Chapter 307

the other side.

Ye Xingchen and the others have been in Shiwanda Mountain for nearly three days, but they have not found any trace of the Great Elder Tianzong after searching along the way.

This made them a little confused. Since the elder Tianzong came to Shiwan Dashan, he would definitely investigate Shiwan Dashan.

If the other party wants to investigate the 10-mile mountain, they must ask people, and they will definitely leave a lot of clues.

But what made Ye Xingchen helpless was that the other party didn't leave any clues at all, as if the other party had never been to Shiwan Dashan.

After three days of investigation, Ye Xingchen and the others were somewhat disheartened.

At this time, the former master of Qingyun Sword Sect said to Ye Xingchen with a slight smile: "My lord, according to your opinion, has the other party, the Great Elder of Tianzong, come to the Hundred Thousand Miles Mountain?

We have searched the other party for such a long time, and we have not found any clues about the other party at all.

Could it be that the other party discovered our true intentions and dared not come to the place called Shiwanliloud?

Now the strength we have shown is enough to scare the other party. What I worry about is that the other party is too cowardly to come to this place. "

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "The Great Elder Tianzong will definitely not be such a timid person, the Great Elder Tianzong will definitely come to this place.

And he will definitely come to this place alone, and he will not lead other masters here.

Elder Tianzong, I have a very thorough understanding of his situation, and we haven't found any clues about him yet.

It's not because he didn't come to this place, but because he hid his tracks after he came to this place, without revealing any clues at all.

If a person at the peak of the true martial arts realm hides all of himself, and then comes to such a huge place as the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

Even if 1 people are scattered in the place of Shiwan Li Dashan to search, they may not be able to find each other.

So we must be patient, and we can continue to look for each other. "

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said lightly: "Master, since you are so sure that the other party will come to this place.

Then why only let the three of us search for it? If we mobilize the power of the entire [-]-mile mountain, will we search faster.

Although we are still tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack by mobilizing the power of a hundred thousand mountains, at least it is much better than a few of us finding a needle in a haystack. "

Ye Xingchen continued to say calmly: "If we send our forces to find the other party, the chances of finding the other party will be greatly increased.

But if you find the other party, and then you can hide the situation in front of the other party, I'm afraid it won't be too much.

Once the other party finds out that we are searching for him, he will definitely find out our true intentions.

Once the Great Elder of Tianzong discovers our intentions, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

At that time, he will either choose to run away directly, or he will directly call many masters of Tianzong.

At that time, if the decisive battle is launched in advance, I am afraid it will be very disadvantageous to us, so this matter can be delayed or delayed.

And we are not in a hurry about this matter at all. Even if we can't find the other party this time, we must not let the other party find out that we have so much power in Shiwan Dashan. "

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect nodded, and said with a slight smile: "Master, you are really far-sighted.

Since you have said so, let's continue to search, but where should we search next.

We have already searched for the more famous places among the one hundred thousand Li Dashan, and now where is our next destination. "

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "Now our next destination is Shanwai Town.

Although the terrain of Shanwai Town is very remote, there are indeed a lot of people gathered in Shanwai Town.

The Great Elder of Tianzong is also very likely to go to this place to understand the situation, so we will go to Shanwai Town next. ""

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect nodded and said: "Where the lord says to go, then we will naturally go there, and the main attack on these things can be decided.

We just need to fight with the lord, and then kill the elder Tianzong, that's what we should do. "

Ye Xingchen shook his head and said, "You must also mobilize your wisdom, you can't rely on me to do everything alone.

As the saying goes, there is one Zhuge Liang on top of three cobblers.

If everyone puts their heads together, we will definitely be able to discover the traces of the Great Elder of Tianzong as soon as possible.

Do you all understand what I mean? "

Ye Xingchen's three masters at the peak of the real martial arts realm all nodded in agreement.

Although they nodded, what Ye Xingchen knew was that Qiu Fukun definitely just nodded casually and would not think about these issues.

If he thinks about where these problems go, then sows can climb trees.

However, Ye Xingchen did not disclose these things, but continued to go to the place like Shanwai Town in silence.

Ye Xingchen's three real martial arts masters, the peak powerhouses, followed them directly to the town outside the mountain.

Soon they arrived at the entrance of Shanwai Town.

Ye Xingchen said calmly to the three of them: "You three must suppress your auras, and you must not reveal your auras too powerfully.

If the great elder of Tianzong is in this city outside the mountain, if you scare the other party away with your breath, then don't blame me for punishing you. "

After hearing Ye Xingchen's words, the three strong men at the peak of the Zhenwu realm under Ye Xingchen all completely suppressed their own cultivation.

They all suppressed their cultivation below the innate realm, so that they would not be too conspicuous when they walked behind Ye Xingchen.

If they suppressed all their auras, even the great elders of Tianzong would definitely not find them easily, unless the great elders of Tianzong were three meters away from them, it would be possible to discover the hidden aura of the three of them.

If the elder Tianzong was three meters away from them, they would not have found each other. .

Then they are really useless, so they don't worry about these things at all.

After Ye Xingchen and the others suppressed their aura, they strutted into Shanwai Town.

After Ye Xingchen and the others walked into Shanwai Town, they didn't directly go to the only hotel in Shanwai Town to stay.

