Chapter 243 Untitled
The first place Ye Xingchen looked at was naturally the panda collar that was closer to them. The panda collar got its name because it resembles a giant panda.

The giant pandas in this world are not the kind of giant pandas in the Chinese Empire on the blue planet. The giant pandas in this world can compete with the strong men in the Zhenwu realm when they are born, and can reach the master level once they reach adulthood.

Adult giant pandas that are a little more powerful must be in the realm of the Grand Master, so although giant pandas are very rare, there are actually a lot of people who know about giant pandas here.

Giant pandas are widely known among people in this world.

After Ye Xingchen inspected the panda collar, Ye Xingchen was not very satisfied with the place of the panda collar, although this place is very easy to defend and difficult to attack.

As long as Ye Xingchen arranged seven or eight real martial arts powerhouses on top, even if the third-level true martial arts powerhouse came, he would definitely not be able to escape if he wanted to.

But because the panda collar is a relatively large place, if there are more real martial arts realms, Ye Xingchen can only target one or two of them, and because this place is relatively open.

If Ye Xingchen and the others attacked everyone, it would be easy to expose them, so this place, Ye Xingchen, could only be regarded as an alternative place.

Ye Xingchen went directly to see the place Ten Thousand Snakes Valley. After seeing Ten Thousand Snakes Valley, Ye Xingchen directly chose Ten Thousand Snakes Valley.

The Ten Thousand Snakes Valley is densely covered with jungles, and there are many, many poisonous snakes in the jungles. Although if this place is a strong person with the third level of true martial arts, he will definitely be able to escape if he wants to escape.

But if Ye Xingchen and the others manage this place properly, this place will indeed be a very good place for an ambush.

Even if Ye Xingchen managed a few real martial arts powerhouses in this place, he might not be able to be discovered by others.

As long as Ye Xingchen strikes quickly and accurately, there shouldn't be any problems.

And there is an advantage of not knowing the means in this place, that is, the poisonous tongue in this jungle can eliminate many very weak people.

If ordinary Houtian realm experts could come, Ye Xingchen and the others' plans would definitely be interfered with a lot.

Even if a strong person in the Acquired Consummation Realm came to the Ten Thousand Snakes Valley, it was basically a life-and-death split.

It was precisely because of these two huge advantages that Ye Xingchen chose this place directly.

After Ye Xingchen chose a good place, he naturally began to arrange the means. Although Ye Xingchen already had all the raw materials, but if they wanted to arrange the scene, they must arrange it carefully.

At least they can't let others see that they are the scene of arrangement. If others can see that they are the scene of arrangement, it may be difficult for them to realize this matter.

Although in the end, even if someone finds out that they arranged the scene, there will definitely be people who will install this set, especially those who are very confident in the real martial arts realm will definitely come.

After all, the herbal medicine in the realm of true martial arts, the allure of this thing is not ordinary.

But if they found out that something was wrong, they probably wouldn't come here alone, and they would most likely invite a few good friends and come together.

If, like Guan Tingping and the others, they were all at the Real Martial Realm, and if they came together to snatch the herbs from the True Martial Realm, Ye Xingchen was sure that he would be able to keep the herbs, but he was also sure that he would be able to defeat him.

But Ye Xingchen and the others were not sure that they could definitely control each other, so under such circumstances.

In order for Ye Xingchen and the others to implement the plan, it went more smoothly without any accidents.

They calculated every aspect carefully, in order to be more fluent when the plan was implemented.

Although there will definitely be many changes and emergencies when the plan is implemented, it will definitely not be exactly the same as Ye Xingchen and the others thought.

It's just that in order to reduce these emergencies, and to make these emergencies under their own control, Ye Xingchen and the others naturally have to make more detailed arrangements.

It can be said that the scene where Ye Xingchen and the others arranged the Zhenwu realm herbal medicines took three days. Many things around the Zhenwu realm herbal medicines were carefully faked by Ye Xingchen and the others.

The place where Zhenwu herbal medicine grows is very harsh, Ye Xingchen and the others can be said to have put in a lot of effort to create the environment of the place where Zhenwu herbal medicine grows.

And not only the place where Zhenwu herbs grow, Ye Xingchen and the others have made elaborate arrangements.

In addition, they also made a very careful arrangement of the place where the second level of the real self-righteous beast is located. If you look at it from a distance, you will definitely not see any problems.

Even if someone at the peak of the master realm comes, it is impossible to see anything wrong. Ye Xingchen is still very confident about this.

If they look closely, they will definitely find some unusual things. As long as it is a very old old Jianghu, they will definitely find some clues.

However, if there is a beast with the second level of true martial arts, people below the true martial arts will definitely not dare to approach it.

And even if they get close, they will definitely not be able to observe this place carefully, but they will wholeheartedly want to fight for the Zhenwu herb.

Even if the strong Mother's Day came, they would definitely not carefully observe the situation around the herb when they were competing for the herb.

When everything is arranged.

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly and said to Guan Tingping: "Next is the time for the three of you to play a role.

I will give you five days, and I need you to spread the news of the birth of the Zhenwu herbal medicine to the entire mountain thousands of miles away.

I think you should have no problem with this matter. "

As the saying goes, make the best use of everything, Ye Xingchen can be said to have made the best use of everything.

