Chapter 460 Three Reasons
In the upper study room of the Great Tang Dynasty, at present, the former five most powerful masters in the Great Tang Dynasty, and Ye Xingchen are all in the upper study room, and Ye Xingchen is sitting in the upper study room reviewing memorials , and then the five big masters stood aside.

At this time, Ye Xingchen asked these great masters very calmly: "Shangshu of the Ministry of War! Are the twelve great corps of the Tang Dynasty fully established?"

At this time, one of the powerful masters said with great respect: "Your Majesty Qizuo, the 12 corps of the Tang Dynasty have been initially established, but if these corps want to be completely integrated, and then do It will take some time to practice until the order is banned. After all, the troops in these twelve regiments can be said to come from seven different countries!

There are 30 people in each legion, but each of these legions has some dissatisfaction, so if we actually completely integrate the people in these legions, because we have integrated people from all countries into one After one body, it is indeed necessary to give them a certain amount of time, otherwise it will be difficult to completely wave them away! "

Ye Xingchen said very flatly at this time: "You have to hurry up on this matter, there are still many big things we need to do next, if you are still like this mother-in-law at this time, there are indeed some no!

I'm giving you two months, if you still can't get these things done for me, then I'll change to a minister of the Ministry of War! "

The master-level powerhouse said with great respect: "Two months is enough time for His Majesty. After two months, I will definitely give His Majesty a perfect 12th Corps?"

In fact, it doesn't matter whether he controls the 12 corps or not. After all, he can be said to be very central to Yiye Xingchen, but if he can't complete it, it will also form an accountable task.

If Ye Xingchen doesn't pay attention to him when the time comes, he will naturally feel very uncomfortable!
Ye Xingchen nodded and said lightly: "Then hurry up and do it well!"

His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Ye Xingchen said calmly at this time: "I don't know if you have any opinions on the development of our next Tang Dynasty. In what direction should the development of the Tang Dynasty be, and which country should we attack first? Once the army is trained, we will definitely attack other countries. Although the situation in the world is chaotic now, if we The Datang Dynasty's family is developing their own strength under this situation of constant cutting and chaos, and we will fight our country as soon as possible. The only goal of our Datang Dynasty is to unify the whole world!

Once the army is trained, which country will our country fight first, and which country will we unite with? ? "

At this time, a strong man from the Great Master Manager took over, and respectfully said to Ye Xingchen: "Your Majesty Qizuo, what we should unite now is the country that ranks second on the list, and this is the country where the five major families unite. Now, we can unite the country formed by the five great families. This is the most important thing. After all, once our two countries are united, it will be a huge threat to any dynasty in the future. If the two countries are united, we don't have to feel guilty at all. The first target we have to deal with now is naturally the Daqi Dynasty.

At that time, we can completely discuss with the five great aristocratic families. We will divide the Atmospheric Dynasty equally, and first eat the weakest country, the Atmospheric Dynasty. As long as I want to eat the Atmospheric Dynasty and expand our own strength, we will completely You can plan other countries, so I think the first country we want to move now is the Daqi Dynasty! "

Ye Xingchen said very plainly at this time: "Tell me your reason, why you want to unite with the five great families, and then move this Daqi Dynasty."

At this time, the master-level powerhouse continued to explain: "The reason for your majesty's illness is actually very simple. If we unite with other dynasties, the other dynasties may not necessarily join us. After all, now we are the whole world." The biggest dynasty, they don't have the confidence to hold us down, so if we join forces with any country now, every country will worry that we have a backup, so under such circumstances, we naturally only have to unite with one with our strength In countries with similar differences, the five great families are very suitable for us to unite, and if they are, the five great families should be very confident to unite us without any relationship!

Secondly, even if the five great aristocratic families really split something, their five great aristocratic families will end up with incomplete divisions due to these divisions. In the end, the five great aristocratic families will be at odds with each other. At that time, we can completely engage in conflicts from within them. Last words It is not impossible to completely invigorate these five great families!

As for why the Daqi Dynasty was launched first, in fact, there are three reasons. The first reason is naturally because we are the closest country to the Daqi Dynasty, so the closest country is naturally the most correct. of!
The second reason is naturally that if the Daqi dynasty can be said to be the weakest dynasty in the whole world to attack them, our damage can be said to be the smallest, and the benefits we can get are also the greatest.

The third reason is the reason we really want to fight the opponent, that is, this country came to fight our country in the first place, so we can completely attack the opponent first under the model of revenge!
At that time, if we use the banner of revenge, other countries in the world will have no reason to stop us. Even if it is the other two countries, they are now planning how to take over the Great Qi Dynasty. Should not jump out to make trouble! "

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