Chapter 427 Action
After Ye Xingchen took care of Fenghuang, he returned directly to the Tang Dynasty, because if he continued to stay in this place, it would be useless.

Because the Tang Dynasty needs him to deal with the Yue Dynasty, although with his current strength, if he wants to deal with the Yue Dynasty, he only needs to send elite troops to kill all the high-level officials of the Yue Dynasty. , you can easily handle the Yue Dynasty, but if he sends masters to kill all the high-level officials of the Yue Dynasty, it is very likely that other dynasties will discover his current power. If people from other dynasties come, he may not be able to defeat them.

So under such circumstances, he can only show a small part of his power to deal with the Yue Dynasty. The difficulty of this task has been increased by a part. Although it has been increased by a part, he still has a certain hope that he can get these things done.

Three days later, Ye Xingchen finally returned to the Great Tang Dynasty, and Phoenix already knew that Ye Xingchen was the lord of the Great Tang Dynasty.

But he doesn't have any opinions, even if Ye Xingchen marries so many women, he doesn't have any opinions, after all, capable people can marry more women, this is what he knows, as long as Ye Xingchen treats him enough Love will do.

Fenghuang's father has a full number of wives in the wine room, not to mention that his man is such an excellent man. It is very normal for a man to have more wives, so he is not jealous, There is no envy or jealousy!
He could only think that if he followed Ye Xingchen well, and then got Ye Xingchen's love, it would be fine. After all, it's not too bad for such an excellent man to follow him.

After Ye Xingchen returned to the Tang Dynasty, he immediately started preparing to attack the Yue Dynasty. In fact, Ye Xingchen had already prepared for these things, but he hadn't acted before. Now it's time to prepare for action. .

Although there are indeed some difficulties in action, if you act hard, this is not a big problem.

Ye Xingchen had made a lot of preparations for his subordinates before. For example, four of the five major legions of Yue Wangcha had already joined Ye Xingchen.

The commanders of the four legions are all strong men at the pinnacle level of Zhenwu Realm. Therefore, the biggest wish of the strong men at the pinnacle Zhenwu Realm is naturally to break through the Grandmaster Realm. If he breaks through the Grandmaster Realm, Ye Xingchen will naturally have such a chance coincidence, so It is not a big problem to deceive these four legion commanders to join him. Moreover, Ye Xingchen has always had more power, and he does not dare to resist too much in similar legion battles. As for the last legion commander, Ye Xingchen did not let his men go to the army commander Ye Ye to rebel.

Because the head of the legion is a member of the royal family, and it is also the only legion controlled by the royal family. If the person controlled by the royal family wants to deal with the other party, it will be very, very difficult. Under such circumstances, it is useless. Do things in such a situation, because if you use this kind of thing to do things, if the Yue Dynasty finds out, there will probably be a very big problem at that time, although there is a certain chance that you can use Mr. Ye's breakthrough in the Middle Ages The chance is to think about the opponent, but after all, the probability of the opponent is not 100%, so under such circumstances, if you expose all your cards to the opponent, it is very likely that the Yue Dynasty will find a way to deal with it. them.

Ye Xingchen naturally didn't want the Yue Dynasty to think of popularizing the law to deal with them, so he didn't move that legion, and that legion was far away from the border, so it didn't have much effect at all, and Zuo Qin's army didn't intend to completely destroy that legion either. subdued.

After Ye Xingchen made his decision, he successively dispatched a master-level powerhouse and 10 master-level ministers to the Yue Dynasty.

The purpose of Ye Xingchen's visit is naturally very obvious, that is to completely open up the opponent's imperial city.

There is also the assassination of the opponent's master-level powerhouse. Only after killing the opponent's master-level powerhouse can he quickly die and take the Yue Dynasty for his own use.

After Ye Xingchen sent out the experts in the guru realm, he also continued to lead his [-] troops to directly kill the capital of the Yue Dynasty.

The 10 troops under Ye Xingchen already accounted for almost all of his troops. The reason why he dared to send so many troops directly there was naturally because most of the current troops of the Yue Dynasty had surrendered to him.

However, he can't move these troops now, because if he moves these troops, it is very likely that other dynasties will sneak in to share a piece of meat, so he must continue to guard these troops at the border!
And after the dynasty is defeated, if they continue to rebel, the chances of this will be better, and no one will have any ideas at that time.

As long as all the power of the Yue Dynasty is taken down, then Zuo Qingqing will have enough power under Zuo Qingqing's hands. If the surrounding dynasties want to deal with each other, they will have to continue to place people, and then continue. Rebel against each other again!

In the capital of the Yue Dynasty, Ye Xingchen had already arranged for a lot of people to go in, because Mr. Ye had already prepared to take action against the Yue Dynasty, so he had already been prepared for this.

Ye Xingchen first let all the more than 1000 innate economic powerhouses under him enter the capital of the Yue Dynasty, so that when his people attacked the capital of the Yue Dynasty, they could use this group of people A big thing to do is to open the gate of the opponent's country, so that they can attack the opponent's capital more smoothly and without any obstacles.

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