The only hotel in Shanwai Town is only for entertaining outsiders. Now that Ye Xingchen and the others have come to this place, they are already the owners of this place, so naturally they will not go to live in that place.

Now most of the people in Shanwai Town have been completely subdued by Ye Xingchen and the others, Ye Xingchen and the others will naturally go to the office of the mayor of Shanwai Town.

Although the mayor of Shanwai Town is not in this place at this time, these people with perfect innate realms in this place still know Ye Xingchen.

He also knew that Ye Xingchen was the immediate boss of the mayor of Shanwai Town, so after Ye Xingchen went directly to the office of the mayor of Shanwai Town, he was entertained by three people with perfect innate realms.

After Ye Xingchen and the others poured into the office of the mayor of Shanwai Town, they directly called the current person in charge of Shanwai Town. .

Now that the mayor of Shanwai Town has left Thirty Thousand, he naturally chose a temporary person in charge.

The temporary person in charge was also an old subordinate that Ye Xingchen had recruited before, not someone they recruited newly.

Shanwai Town can be said to be a very critical place, if it is managed by a person who has just come here and has a perfect innate realm.

Ye Xingchen must be worried, and the new mayor of Shanwai Town, Xing Tianshou, must also be worried about this matter.

After the temporary person in charge of Shanwai Town came to Ye Xingchen's side, he said respectfully to Ye Xingchen, "My lord, the time you came here is really opportune.

The elder Tianzong is now in this town outside the mountain, but we don't have the strength to take him down now.

Otherwise, you can give the lord a surprise. "

After Ye Xingchen heard this sentence, his heart burst into a smile. It can be said that Ye Xingchen has nowhere to go, and all his efforts have been wasted.

Ye Xingchen had been looking for Tianzong Great Elder for such a long time, but he didn't expect that the other party was actually hiding under his nose, and he didn't know it.

After hearing these words, the former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect was also very happy in their hearts. .

Because the purpose of their coming here this time is to kill the great elder of Tianzong, but if they want to kill the other party, they must first know where the other party is.

Now they have been searching for a long time without finding each other, and then suddenly the other person is created right under their noses. Can they be unhappy?

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile, "Elder Tianzong, where is he now?"

The current person in charge of Shanwai Town told Ye Xingchen everything the Great Elder Tianzong did when he came to this place.

Naturally, this news came from the shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town.

After Ye Xingchen heard all the news, Ye Xingchen also knew where the Great Elder of Tianzong was now.

After Ye Xingchen knew where the other party was now, he didn't continue to worry. When he didn't know where the other party was, Ye Xingchen was naturally very anxious.

Ye Xingchen was worried that he didn't know that such a big plan made the other party escape, if the other party left the 10-mile mountain directly.

Ye Xingchen had spent so long arranging such a big picture, and it was wasted.

Naturally, this was not the result Ye Xingchen wanted to see, but now he suddenly found out where the other party was.

Ye Xingchen wasn't in such a hurry anymore. Judging by the other party's appearance, the other party should not leave this place in a short time.

If Ye Xingchen was in a hurry to make a move, he was sure that he would be able to take down the opponent directly.

But Ye Xingchen has a bigger plan ready to go, Ye Xingchen plans to kill a few more elders of Tianzong.

How to kill a few more Tianzong elders naturally depends on the shopkeeper of the only hotel in Shanwai Town.

Ye Xingchen said flatly to the person in charge of Shanwai Town: "You are going to find a suitable excuse and call the person in charge of the only hotel in Shanwai Town here.

I want to have a talk with him, do you understand what I mean? "

The current person in charge of Shanwai Town said with a slight smile: "My lord, Xia Xia has already fully understood.

During the summer vacation, he must have thought of a perfect reason for the shopkeeper of the only hotel in the town outside the mountain to come here to meet the lord this evening. "

Ye Xingchen said indifferently: "The Great Elder Tianzong absolutely must not get any news about this matter.

When you go to call people, directly arrange the three people I brought over to the three directions where the great elder of Tianzong lives now. "

At this moment, Qiu Fukun said to Ye Xingchen respectfully: "My lord, if you sent us all out, how will your safety be guaranteed.

You must know that your safety is the most important thing. It is only a small matter to kill the other person who has perfected the realm of true martial arts. "

Ye Xingchen said calmly: "Now I have so many people protecting me in Shanwai Town, plus you have taken care of the master of the Tianzong elder.

Do you still think my safety is a problem? Now, my order to you is to completely surround the Great Elder Tianzong.

Absolutely don't let the other party have any chance to escape. If you find that something is wrong and the other party is about to escape, you can kill the other party directly without asking for instructions.

If the other party doesn't have the idea of ​​running away, don't worry about the other party for the time being, just let the other party stay in that place. "

Qiu Fukun wanted to continue talking, but Ye Xingchen's future father-in-law stopped him.

Ye Xingchen's future old father-in-law said flatly: "Fu Kun, you don't understand some things.

Do you think that the current lord is still the previous lord? Even if the current lord is an ordinary person in the true martial arts realm, he can still fight.

And in this place, there is no strong person in the realm of real martial arts, so there is no problem with the safety of the lord.

Your behavior like this is a little unfounded, we should just complete the tasks assigned by the lord. "

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(End of this chapter)

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