Great system of rewarding good and punishing evil

Chapter 300 Don't Tell Me To Die Now

Chapter 300 Don't Tell Me To Die Now

The elder Tianzong continued to say flatly: "I want to ask you a few questions now, and if you know anything, answer it honestly.

If you don't know, don't talk nonsense. If you let me know that you don't know and then talk nonsense, don't blame me for being rude.

If you don't throw away your life for a small reward, it's probably not worth it, don't you think? "

The Great Elder of Tianzong naturally wants to be the first to warn the other party. If the other party does not know the questions he asks and then talks nonsense, it is likely to have a great impact on him.

After all, he has big plans to carry out next.

After giving a warning, you will definitely not dare to talk nonsense even if the other party is greedy for money.

In this way, the news he gets will be much more real. What he needs to get is real news. As for the nonsense news, he naturally doesn't need it at all.

The only innkeeper in Shanwai Town said calmly: "If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. If I know, I will definitely tell you the truth.

If I don't know something, I will naturally not talk nonsense, because I also know that if I talk nonsense, although I can get some rewards now.

But when the adults know the real news, I will probably feel very uncomfortable at that time.

After all, a monk can run away with one sentence, but a monk can't run away from the temple. I run such a shop, so naturally I can't run away. "

The elder Tianzong said lightly: "You know, that's good.

The first question I want to ask you now is, how much do you know about the mayor of the town beyond the mountain, and whether the mayor of the town beyond the mountain is a member of the Raider Alliance. "

After the elder Tianzong asked this question, the owner of the hotel in Shanwaijing already understood that the other party really didn't know anything about Shanwai Town.

Otherwise, how could he ask such an ignorant question, and he also knew that the mayor of Shanwai Town was his immediate boss.

The shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town said calmly: "Master Qi, I don't know much about this question.

Although the shopkeeper of my hotel also belongs to the line of the mayor of Shanwai Town, but that is our former mayor.

Now our mayor is no longer our former mayor, and our former mayor doesn't know where to go at this time. "

The elder Tianzong said with a faint smile: "It turns out that you belong to the lineage of the mayor of Shanwai Town, so you should know more about this matter.

Don't try to deceive me, because those who try to deceive me have already grown three knots of grass on their graves.

Therefore, I advise you to answer my question honestly, even though the mayor of Shanwai Town is your immediate boss.

But now your immediate boss is not here, but I am in front of you.

So now if you answer me satisfactorily, you may not die now, but if your answer satisfies me, I'm afraid you will be killed. "

Zhan Zhan, the only hotel in Shanwai Town, said calmly: "Sir, this makes me very embarrassed. I don't know whether I said yes or not.

After all, the mayor of Shanwai Town is my immediate boss, if I tell this matter, I will definitely die.

And you don't know the means of the mayor of Shanwai Town. There were two innate realm strongmen who grew up in the betrayal and injury. It can be said that they died after being tortured into inhuman form.

So, I will definitely not betray the mayor of Shanwai Town. If you have any other questions, you can ask me. If I know, I will definitely tell you.

If I don't know, I'm sure I wouldn't talk nonsense, so you should ask other questions, my lord.

I really can't tell the grown-ups about this issue, the villain's life is very important. "

The elder Tianzong said lightly: "If you don't say it, you will die now, if you say it, you may not die.

As long as you satisfy me, I can protect you. No one in the entire Hundred Thousand Miles Mountain can threaten you. "

The display cabinet of the only hotel in Shanwai Town said calmly: "My lord, you don't know how powerful our mayor is, so I advise you not to go into this muddy water.

Our mayor is the second most powerful person in the realm of true martial arts. Our former mayor didn't even insist on three moves under his hands.

So I advise you not to think about other people's ideas. If you have any other questions you want to ask me, I can answer them for you for free.

But I will definitely not answer you about this matter, even if you want to kill me, I will definitely not answer you. "

The four shopkeepers of the only hotel in Shanwai Town showed a very loyal expression. He directly revealed from his words that the mayor of Shanwai Town is the second most powerful person in the realm of true martial arts.

Because the shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town didn't know what level the person opposite him was, so he had to find out the details of the other person before making any plans.

It would be impossible for someone to find out the details of the other party, or to find out the strength of the other party by himself.

Therefore, naturally the only way is to induce the other party to take the initiative to expose his own cultivation. If the other party takes the initiative to expose his own cultivation, he can write out the other party's information in detail when reporting to the above.

In this case, the rewards he will receive will be even greater. You must know that providing important information in the Predator Alliance can get contribution points.

The contribution value can be exchanged for a lot of things, so the showcase of the only hotel in Shanwai Town is trying to trick the other party at this time.

It was precisely for this reason that he made the expression he did now. Otherwise, he would have answered the other party's question honestly.

And he can also be sure that the other party will definitely not kill him now, after all, he hasn't answered any questions yet.

So there is still room for relaxation in this matter.

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(End of this chapter)

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