Chapter 304 Two Ways

The shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town asked curiously at this moment: "I don't know what kind of position your lord is going to put me in.

Of course, no matter what position the adults arrange for me, I will not have any opinions, and I also believe that the adults will definitely arrange a very good position for me. "

The shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town looked at Elder Tianzong curiously at this moment. Naturally, the shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town could not show no interest in these matters.

If he shows that he has no interest in this matter, then there is no doubt that the other party will find some problems. Once the other party finds any problems, it will be a dead end for him.

Naturally, the shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town could not allow this kind of thing to happen, so he naturally had to show a very expectant expression.

The Great Elder Tianzong was very satisfied when he saw the expectant expression on the face of the shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town.

The elder Tianzong said with a slight smile: "Now I am going to give you two positions, and these two positions can be said to be very good positions.

A position can be said to be a very risky position, but if this position is risky, you can definitely get a lot of benefits.

If you firmly secure this position, it is not impossible to break through to the Zhenwu realm with the help of the sect in the future. Of course, the premise is that you must secure this position and then provide great help to the sect.

Naturally, it is impossible for Zongmen to help someone break through to the realm of true martial arts for no reason. You should understand this matter.

The other position is a relatively stable position. Of course, there are definitely not so many opportunities in this stable position.

But if you just need to stay in this stable position, you will definitely not have any worries for the rest of your life.

And you can also hold Tianzong's offerings to you every month. "

The shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town asked curiously: "My lord, you don't have to continue playing charades with me, because I'm not good at charades.

So if you have any position, just tell me, I will definitely make my own choice. "

The elder of Tianzong said lightly: "The position of taking risks is to become the No. 20 four elders of Tianzong.

You must know that the people who can sit on the position of Tianzong elders are all in the realm of true martial arts. If you sit on this position, it means that you have become the Tianzong elders by virtue of your advanced behavior.

This is a very special honor, it depends on whether you can grasp it.

If you want to choose a stable position, I can arrange for you to become an ordinary deacon of Tianzong. The power of a deacon is definitely not as great as that of the elders, and certainly not as many as the elders.

And there is no great opportunity, if you want to continue to break through the realm in this lifetime, I am afraid that there is not much possibility. "

The shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town said calmly: "My lord told me that these two things should be my two choices.

It's just that what I want to know is what I will do after becoming an elder, and what I can get after becoming an elder.

I also want to know what I want to do after becoming a deacon, and what can I get after becoming a deacon. "

The shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town pretended to be confused.

The Great Elder of Tianzong said with a slight smile: "If you want to become an elder of Tianzong, then you need to organize a manpower in the place of Shiwan Li Dashan, and then conduct a detailed investigation of the Predator Alliance.

According to the information you get from your investigation, we will see how much credit you have made, and we will reward you accordingly.

Of course, it is impossible for us to let you fight here alone, we will send other elders to assist you.

It is precisely because the place of Shiwan Li Dashan is very special, and organizations such as the Predator Alliance have emerged.

In addition, our Tianzong is now planning to develop the place of Shiwanli Loudao, so you have the opportunity to become the elder of Tianzong with the cultivation base of the innate realm.

And you are also the only person in Tianzong who has cultivated in the innate realm and became the elder of Tianzong.

As for the deacon, since your bust is too low, I can only arrange for you to help manage the outer disciples in the Tianzong.

Of course, this job is very easy, and there is no danger to life at all. If you like this kind of job, you can also choose this kind of job. "

Although the great elder of Tianzong said so in his mouth, he still wanted the other party to choose to become an elder in his heart.

Although the great elder of Tianzong directly gave the other party an elder position, the elder of the other party can be said to be in name only.

The position of this elder is just to deceive the other party. After the other party's use value is completely completed, he will definitely not stay like this.

Because if a person is too easy to rebel, Tianzong definitely does not need such a talent.

Of course, if the only hotel manager in Shanwai Town chooses the second one, the Great Elder Tianzong will definitely continue to use other methods to induce him to help complete the task.

All in all, the Great Elder of Tianzong will definitely not let the other party idle, and Tianzong will definitely not take in such a person.

The shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town can still be controlled from the outside, but once he really earns Tianzong, there may be some who want to kill him directly.

Because if he didn't make any mistakes and was known by most of Tianzong's disciples, killing him directly would have a great negative impact on Tianzong.

The Great Elder of Tianzong naturally does not want these negative influences to appear in Tianzong.

And if the other party is still different outside, if he is in the place of Shiwanli Dalou, the identity of the shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town will only be known to the top of Tianzong if he is outside.

At that time, even if the other party is solved secretly, it will not have much impact on Tianzong. This matter can be said to be obvious, and there is no discussion about this matter.

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