The three of Guan Tingping and the others were predators before, so they naturally have the means to pass on the news.

As long as Ye Xingchen gave the death mission, the three of them would be able to let everyone in this 10-mile mountain know about the birth of Zhenwu Herbal Medicine in a short time.

Guan Tingping said to Ye Xingchen with respect: "My lord, we will have no problem completing the task you arranged.

It's just that there is a small problem that needs to be confirmed by the lord. If it is confirmed that there is no problem, we will go out to handle errands. "

Ye Xingchen said with a faint smile: "If you want to ask anything, just say it?"

Guan Tingping said respectfully: "My lord, I don't have any objection to what you said.

And what you said, the three of us can also complete it, but if the three of us want to complete this matter quickly, it will definitely attract some people's attention.

Especially if we want to spread this news throughout the 10-mile mountain in a short time, even a fool will definitely know that someone is behind it.

So there is no problem in passing the news, but when someone knows that we are contributing to the flames, we will not be responsible for this, my lord. "

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "I thought you were going to say something, so that's what you said.

You can rest assured that you just need to pass the message with confidence.

Even if others know that this matter is strange, and someone is behind the scenes to fuel the flames, so what can they do.

If you got it, you would ignore the news that a true martial herb was born.

And as if nothing happened, I'm afraid you can't do such a thing. "

Guan Tingping said with a smile on his face: "What the Lord said is, if we know something happened to Zhenwu Herbal Medicine.

Even if we know that someone is behind the scenes, but out of confidence in our own strength, we will take a look no matter what.

Even if we don't plan to take action, we still have to confirm whether there is really something wrong with the herbs in the Zhenwu realm. "

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "Isn't it over now, since our goal has been achieved.

Then why do we care about so many processes?

It's just that you have to remember that when you pass on the news, you must not reveal your true identity.

What's more, you can't let interested people guess your identity. As long as you keep your identity a secret, there will be no problem.

Do you have anything else to ask? "

Guan Tingping said with respect. "Lord, we don't have anything else to ask.

We can get to work right away. "

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "Since that's the case, you don't need to stay here any longer.

Just go and deliver the news right away, and we will just sit here and wait for your good news. "

After Guan Tingping and the others left, Ye Xingchen retreated in the cave he found and began to practice.

Although there were a lot of poisonous snakes in this cave, there was a boa constrictor beside Ye Xingchen and the others, who was the big brother of these poisonous snakes.

The eldest brother of those poisonous snakes commanded them, and those poisonous snakes naturally did not dare to make trouble against Ye Xingchen and the others.

Ye Xingchen started practicing in semi-seclusion in the cave.

Time flies, the years are like a shuttle.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

After three days have passed.

In the entire 10-mile mountain, almost everyone knows that a herb of true martial arts appeared in the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes.

Even people in the ordinary Houtian realm know the news.

Of course, after the dissemination of information in the past few days, it is not that no one has come to the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes, but those who came to the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes are all 10 points low-level.

There was no one Ye Xingchen and the others liked, and these people didn't even break into the first floor of Ten Thousand Snakes Valley.

He was directly killed by the poisonous snake in the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes. Such a person is really useless, even if Ye Xingchen and the others recruit them, it will have no effect.

Of course, those real masters are still watching from the other side at this time, and none of the real masters directly entered the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes.

In fact, it is normal for a strong person without congenital consummation or true martial arts to enter the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes.

Because there are no more than 100 people in the entire [-] mountains because of the consummation of the congenital realm or the powerhouse of the real martial arts realm.

The elite of no more than 100 people was scattered over an area as large as a 10-mile mountain. Even if they got the news and rushed over here, they might not be able to arrive within five days.

Even if they rushed to this place, they wouldn't just come in like this. They all have some doubts in their hearts, so they must have some embankments.

Ye Xingchen didn't pay any attention to this situation, because Ye Xingchen had already guessed this situation.

Although there are many masters gathered outside the Ten Thousand Snakes Valley, there are already three people who are strong in the Zhenwu Realm, and there are nearly thirty people who have perfected the Innate Realm.

There are more than a hundred people in the innate realm, and there are countless people in the acquired realm.

However, there are so many people wandering outside the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes, but few people enter the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes.

Even if a few people occasionally entered the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes, these people are also the kind of people with very low cultivation.

This kind of person's own strength is very poor, but he always dreams of reaching the sky in one step.

It's just that when these small characters come in, they are basically directly digested by those ordinary poisonous snakes.

In fact, among the people who entered the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes, there was a person with the highest level of innate realm, but this person only forcibly broke through with pills.

A person with strength in the innate realm is also very weak. After losing some, those ordinary poisonous snakes directly killed the person in the innate realm.

More and more people gathered outside Ten Thousand Snakes Valley, almost every minute and every second, people rushed to this place.

But almost no one dared to enter the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes. Faced with such a situation, Ye Xingchen was actually a little anxious.

Because the more people gather, his plan will be a little difficult to implement, if those strong people in the realm of real martial arts unite with each other and enter the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes together.

This is indeed a very big trouble, a trouble that Ye Xingchen can't think of any good solution to.

But even though Ye Xingchen was very nervous in the cave at this time, he had no way to change the situation.

So, he could only continue to wait silently.

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(End of this chapter)

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