Chapter 350 Break up
At this time, the representative of the Air Sect said in a low voice: "Sovereign Lord, there is still room for discussion on this matter.

Since we are not satisfied with the price given by the Sect Master, and the Sect Master is not satisfied with the price we have given, we can actually discuss the price. There is no need to quarrel with each other. Isn't it great that everyone is harmonious? "

In the past, Qingyun Sword Sect was the weakest sect among the five major sects, so they had always had the weakest sense of existence, and other sects could completely crush them.

They don't pay much attention to their opinions, but the situation is different now. Tianzong, the once most powerful sect, has been taken care of by them. Qingyun Jianzong can be said to be in full swing now, and no sect is sure It may be that any sect is not sure that they can handle Qingyun Jianzong.

Even if several major sects join forces, they may not be a match for the current overlord Qingyun Sword Sect.

The lack of masters among the Qizong naturally led to their lack of confidence. Yuanzong still has a certain amount of confidence. After all, they have two strong men who are at the peak of the real martial arts realm. .

Although Qingyun Sword Sect has a record of destroying the Tianzong sect, this is not a very important matter.

Once Qingyun Sword Sect really made a move against one of the other three sects, the other three sects would definitely attack together.

If the three sects are united, they will naturally need a veteran, and Yuanzong will naturally take on the role of the boss at this time.

The threat from Qingyun Sword Sect is too great. This alliance will definitely not be easily disbanded. As long as this alliance continues to exist, Tianzong can be said to have great benefits.

At this time, the master of Qingyun Sword Sect said lightly: "This matter is not at all attractive, and we have already made absolute decisions on these matters.

Our adults have already said that we can only give you one-twentieth of the benefits, so we can only give you one-twentieth of the benefits.

If you want it, of course you have to, if you don’t want it, just go away. This is what our adults gave you. "

Qingyun Sword Sect has now reached such a situation, they naturally have nothing to fear.

In the end, the representatives of the four major sects broke up here after some discussions, and the representatives of the other three major sects left without getting any benefits.

Qingyun Sword Sect is only willing to give one-twentieth of the benefit, and they don't want it at all. Because if they want such a benefit, if they want to ask Qingyun Sword Sect for more benefits in the future, there will naturally be no possible.

So under such circumstances, they have only one way, and that is to take no advantage for the time being, and then wait until they unite to put pressure on Qingyun Sword Sect.

If Qingyun Jianzong couldn't withstand the pressure, they would definitely hand over [-]% of the profits they should have gotten, and maybe they could get more than [-]% of the profits.

If the three major sects unite together, they can completely counteract the current strength of Qingyun Sword Sect, or even completely suppress the current strength of Qingyun Sword Sect.

Although the Qingyun Sword Sect has four strong men who have perfected the Zhenwu realm, their three major sects also have four strong men who have perfected the Zhenwu realm. Therefore, they are comparable in terms of people who have perfected the Zhenwu realm.

But compared to ordinary Zhenwu realm experts, Qingyun Sword Sect obviously has many fewer people.

The number of real martial arts powerhouses of their three major sects combined is completely double that of the other party. You must know that Qingyun Sword Sect also lost a lot of power in order to defeat Tianzong this time.

Moreover, what they suppressed each other was not only the high-end power, but also the power of the innate realm and the power of the acquired realm completely crushed each other. After all, the innate realm powerhouses of the three major sects combined are enough to crush the innate realm they are showing now. The people of the realm.

Regardless of whether Qingyun Jianzhong will be forced to admit this account at that time, the three sects will definitely unite.

This is already an inevitable fact and there is no room for debate.

If their three major sects really want to preserve themselves, they must need a certain amount of strength to be able to preserve their own strength, naturally it is said that they have it.

If their three major sects do not unite, they will have no way to suppress each other. If they do not suppress the other party, this will naturally be a very uncomfortable thing.

When Tianzong existed, it didn't actually suppress the other four sects, because the powerhouses of the other four sects combined could completely suppress Tianzong.

Therefore, the other major sects did not unite against this Tianzong, but the situation is different now.

The strength of Qingyun Sword Sect has completely affected their foundation. If they continue to let the other party continue to develop, this matter will be even more uncomfortable.

Regardless of the reason, the other three major midfielders will not allow the other party to do such a thing.

After all the representatives of the other three major sects left, the master of Qingyun Sword Sect went directly to Ye Xingchen. !
And reported the entire process of this matter to Ye Xingchen.

The master of Qingyun Sword Sect said calmly at this time: "My lord, what do you think of this matter?"

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly and said, "Then what do you think of this matter?"

The current suzerain of Qingyun Sword Sect said lightly: "According to my guess, the three major sects must be very dissatisfied with what we have done.

Therefore, Summer Vacation thinks that they will unite together and put pressure on us. Although they dare not directly attack us, it is impossible for them to unite.

Regardless of whether this matter happens or not, they will definitely unite, because our strength has completely surpassed the other party's imagination, and the other party will definitely not allow such things to continue to be staged here. "

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(End of this chapter)

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