Chapter 290 No chance
After Ye Xingchen returned to the city of Langyue County, the [-]% profit controlled by Tianzong of Langyue County had been completely taken back by Qingyun Jianzong.

And also firmly grasp these three levels of profits in their own hands.

Yuan Zong originally thought that at this time, Qingyun Jianzong would definitely strike while the iron was hot and take the profits of a group of them.

It's just that they waited for a long time and didn't see Qingyun Jianzong make any moves towards them.

The third elder Yuan Zong can be said to have been surprised and delighted during this time.

What was shocking was that Qingyun Sword Sect completely took [-]% of Tianzong's interest, but Qingyun Sword Sect did not take back the [-]% interest controlled by Yuanzong.

After Ye Xingchen returned to the station.

Ye Xingchen's high-level staff all came to Ye Xingchen's side.

The former master of Qingyun Sword Sect said to Ye Xingchen respectfully, "Master Ye, I don't know if your breakthrough to the realm is going well this time."

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "This time the breakthrough to the realm went very smoothly, without any obstacles, I broke through the realm with ease."

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said respectfully: "Master Ye, given our situation in Langyue County, what should we do next?"

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect is now always thinking about how to behave, thinking about how to become the real confidant of Ye Xingchen's subordinates.

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect has let go of his previous arrogance, and now he is very strict with himself.

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect found out that Ye Xingchen helped the First Elder and the Eighth Elder to break through the realm.

Otherwise, even if the Great Elder and the Eighth Elder give them another 10 years, they may not be able to break through to the current level.

Since Ye Xingchen can break through the realm for the Eighth Elder and the First Elder, it can naturally help him break through the realm.

The former master of Qingyun Sword Sect rushed to perform because he wanted Ye Xingchen to favor him. If Ye Xingchen helped him, he could save at least ten years of struggle.

You must know that there is a huge gap between the realm of the master and the realm of real martial arts. The realm of the master is above the territory of the Yue Kingdom, and even the royal family of the Yue Kingdom dare not offend such a person.

Even people who are in the realm of masters in the whole world are very high-level figures. The only wish of Qingyun Sword Sect in this life is to break through to the realm of masters.

The most important thing is that the lifespan can be extended after breaking through to the Grandmaster realm, which is very tempting no matter what it is.

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect was also a person who was very obsessed with martial arts, so naturally he couldn't accept such a temptation.

After this period of understanding, he has thoroughly understood that Ye Xingchen is a very stingy person to his subordinates.

If his subordinates made any major contributions, Ye Xingchen would definitely reward them accordingly.

It was only then that the former master of Qingyun Sword Sect wanted to rush to show off.

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly and said, "Since this is the case, our next goal is naturally to get back our profits from Yuanzong's hands."

The former master of Qingyun Sword Sect said respectfully: "Lord Ye, this is actually a trivial matter.

Under our oppression, Tianzong has already taken out profits. If we use the same method, Yuanzong will definitely take out the profits in their hands. "

Ye Xingchen's future father-in-law expressed a different opinion at this time.

Ye Xingchen's future father-in-law said calmly: "It's possible to say, Yuanzong doesn't have any internal or external troubles now.

Therefore, if we strongly oppress the opponent, the opponent is likely to counterattack strongly. If we face Yuanzong now, it may have a great impact on our next plan.

Therefore, we should think of a way to get the best of both worlds, which can get back the profits without causing real conflicts with the other party. "

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said: "It may be difficult to think of such a way to achieve the best of both worlds.

If we can think of such a way to get the best of both worlds, we won't be so uncomfortable before.

Doing anything requires a certain amount of risk, and only risky things will have high returns.

How can there be development if we think that there is no risk in everything before doing it.

So I still think it should be a strong oppression of Yuanzong to return our profits. "

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect can be said to be a very strong person now, he may have really held back for too long before.

This has led to his current personality, which is out of control once he explodes.

Ye Xingchen thought for a while.

Then he said lightly: "Actually, both of your ideas are very good, it just depends on which idea we have next.

According to my understanding of Yuanzong, I still think that the method of the previous suzerain should be adopted.

Yuanzong's current people in Langyue County only have a strong man at the second level of true martial arts and a strong man at the first level of true martial arts.

Such power has nothing to fear us at all, not to mention they have no reason to fear us at all.

Although Yuan Zong's current suzerain is a relatively irritable person, he is definitely not a fool.

Under the current situation, he would definitely not step into the land of right and wrong in Langyue County. After all, Tianzong is now hunting for murderers everywhere.

No matter what kind of considerations Yuanzong has, he won't come here for the time being. Since he won't come here, then we don't have any worries.

The two real martial arts experts sent by Yuanzong wanted to take them down, so it was naturally easy.

As long as we intimidate them, they will never dare to violate our orders. I can completely believe this.

You should also understand this truth, so there is no problem with these things at all.

Since this matter was proposed by the former suzerain, then this matter will be handed over to the former suzerain.

I hope that the former suzerain can handle this matter well, and don't let me down. "

Ye Xingchen never favors Yan Dongchen because he is his future father-in-law, Ye Xingchen only favors him in terms of resources.

But when it comes to key decisions, Ye Xingchen will still follow his own thinking, and will never deal with things mixed with personal feelings.

