Chapter 429
After Ye Xingchen's army surrounded the capital of the Yue Dynasty, the emperor of the Yue Dynasty directly launched an active general mobilization. In the Yuegu Dynasty, all the real martial arts powerhouses all went up to the city wall to defend the capital of the Yue Dynasty.

If you don't go, you will be disloyal to the King of Yue, and you will impose very severe sanctions on the Yue Dynasty. Under such circumstances, all the families will send their own real-world powerhouses to the city wall To wait.

After all, at this time, Weikang's order to cross the dynasty can be said to be a very unwise choice, so at this time they will not violate the order of the Yue Dynasty, even the family with a strong master realm did not directly violate it. According to the order of the ancient dynasty, they sent all the strong members of their own family to the city wall, but this family did not send all their Zhenwu economic circles to the city wall, but only They sent out 5 real martial arts experts. Although they only sent 5 true martial artists, they were also the family that sent the most real martial arts experts.

Although their family has been relying on Ye Xingchen for a long time, it's just that they have been lurking in the national football team of Yue State, just to wait for this day, so if they know that they have to go up to the city wall to defend, they are also Those who agree with this matter very much, as long as they go up to the city wall to guard, they will definitely have a great chance to help the Tang Dynasty completely open the city gate. As long as the city gate is opened, the army of the Tang Dynasty will be able to Come in.

Of course, the Ouyang family cannot send all their forces to the city wall. If they send all their forces to the city wall, it is very likely that the royal family of the Yue Dynasty will notice their actions.

After all, their family owns a company, and their own growth naturally has privileges. If they show great respect for foreign countries when they graduate, and send all the strength of their family members there, it is very likely that they will be punished by the Yue Dynasty. The king found some clues, so at this time they can only send out part of the power, and then keep part of the power!

But what the people of the Yue Dynasty didn't know was that after they forced most of the real martial arts powerhouses to the city wall, they made their city defense a very big threat!

The 10 troops led by Ye Xingchen directly attacked the city, and these three masters were also involved in the project. Under such circumstances, the defense of the Yue Dynasty was completely broken by the Tang Dynasty on the first day. Now, the reason why their defense was opened so easily was not because the troops around the Yue Dynasty surrendered, but because there were many Chinese economic powerhouses in the Yue Dynasty who had already surrendered.

When the Yue Dynasty army attacked, they didn't have any resistance at all, and then quickly surrendered. When they surrendered, they also killed the people around them. Under such circumstances, the words were quickly opened up!
After the city gate was opened, the army of the Tang Dynasty naturally rushed in quickly. After the army of the Tang Dynasty rushed in, the army of the Yue Dynasty was quickly dispersed, because the strongest among them Many of them have been killed, and there are not many strong men left, and there are too many strong men in the Yue Dynasty. The most important thing is that there are still 1000 troops fighting with them in the city. The army is all strong in the innate realm. You must know that in the entire Yuegu Dynasty, even the most elite Jinwei army does not exist at all. They are all troops composed of the former innate realm. Therefore, this army is Yue Kingdom The nightmare of the dynasty's army made the army of the Yue Dynasty completely terrified!

After the capital of the Yue Dynasty was completely opened, the emperor of the Yue Dynasty was really panicked at this time, because after his country was defeated, his luck was naturally defeated, and his luck was defeated. After that, if he wanted to use the fighting power of the Chinese realm, it would be impossible. There were only two strong masters in their family left.

Now all the elite forces in their family are surrounded in the old palace, and the Thai dynasty's army has long been dispersed. Most of these armies have been captured!

Moreover, the army of the Tang Dynasty has already controlled the inner and outer layers of the entire Yue Dynasty. Only this palace has not been controlled. What's important is that even the Ouyang family is directly on the side of the opponent!
Moreover, in the country where they crossed the dynasty, 1/3 of the nobles had already defected to each other. Although the remaining 2/3 of the nobles continued to be loyal to the royal family of Yue, seeing this situation, they also They did not continue to be loyal ministers. After the opponent's army entered the city, 2/3 of the nobles directly raised their hands and surrendered. After they raised their hands and surrendered, the opponent did not massacre them wantonly!

If the other party did not carry out the massacre, it would be meaningless. Now that Ye Xingchen's army completely surrounded the entire palace, they did not take any action, but prepared to negotiate with the royal family of the Yue Dynasty, because at this time If they carry out a strong attack, they will indeed have to show a lot of their own strength. If they can make the opponent surrender, then there is a certain chance?

As long as they suppress the opponent to surrender, they will not only lose a lot less, but also expose most of their own strength. Under such circumstances, they will naturally choose such a method.

Of course, if there are other better methods, and if there is no difficulty in using violent methods, he may definitely choose the violent and simple method instead of this method of negotiation, because this kind of negotiation If this method is used, it is very likely that certain hidden dangers will be left in the future, but if it is, they are still planning to use this method of negotiation.

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