppressed any longer, and it was precisely because of these reasons that he completely fell to Ye Xingchen's side.

Now Xing Tianshou completely believed that he was a member of Ye Xingchen's subordinates. At this time, he no longer continued to think that he was a member of Qingyun Sword Sect.

When Ye Xingchen and Qingyun Jianzong really clashed.

If it were in the past, Xing Tianshou would definitely help Qingyun Sword Sect without saying a word. In any case, Qingyun Sword Sect was the place where he was born and raised.

But if it is placed now, Xing Tianshou's handling method will be completely changed, and Xing Tianshou will help Ye Xingchen without hesitation.

And it will help Ye Xingchen completely control the entire Qingyun Sword Sect, because in Xing Tianshou's opinion, only someone like Ye Xingchen can lead Qingyun Sword Sect to a higher level.

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "Since you followed me, I am very relieved in everything you do.

If you promise me, I will be completely relieved in this place outside the mountain.

I will stay in Shanwai Town for three more days. If there is anything you can't solve within these three days, you can come to me.

The people under my command can be transferred as you like, but after three days, I will lead other people to leave Shanwai Town completely and go to other places to do things.

I probably won't be able to support you here in a short period of time. If it's not something important, I basically won't give you any support.

So if there are any difficult things to solve, in these three days, use whatever you can to completely solve these unsolvable things. "

Xing Tianshou said respectfully: "Master Ye Xingchen, don't worry, there is nothing I can't solve here.

You can take other people with you at ease, if this place does not come to other real martial arts powerhouses, I have absolute confidence that this place can be completely conquered.

And completely turned this place into our Punishment League's territory. Even if an ordinary strong man with the first level of true martial arts comes, I am confident that I can deal with him.

However, if there is a character that I can't solve, such as a strong man with the third level of true martial arts, I'm afraid I will have to rely on the lord. "

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "When I ask you to do things for me, I don't mean to ask you to die.

If the opponent really comes to the third level of the real martial arts realm, and you can't match it, you don't have to fight against the opponent at all.

At that time, I will bring people to support you. In fact, I also want to have real martial arts experts come to trouble you.

In this way, we will be able to gain more subordinates in the real martial arts realm, do you think what I said is right? "

Xing Tianshou also said with a smile on his face: "As my lord said, I really hope that someone who is in the realm of true martial arts will come to trouble me.

In this way, you can add new real realm subordinates to the lord. "

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "There are some things that cannot be forced, and if there are none, then it doesn't matter.

You just need to give me a good grasp of Shanwai Town. You must know that Shanwai Town is a good place.

Every once in a while, a group of warriors will come here to take root, and this place can be used as our talent training base.

If the development is good, most of the small high-level talents after the Punishment League should come out of this place. "

Ye Xingchen himself intended to develop Shanwai Town as his talent training base.

If you always rely on blindly controlling other people to become your subordinates, this method will not cause any problems in a short period of time, and Ye Xingchen is also capable of completely suppressing problems.

Ye Xingchen is also very confident, but if the team is really big, Ye Xingchen may not be able to take care of so many people.

Even if Ye Xingchen wanted to suppress the entire team, it would be impossible.

The whole team still needs to adjust and coordinate with each other. By then, there should be some loyal talents to help Ye Xingchen supervise the whole team.

At this moment, Ye Xingchen has the desire to form a supervisory team. In the future, this supervisory team will replace Ye Xingchen to supervise his entire team.

Ye Xingchen had already thought up the name of this team, and the name of this team was Law Enforcement Brigade.

It's just that Ye Xingchen doesn't have enough people under his command now, so he doesn't need the law enforcement team to supervise at all, he only needs to supervise himself.

It's just that Nightingale believes that his team will become very large in a short time, and by that time his supervision team will be very necessary.

However, if the supervision team is established by then, it may be too late, so Ye Xingchen plans to start forming the team now.

At that time, this supervisory team can come in handy and start using it directly.

Shanwai Town is basically isolated from the world. If you want to communicate with the outside world, there are only two passages, one is the passage into the 10-mile mountain, and the other is the passage into the Dashan County of the Yue Dynasty.

If only the two passages need to be managed in a closed manner, it will be easy to control the entire Shanwai Town.

It is precisely because of Shanwai Town's favorable location and people that Ye Xingchen plans to set up a talent training base here to train his future supervisory team.

All the fighters in Shanwai Town actually fell in love with Ye Xingchen, although not all of them were suitable for the supervisory team.

But Ye Xingchen must have more than just the supervisory team, Ye Xingchen has many branches.

There is no problem in organizing these people into other branches.

The Punishment League now has many branches. Although the Punishment League also has its own law enforcement outlets, the Punishment League's law enforcement stalls are somewhat single.

Ye Xingchen now has the Punishment Alliance and the Predator Alliance under Ye Xingchen's hands. In the future, there will be many large branches under Ye Xingchen's hands.

If you want to manage these large branches, you will naturally need manpower and people from the Law Enforcement Hall, so Ye Xingchen is going to build a very elite law enforcement team.

If there are many seedlings in the law enforcement department of the Punishment League, they can also be directly promoted to the elite law enforcement team.

There is a law enforcement hall in each branch, and the entire large team naturally needs a large law enforcement team.

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