Chapter 477 Accumulate Strength
The biggest loss in this war is naturally the Daqi Dynasty. The Daqi Dynasty has now been completely destroyed, and then there will be no such dynasty in the whole world. This is naturally the dynasty that suffered the worst.

The second thing is naturally that when the five major families first started, they originally had three dynasties' sites, but now, their three dynasties' sites have only one dynasty's site left, and the site of this dynasty is still Incomplete!
The biggest harvest this time is naturally the Datang Dynasty. You must know that the Datang Dynasty has swallowed almost the entire Daqi Dynasty into its own territory. Even if a small part has not been swallowed, it is enough for it to swallow it. A large part of the territory is occupied, so it can be said to be the biggest beneficiary of this war!
As for the other two dynasties, they also gained a lot. After all, they occupied part of the territory of the five major families, and they also completely ate some leftovers of the Daqi Dynasty. If these leftovers are eaten, there is indeed a lot of territory.

As for the only dynasty in the whole world, they did not take any action, but continued to tremble in their own territory!

The five major families feel that they have been deceived at this time. You must know that the initiators of this war are their five major families, and the reason why they became the initiators of this war is naturally because the Tang Dynasty Acting with them in the coming year, what I didn't expect was that after you acted together with them, the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty became the biggest victor, and their five big families actually became the biggest losers in this war. They can't accept it, but if they can't accept it, it will have no effect!

During the battle, it can be said that the battle between the Tang Dynasty and the two of them was a very normal battle, and it was carried out according to the original plan.

It's just that the fighting power of the army under the hands of their five major families is too weak, and the fighting power of the army under the hands of the Datang Dynasty is very strong, so the Datang Dynasty can take down the Daqi Dynasty like a broken bamboo, and the five big families The reason why the family was beaten in the end was naturally because their own strength was too low!

No matter what the real situation is, but this is what the five major families think. If they think that, the army under their hands is some waste, because these troops are really waste, so they can fight in the future. They have achieved an absolute failure in this war, and if their soldiers were stronger, they would not be able to really become such a situation!
They originally thought that after this battle, they would be able to separate themselves, and then the five major families would be able to separate completely. However, what they did not expect was that after this war, the power controlled by the five major families would actually change. In this way, the territory becomes even smaller, and if it is divided up, there is almost no possibility.

The whole world fell into a short-term peace, but as you know everything in the world, this short-lived peace should be very short-lived. After all, they are just to renew their power at this time, and then what happens Looking for your teammates, when you can truly renew your power and find your true teammates, there will be a bloody storm in the whole world!
This short truce is not only to find your own allies, but also to exaggerate your own strength. The most important thing is to swallow the place where they are swallowed up, and then completely digest the words. Only after it is digested can you continue to fight. If you have not consumed the areas where you have deprived yourself of secrets and are facing the sun, then continuing to fight is indeed an incurable choice!

The three most powerful dynasties have all chosen to stop. Even if the five major families want to continue to fight, the five major families do not have the strength to go to war at all. Under such circumstances, the five major families can only be honest. Licking hands.

This time, the five major families have nothing to do, so they will naturally find someone to discuss with the Great Tang Emperor at this time. After all, the only thing they can rely on now is the Great Tang Dynasty. If they don't care, then they are very likely to be completely wiped out in the next war.

There is nothing wrong with it. In the next war, they still want to continue to cooperate with the Tang Dynasty, and then slowly rise in the next war. Only in this way can their strength become stronger. powerful!

At this time, even if the five major families find the other two major dynasties, and then prepare to cooperate with the other two major dynasties, the other two major dynasties may not be able to cooperate with them, because it can be said that they are in a very sweet cooperation. stage, so if any force wants to intervene in the stage of their cooperation at this time, they may not be able to welcome it, especially the five major families are still their life and death enemies just now. If they cooperate with them at this time, will they It was possible that they stabbed him in the back.

So under such circumstances, if the five major families want to unite the other two dynasties, this is simply impossible. Another point, if he wants to unite the only dynasty in the whole world, it will be even more difficult. Impossible, the only dynasty in the whole world, it is in a state of recuperation at this time, it is even more impossible to get involved in this war, and the second is that it is too marginal, it is not at all It did not intervene in the Central Plains War, and it may be more marginalized if it is so.

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