Chapter 312
The elder Tianzong didn't think he couldn't escape, two strong men of the third level of true martial arts, plus one strong man of the second level of true martial arts.

As long as he fights for serious injuries and is not afraid of serious injuries, he still has great hope of escaping here.

So although he was a little worried in his heart now, he didn't have much fear.

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said with a slight smile: "Elder Tianzong, I'm afraid you have some wrong ideas.

The two princes of Guangping Yue are not qualified to ask us to surrender. Even if the king of Yue comes, he is not qualified to ask us to surrender to him. "

After the former head of the Qingyun Sword Sect said these words, the great elder of the Tianzong was even more confused about what the other party meant.

Why does the other party need to lie to me at this time? If the other party appears here, the other party should be sure that he can keep him.

Shouldn't the other party say this without restraint? Now the other party is unwilling to say anything, which naturally makes him a little unimaginable.

The Great Elder of Tianzong did not think that what the other party said was true. In the Yue Dynasty, who else but the King of Yue could make the five major sects obey them.

Even though Qingyun Sword Sect is the weakest sect among the five major sects, Qingyun Sword Sect still has strong men at the third level of Zhenwu Realm.

Certainly not such an easy surrender.

The great elder of Tianzong said with a slight smile: "Master Qingyunjian, are you so timid and afraid of things?

Or do you think that you can't keep me, so you are worried that I will escape after I know the secret you have revealed, and then tell our suzerain this secret.

If you didn't keep me here, you'd better leave as soon as possible, otherwise neither side will be easy after the war. "

The leader of Qingyun Sword Sect smiled slightly and said: "The Great Elder of Tianzong is completely overthinking. The princes of the Yue Kingdom are indeed not qualified to ask us to surrender, and they are even more unqualified to ask us to submit to them.

Now that we have come to this place, we will naturally not worry about you escaping from here. If you can escape from here, we will naturally not appear here.

Therefore, it can be said that you are certain to die today. Under such circumstances, I allow you to say your last words.

If you have any unfinished business, if I can complete it with you, I will not be stingy to help you complete it.

After all, you should be the first strongman in the third level of true martial arts to die under my hands. In fact, after I became a strong man in the third level of true martial arts, I seldom fought with others.

This makes my hands feel a little itchy. If there happens to be an opponent who wants me to fight today, this is also a very good choice. "

The elder Tianzong said with a slight smile: "Do you think you can stop me with just a few of you?"

The master of the Qingyun Sword Sect said with a slight smile: "Whether you can be taken down or not, we will naturally have to beat you to know."

After the former sect leader and current sect leader of Qingyun Sword Sect finished these words, they did not stop any longer. They both exerted their strength at the same time, and then attacked each other.

Two people attack each other's head one by one, and one by the abdomen.

And the first shot is not a tentative attack, but an attack with all your strength.

The Great Elder Tianzong himself didn't panic at the beginning, he was ready to calmly deal with the opponent's attack.

But when he discovered that the great elder of Qingyun Sword Sect had actually reached the Realm of Martial Arts, after reaching the third level of cultivation, he started to panic a little.

You must know that if there are two strong men of the third level of true martial arts, he still has a lot of energy to escape from here, but if there are these three strong men of the third level of true martial arts, if he wants to escape here , the difficulty of danger will naturally rise greatly.

It's just that the great elder Tianzong didn't know that there was a murderer at the peak of the real martial arts realm waiting for him at the door of this secret room.

Even if he escapes from this secret room, he may not be able to escape. If the Tianzong elder knows this, he will definitely be in a worse mood at this time.

Although the Great Elder Tianzong feels that he is in a very dangerous state now, he still has no intention of giving up resistance.

The other party obviously came here with the intention of killing him, and he would definitely not let him go.

If he doesn't work hard now, he will definitely die when the other party takes him down completely. .

At this time, the great elder of Tianzong naturally couldn't continue to keep all his aura, and then used a clever body technique to avoid the attack of the former suzerain in the Qingyun sword in an instant.

Facing the attack of the current suzerain of Qingyun Jianfeng, he did not panic at all, but took out the long sword in his hand from his waist, and then blocked the blow of the current suzerain of Qingyun Jianfeng.

Qiu Fukun was not in a hurry to take action at this time but was waiting for the two of them to besiege each other. If the Tianzong elder wanted to escape, he would be selling to block it. In this case, the chance of winning the opponent would be greatly increased.

The three of them already had a huge advantage in numbers, so it was naturally best to use wheel fighting.

Although this is a history that can accommodate a few strong people in the realm of real martial arts to attack each other.

But Qiu Fukun never made a move but stood there quietly. Although he didn't make a move, he put a lot of pressure on the elder Tianzong.

The elder Tianzong felt that if the other party made a direct move, he would not feel such a great pressure. If the other party did not make a move, he would pay attention to the other party at all times. It's hard.

This is called psychologically overpowering the opponent, and Ye Xingchen has never used his own slaughter to interfere with the opponent.

Although Ye Xingchen's Jianghu Massacre can interfere with the opponent, he is only a person who has perfected the innate realm. If he wants to interfere with someone who has perfected the Zhenwu realm, it will still be very difficult.

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(End of this chapter)

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