Chapter 328 Giving Orders
Ye Xingchen was actually a little worried in his heart. He had never seen Tianzong so quiet, and he was afraid that if he was caught off guard, the gain would outweigh the loss.

Although I heard the spies lying in ambush under me saying that Tianzhong didn't know much about Qingyun Sword Sect now.

But God's calculation is not as good as that of man. After all, he is not anyone in Tianzong at all, so naturally he cannot control their own thoughts.

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect also showed a puzzled look, because he also has no clue now.

The reason why Tianzong can be called Tianzong is that its strength cannot be underestimated. Those spies sent out are just ordinary subordinates, so there must be something unexpected in everything. Although the news brought back is credible, no one can guarantee it. is exactly right.

Ye Xingchen was waiting for the former leader of Qingyun Sword Sect to answer his question, but he did not show any intention of urging him.

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said: "I think this matter can be discussed in the long term. The reason why the people of Tianzong did such a thing is that he must enjoy it. We will tell you about it."

"If we simply do something to them now, it will definitely not have any catalytic effect, and it will make Tianzong feel that our Qingyun Sword Sect group doesn't know how to plan a group of reckless people."

After Ye Xingchen heard this, his brows relaxed a lot, and he said to the former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect: "You are completely right to think about the problem in this way, who would dare to say that our Qingyun Sword Sect is all people who don't know how to make plans? Where are all the fools?"

"Isn't there a capable military adviser in front of me?"

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said very politely: "This lord thinks highly of me. Anyone who is randomly pulled out from our Qingyun Sword Sect can say what I say, but I am the former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect. Now I can’t say anything about a question you were caught off guard.”

"It looks like you're embarrassing me."

Ye Xingchen said with a slight smile: "But no matter what, I don't think anyone in our Qingyun Sword Sect is any worse than Tianzong."

Since Qiu Fukun retreated that day, he devoted himself to cultivation alone, without eating or drinking.

Now he has reached the state of a half-step master, and I believe that after his unremitting efforts in cultivation, he will reach the state of a master in a short time.

The former lord of Qingyun Sword Sect said with a slight smile: "Then I will go to the current lord of Qingyun Sword Sect to come and plan this matter together."

"After the result comes out, I will report it to you."

Ye Xingchen felt a little tired after talking so much with Yan Xi just now, and when he heard what the former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said, he nodded in acquiescence.

The former leader of the Qingyun Sword Sect said: "Then I will retire first. My lord can take a good rest."

After Ye Xingchen finally lay on the bed, he did not fall into a deep sleep all at once.

Ye Xingchen rested his head on his hands and looked up with really big eyes, only a few things emerged.

There was a passage in which he thought that now his subordinates already had the third level of true martial arts and there were several more. What's more worth mentioning was that Qiu Fukun had already reached the bottleneck of a half-step master.

Ye Xingchen himself couldn't help but be amazed, and he deserves to be very proud.


The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said very seriously: "Recently, you have also seen that Tianzong is very strange compared to usual. Didn't leave half a step."

"The main attack on this matter now requires us to come up with a better strategy. To put it simply, we can't let them continue to be quiet like this. We have to find a way to get them and the snake out of the hole."

The current suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said: "I don't understand. It's not a matter for us that they finally obey the rules. In this way, our brothers can also practice hard in meditation."

"Why do you have to lure them out to disturb us?"

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said solemnly: "If everyone thinks like you, all the people of Qingyun Sword Sect will die tragically under the nose of Tianzong in the end."

The current purpose of the Qingyun Sword Sect Hearing the former head of the Qingyun Sword Sect, he just showed a puzzled look. In fact, when he heard Ye Xingchen make such a request, the former head of the Qingyun Sword Sect was also the current head of the Qingyun Sword Sect. Now it was the same expression.

But if everyone thinks about it carefully, they won't say that.

The former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said: "In the beginning, I also had the same idea as you, but as long as you think about it a little bit, you must feel that something is wrong with this matter."

"You just wonder if you have seen such a situation in Tianzong before, anyway, I have almost never seen it, but now, they have indeed done this, do you think he will be so kind, so that we can feel at ease Practice!"

"It may not be certain where they are practicing Dafa in hiding."

Speaking of this, the former suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect also understood a seven or eight points.

The current suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said: "I now understand what you are worried about. We are not afraid of open battles at all. What we are afraid of is that someone is making trouble in the dark."

The current leader of the Qingyun Sword Sect smiled slightly and said: "Indeed, as you said, this is also what our lord is worried about. He raised this issue because he wanted us to solve it."

"Because this matter is very important, I can only ask you to decide together. After all, if you use ordinary tactics, Tianzong is not a fool, and those small doses can't fool them."

The current suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said with a slight smile: "If this is really the case, then we must really think of a perfect plan to solve this problem."

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