Chapter 528
If His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty knew that he was wrong, but insisted on not changing his attitude, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty could be said to be very happy.

It is precisely the attitude of the other party who knows the mistake but is determined not to change it can completely push the Ming Dynasty into the abyss of crime. At that time, if the Tang Dynasty fights, it will cost less money. A lot of strength.

Now, it can be said that it will be very difficult for the Tang Dynasty to find chaos in its rear. First of all, of course, the Tang Dynasty has stationed a lot of troops in its rear!

The second thing is that the words of the troops of the Great Tang Dynasty are almost all in the hands of the strong men summoned from the system. Very strong.

With these army generals in the rear, in charge of these troops, and then suppressing the power of the Jianghu martial arts, and suppressing the power of the entire other countries, then the Datang Dynasty, there is nothing to worry about, all the words, the Datang Dynasty His Majesty the Emperor personally commanded from the front, and then the prince he appointed sat in the rear to supervise the country.He has nothing to worry about either.

In fact, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty has been in this world for nearly 30 years.

So, at this time, his son is already in his 20s, and he is fully capable of supervising the country.

According to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he is now close to over 60 years old. In fact, his current age is already very old. If he were just an ordinary person, he might be dead now, but... He has reached the peak of the Grand Master realm, so his lifespan has reached 500 years.

Compared with the life expectancy of 60 years at 500 years old, he is indeed still very young.

He has enough time to toss a lot of things, but he doesn't want to spend so much time to toss things, because if he comes to this world, he is already tired of the minute hand. He doesn't want to continue fighting any more, and he doesn't want to do anything, he just wants to find a place to live a quiet life alone, but it can be said that such a thing is very difficult Yes, he must control all the forces in the entire world. After that, it is also her wish to be able to completely unify his dynasty in the entire world.

After completely unifying the whole world, he will be able to complete the ultimate task of the system, and then successfully break through his own power to the legendary realm. At that time, he will have no problems in the whole world. Opponent!
For a strong person in the Grand Master realm, facing a large number of troops, there is still a danger of falling, but once he breaks through the Grand Master realm, after this bottleneck, if he reaches a higher realm, then it is considered to be an encounter. If the army is tens of thousands of horses, it will have no effect!

Thousands of troops and horses are completely like nothing when facing a strong man of this realm. Although such a strong man cannot completely kill thousands of horses and horses, but then.But he can easily escape from thousands of troops!

For those who are strong in the realm of the great master, if they are among the thousands of troops, they will lose the ability to fly in the air, so if they are under the suppression of thousands of troops.Is it entirely possible to be smashed to pieces?

But if you break through the realm of the great master, if you are after the strong, you have already reached such a realm, the legendary realm of heaven and man, so if you say this, you have reached such a realm.Nature cannot be suppressed.

Even if the evil spirits of thousands of troops are all reflected, a strong person in this realm will be able to exclude all such evil spirits from the body.

At that time, his ability to fly in the air will still not change in any way, so naturally he will not pose any threat.

The words of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, commanding the army in the front, can be said to be very radical. Can he say that he will directly attack any place he refers to?Although his own command ability is not very good, but the words, the words under his hands.But there are many military experts!

The words of these military experts are naturally summoned from the system, and the words of some military experts are local military experts in this world. Therefore, at this time, it is natural to have a corresponding strategic deployment, and then If it is, it will completely bring down the Ming Dynasty.

As long as the Ming Dynasty is brought down, there will be no obstruction in the future. If the entire world is completely ruled by then, there will be no problem. After all, the Tang Dynasty is no longer a joke. Yes, it's their own strength.It can be said to be very powerful!

Such a powerful force, even if it is a very powerful person, facing such a powerful force.Their final results are also very disappointing!

According to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he is now just waiting for the final war, which will be completely over.

Once this war is over, he will be able to return to the court as a teacher. At that time, he can become an emperor through the ages, because if he is together with the whole world, it will naturally become a legend through the ages, and then the words will become the eternal legend. one emperor.

If people live in this world, it is either for profit or for fame. At this time, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty already has enough interests, but now he needs enough fame.

As long as he breaks through his own cultivation level to the peak of the Grand Master's level, then if he is with the whole world, then his legendary words will be absolutely impossible to be suppressed by anyone!
He will become the most legendary emperor in the entire world. !
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(End of this chapter)

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