Chapter 485 Schedule
The Grand Master who had just spoken at this time said calmly: "Now we are facing a total of two dynasties. The first dynasty is naturally the Song Dynasty, and the other dynasty is naturally the Ming Dynasty. We must know that the strength of these two dynasties is very strong, if we want to attack first.

It depends on whether you want to find soft persimmons first, or fight a tough battle first. If you squeeze the soft persimmons first, it is naturally the best way for the Great Song Dynasty. Relatively weak, so if we fight the Ming Dynasty first, we will naturally earn money by guarding labor insurance, but if we want to defend against the Ming Dynasty next, it will naturally be very uncomfortable. You must know the strength of the Ming Dynasty It's not very weak. If they really attack, we will naturally have more strength to defend them!

Of course, there is another point that is naturally a very important thing. If we fight the Ming Dynasty first, the strength of the Ming Dynasty itself is not weak. Take down the opponent in the shortest time. If we can't take down the opponent in the shortest time, and finally fight the opponent in a war of attrition, we may feel a little uncomfortable!

Therefore, His Majesty will personally decide which dynasty to attack next. If His Majesty decides which dynasty to attack, which dynasty will be attacked first? This is a decision that Your Majesty should make, and we cannot go against His Majesty's decision. If we come down, we must let us hit a place, we will hit a place!
As for how to make the Diange Dynasty cooperate with the Ming Dynasty and the Song Dynasty to make a move, in fact, we only need to send lobbyists to persuade this dynasty. If you know this dynasty, they have already made a move It's just that they haven't done it all the time, because their own strength is not enough. In fact, they also want to develop themselves. After all, in this era of fighting for hegemony, they naturally want to develop their own strength, so Both and we only need to send people to persuade them!
As long as we tell him which dynasty we want to fight first, and then wait until we have delayed all the opponent's main army, and then let them dispatch at this time, it is naturally the best, and at that time, although we delayed Part of their army, but if this dynasty really takes action, no matter if it is the Song Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty, these two dynasties are not vegetarians!
Their counterattack at that time will be enough for this dynasty to eat for a while, and if we focus on one dynasty, the next other dynasty may really attack this last dynasty, because they will naturally attack this last dynasty at this time. Being able to free up their hands to deal with this dynasty, if they eat this dynasty, their own comprehensive strength will be further improved, so under such circumstances, if they want to improve their own strength, maybe they They will really do this, and if they really do this, it will naturally be a happy thing for us!
After all, if they consume themselves in this way, we will naturally be very happy, and we can also cooperate with them in consumption. If they consume more, our next plan will naturally be smoother!
As for the other five big families, they have no choice. The only thing they can do now is to get a little fat during our war, and then continue to expand their bodies. Otherwise, , if he only has the strength they have left now, it is impossible for them to really gain more benefits, so under such circumstances, as long as we go to war, this The 5 big families will definitely go to war?

If they want to continue to build a dynasty, they will naturally continue to fight, after all, their current territory is not much!

So now they are barefoot without wearing shoes, they are barefoot, then we will be wearing shoes, they will naturally take action against those who wear shoes, even if they fail in the end, the most they can do is to start their own business My own family will no longer care about these things, so if I ask him to eat again, they will take action no matter what I say. In other words, Your Majesty has no need to care about these things at all! "

Ye Xingchen's complexion sank slightly at this time, and then he said lightly: "What you said is indeed very reasonable, since you have said so, then naturally it is impossible for me to continue to be so stubborn, okay, next I will Make a plan, and then take action on the Great Song Dynasty first. If the Great Song Dynasty can be completely eradicated in the shortest possible time, this is naturally the best, and if we take action on the Great Song Dynasty immediately In the future, the Ming Dynasty will be more likely to drive the dynasty behind them. You must know that at this time, if they don't get into trouble, even if the Song Dynasty wants them to send out troops, they will absolutely It won't touch too many troops. At that time, they will think of ways to enhance their own strength, and the dynasty behind them will naturally be a very good way for them to strengthen the interior.

We only need to attack the Great Song Dynasty and then ignore the Great Ming Dynasty, then these problems will naturally not exist. If we can completely take down the whole world, that is naturally the best , even if we can't take down the whole world, but then we must take down the garlic yellow strip completely, and even if we can't take down the Song Dynasty completely, but then we must Taking half of the land in the Great Song Dynasty, this is our lowest goal. Our lowest goal is to take half of the land in the Great Song Dynasty, and then strengthen our strength. The mutual consumption of this other dynasty is our next goal. "

(End of this chapter)

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