Chapter 420 End
The person who presided over the competition really guessed that there should be a force they had never heard of, and it was even more powerful.

Even forces stronger than the eight major families can cultivate such monsters.

He doesn't think that a person can really break through to such a level at this age just because of sports and his own opportunities. If he wants to achieve such a level, there must be no hope at all on his own.

A dozen of the most powerful people were easily defeated by the opponent without even touching the opponent's foot.

This made the other party very uncomfortable, and it also caused a great psychological shadow for those participating. Now they are all doubting whether they are a strong person, and they are wondering whether they are a genius after all.

Now they don't dare to go up to fight at all, because they don't know what kind of strength the opponent is. They only know that the opponent is very, very powerful, and they are not able to deal with it at all.

There were only a few masters and peak experts present who could see Ye Xingchen's true power. Others did not see the opponent's true strength at all. Even if he was in the ordinary realm of real things, the second level of power could not be seen. The person did not see the other party's true strength at all.

Although they cannot see the other party's true strength, this does not prevent them from guessing how powerful the other party is.

Today's game did not attract the master level experts. If it had attracted the master level experts, they would probably be stunned.

The spies of many forces have already sent people back to report the news.

The ancestor of the Phoenix family, the only master-level expert, has now arrived at the scene, watching Ye Xingchen next to Phoenix.

The other medieval strong men didn't rush to this place so quickly because they were a little far away.

Fenghuang and the boss asked Fenghuang with a slight smile, "What do you think of this young man down there, Fenghuang?"

The ancestor of the Phoenix family has now confirmed that this person should be the son-in-law they want to recruit. Even if they can't recruit such a person as a son-in-law, even if they marry their granddaughter to such a person, it is very good. If you are a person, you will definitely become a strong person in the realm of a grandmaster in the future, and a strong person who is promoted to a grandmaster is only the weakest starting point of the opponent, and the opponent is likely to become a master in the realm of a great master.

If the other party becomes a powerful person in the Dazong City economy, then their family will have a relationship with the powerful person in the Dazongshi economy. In the future, they will also have a certain backer in the Daqi Dynasty. Among them, they are not the weakest existence.

Of course, there is also a very important point that young talents like Ye Xingchen must not be cultivated by ordinary people. Such young talents must at least be cultivated by very powerful forces, so such a powerful business It must be very good if we can really cooperate with them with such a powerful strength.

Fenghuang said with a slight smile on his face at this time: "My grandpa makes all the decisions about my marriage, and now we have set the rules for this contest to recruit a bride.

So, no matter who wins in the ring next time, I will marry whoever. "

Phoenix actually likes Ye Xingchen very much, because in this world, he is both funny and poetic, and the most important thing is that he is still very powerful and has a very strong background. easy to find.

Such a person participated in the competition to recruit relatives for him, which naturally moved him very much. If he could marry such a person, he felt that this life should be enough.

The ancestor of the Phoenix family smiled slightly at this time and said: "Since you say so, then I will let your second uncle announce the final result directly.

Then ask your second uncle to invite him in, and then we can discuss your marriage after we get to know him. "

Fenghuang's grandfather directly told his second uncle through sound transmission with his spiritual sense, and asked his second uncle to end the fight.

Phoenix's second uncle said lightly at this time: "The result of this competition is very obvious. It is obvious that this young talent has become the first place in the field, so if you don't have any opinions, then It proves that the young talent has become the son-in-law of our family.

If you have nothing to do, then let's leave one after another. Next, our family still has something to do. "

Although the people of the Phoenix family said such words, which made them very unhappy, there was nothing they could do if they were unhappy.

After all, this place is the home court of the Phoenix family. If they do something here, they will not give the Phoenix family face. You must know that the Phoenix family is not the number one in the entire Daqi Dynasty.

So they didn't dare to offend the Phoenix family too much, so everyone just let it go one after another. Even those two strong men in the real martial arts realm were not too rampant, and they didn't go looking for trouble.

The first is because they know that it is useless to ask for trouble, and the second is because even if they ask for trouble, it is useless at all.

The most important thing is that the Phoenix family has already acknowledged the other party. If they go to look for it at this time, if they are not happy, their family background is somewhat strong, but their family background cannot tolerate them being so rampant in this place , directly to offend the Phoenix family.

The most important point in the future is the young man on stage. His identity can be said to be very unclear, but his strength is indeed very strong. From this, it can be seen that he is actually a person with a very rich background. People, if you really offend such a person.

The family behind them may not be able to keep them. Under such circumstances, they also left very wisely, so the final result will naturally come out.

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(End of this chapter)

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