The former master of Qingyun Sword Sect said to Ye Xingchen respectfully: "Master Ye, just watch it, leave this matter to me, and you can rest assured.

I promise to get back our due profits within three days. "

Ye Xingchen nodded and said lightly: "Then I will leave this matter to you, and I will not continue to ask about this matter.

You have to handle this matter well for me. If you don't handle it well, I'm afraid I will feel a little uncomfortable. "

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said respectfully: "There is no problem at all.

However, I still hope that the suzerain can mobilize the power to cooperate with me. If I rely on my own strength, I am afraid that some people will be soft-spoken. ""

Since the former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect stepped down from the position of suzerain, he honestly handed over all his strength, and had nothing to hide.

Now that he wants to use the power in the middle gate, he is also begging Yan Dongchen.

Yan Dongchen is also a very sensible person, since Ye Xingchen has already arranged this way, he has nothing to say.

Yan Dongchen said lightly: "I will definitely cooperate with you with all my strength in this matter.

Although the two of us have differences on how to deal with things, since Xing Chen has made the final decision.

Then I will definitely support his decision very much, just tell me what kind of support you need.

Qingyun Sword Sect will give you all the support it can use. "

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said with a faint smile: "Then I am very grateful to the suzerain.

I don't want many people, I just need to give my five real martial arts powerhouses enough momentum.

Of course, these five real martial arts masters must all be from the middle school. If there are foreign true martial arts masters, the Tianzong suzerain will probably intervene in this matter by then.

Once the Sect Master of Tianzong intervenes in that matter, then I don't have much confidence that I can finish that matter. "

Yan Dongchen said lightly that there is no problem with these, whenever you want someone, I will send 5 strong men in the real martial arts realm to follow you.

Although everyone outside thought that Qingyun Sword Sect's suzerain was still Qing Yunzi, they didn't know that Qingyun Sword Sect had already changed hands.

Although only the real high-level people in Qingyun Sword School knew about Qingyun Sword Sect's suzerain's throne change, but this still couldn't change the fact that Qingyun Sword Sect really changed hands. .

Ye Xingchen said lightly: "You don't need to discuss these small things in front of me, you can just do what you want.

Now you all go down, you don't need to be here. "

After Ye Xingchen finished speaking, Yan Dongchen left this place together with the former master of Qingyun Sword Sect.

Not long after the two of them left, Qiu Fukun came to Ye Xingchen's side.

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly and said to Qiu Fukun, "How is the situation now, have you found any suitable opportunity to attack.

If you find any suitable opportunity to start, just let me know.

Or you can do it yourself without telling me, as long as you keep yourself safe. "

Qiu Fukun said to Ye Xingchen with a smile on his face: "My lord, I'm afraid this matter will be a little difficult.

The Sect Master of Tianzong has been very vigilant against us for a long time now, and there is no one who is strong in the realm of real martial arts.

There are at least three or four of the Tianzong True Martial Realm powerhouses walking together, even if the True Martial Realm powerhouses live together at night, there are usually three or four of them living together.

If we want to quickly kill the other three or four real martial arts experts without the other party knowing, it may not be possible at all.

Sect Master Tianzong and Great Elder Tianzong are not vegetarians. "

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "In fact, I have already expected this kind of situation, since the other party has suffered such a loss, the other party will definitely not continue to suffer like this again.

So if we want to kill the opponent's real martial arts powerhouse, I'm afraid we have to use our own brains.

If we want to wait until they give us a chance, it may be difficult to wait. "

Qiu Fukun said with a face of respect: "What is the opportunity for the lord to say, just say what the lord has to say.

The subordinate's head is really a little stupid, and he can't comprehend what the lord is saying. "

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "It's normal that you don't understand now, because I haven't figured out how to deal with them now.

I will naturally tell you when I think of a way, and at that time I will definitely send you to carry it out. "

Qiu Fukun said: "My lord, don't worry, maybe thinking about problems is really not what I'm good at.

But it's not that I'm not good at all the problems. Helping the lord perform tasks is something I'm very good at. "

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly and said, "I know all of this.

How are the people under your hand settling down now? You must not let the people of Tianzong find out any clues.

Otherwise, if the other party finds out the clues, if we want to start a war with the other party in advance, I am afraid we are not ready yet. "

Qiu Fukun said: "If I do things, my lord can rest assured.

They have been transferred by me to a small town some distance away from Langyue County. If we need them to come to help, it won't take long for them to come here.

If they are not needed, they will continue to hide their identities in that place, and there is no problem at all. "

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly and said, "It's not bad to arrange them."

Naturally, Ye Xingchen would not let his unidentified true martial arts experts continue to stay in Langyue County.

If they were allowed to stay in Langyue County, it would probably cause a lot of trouble, so Ye Xingchen would directly transfer these people to a place farther away to avoid having long nights and dreams.

When you need them, just call them back.

Except for Qiu Fukun, who is at the third level of the real martial arts realm, the real martial arts powerhouses remaining in Langyue County.

The other real martial arts powerhouses are all the real thing realm powerhouses with names and surnames in Qingyun Sword Sect poems.

Naturally, their appearance would not arouse the vigilance of the great elders of Tianzong and the suzerain of Tianzong.

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