Chapter 389 Tang Dynasty
On the first day of the first lunar month, the Great Tang Dynasty established by Ye Xingchen was officially established, and Ye Xingchen also notified the whole world of his establishment of the Great King Dynasty.

Although Ye Xingchen's establishment of a dynasty is said to be an examination of the world, it is not that exaggerated. It is just notified to five or six dynasties around it. It would definitely be unrealistic for the dynasty to notify all of them.

Moreover, the dynasty does not care about these trivial matters at all. The establishment or destruction of a dynasty does not have much impact on the dynasty. The dynasty occupies the three most central places in the entire continent, and the resources are also the most abundant, so the dynasty There is no worry that the dynasty can do it at all. In the end, they only need to occupy their own position firmly to destroy their dynasty.

Of course, the three dynasties occupying the center actually want to develop to the periphery. After all, occupying more places is equivalent to having more resources. The strength of their own dynasty is an obvious truth, but all dynasties understand this truth, but they have no way to expand to other dynasties, because if they expand, it means that they will compete with the entire world. dynasty as an enemy.

They regard the entire dynasty of the world as their enemy, and the dynasty of the entire world will naturally not continue to indulge in their problems, let alone surrender to them.

Although there are more than a dozen dynasties in the whole world, although they are not capable of destroying three dynasties, if the power of more than a dozen dynasties is combined with the power of the other five major families, even the three major dynasties can't defeat it at all, so In other words, the three major dynasties adopted a wooing attitude towards more than a dozen dynasties, and did not directly adopt an attitude of attacking.

So now there are a total of fifteen dynasties, and each dynasty has five or six vassals, and some vassals have three or four.

The Yue Dynasty is a vassal of the Daqi Dynasty, and the Daqi Dynasty is the Xia family, which ranks second among the eight great families.

Ye Xingchen wanted to cut off the land from the Yue Dynasty and establish a dynasty, so Ye Xingchen would naturally submit to the Daqi Dynasty first.

If you don't surrender to the Daqi Dynasty, it is very difficult to divide the land of the small dynasty under the Daqi Dynasty.

The Daqi Dynasty would definitely not allow such a thing to happen, but if Ye Xingchen directly surrendered to the Daqi Dynasty, such problems would naturally not exist.

Because some things are obvious, the more dynasties under Daqi Dynasty, the better, because if there are more dynasties under its hands, it means that the competition under its hands will naturally become stronger and stronger.

The strength of the dynasties under their hands will naturally be weaker. If the dynasties under their hands are weak, it will naturally be easier for them to control these dynasties.

Moreover, these dynasties under their hands compete with each other to make offerings every year, and naturally more and more things are offered, and the resources they can get are even more.

Of course, they will not go out of their way to cause trouble for a dynasty, let alone divide the dynasty. At most, when the dynasty is actually divided, they will adopt a policy of ignoring it.

The resources that the Daqi Dynasty wanted to obtain from the dynasties below were the talents of the dynasties below, and the resources of the dynasties below. As for other things, the people of the Daqi Dynasty did not take them too seriously.

The territory occupied by the Daqi Dynasty totaled 490 million square kilometers, and the land occupied by the four dynasties under their control totaled more than 500 million square kilometers.

The dynasties under the Daqi Dynasty were a little too strong, which affected the Daqi Dynasty's control over the forces under them.

In order to please the Daqi Dynasty this time, Ye Xingchen spent a lot of money. Not only did he exchange rare and rare treasures in the system, but he also took out a lot of things and gave them directly to the Daqi Dynasty.

Ye Xingchen would be reluctant to give away resources directly, because the resources under his hands are also very limited. Although he has won 5 middle gates, the resources of the 5 middle gates are limited after all, and they will be greatly increased. The dynasty simply looked down on all the resources used by these five sects.

So under such circumstances, Ye Xingchen naturally had to find a new way. Ye Xingchen even presented two unilateral sides to enhance the strength of the Daqi Dynasty.

There are alchemists of the heavenly rank in the Daqi Dynasty, and it is very reasonable for Ye Xingchen to give it directly to the other party because it can strengthen the strength of the Daqi Dynasty itself.

Of course, there is only one alchemist of the level beyond heaven in the entire continent, and this person can be said to be supported by everyone in the world. Even people from the three major dynasties want to hire this person to practice this elixir. He was very respectful and never had a tough attitude towards this person.

This person is the contemporary ancestor of Wanyao Sect. He is also a strong man at the peak of the master realm. Although he is only a strong man at the peak of the master realm, the masters of the great master realm do not have any superior attitude when they see him , because Dazong is the elixir needed by the realm, it can be said that if you want to customize it, you need the ancestors of Wanyaomen to help refine it.

Therefore, his status is a bit special, which is also very normal. Like the ordinary four kinds of alchemists of Tiandi Xuanhuang, it is natural to cultivate such alchemists, but if you want to cultivate alchemists of a level beyond the heavens As a teacher, this not only requires a certain amount of talent, nor does it need to be cultivated, but also requires a kind of aura today.

On the entire continent, there are not always alchemists who are certified to surpass the level of heaven, but if there are strong people who have the level of grand masters all the time on the entire continent, we can see from here what the alchemists of the level beyond the heavens are. How precious it is.

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