Chapter 547 Healing
His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty quickly found a very secret cave, and then he let his subordinates work in it to restore his strength. After all, at this time, he naturally had to stay Watch outside to see if there are any enemies coming to this place. If there are enemies coming to this place, then naturally a small number of enemies will be dealt with directly. Leave this place, after all, only in this way can you guarantee your own safety.

After entering the cave, the strong man in the realm of the great master directly knelt on the ground and kowtowed, and said to His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty: "Your Majesty, my subordinates really deserve death. Because my subordinates acted on their own initiative, I fell into a siege, and I begged the master to come and save me, and even put the master in danger, it is really my fault alone, and I hope the master will punish me!"

His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty said lightly at this time: "If you came to this place to do these things, it was actually for the sake of the Tang Dynasty. You only came by yourself, and you didn't bring anyone here at all. You already I regard this matter as my own, so although you have some faults in this matter, the main fault is not so serious. The reason why I came to this place to save you , just because I saw your loyalty to Datang Imperial City, so it is very reasonable for me to respect you, and you don't need to be too excited!
Heal your injuries quickly, and then we will leave this place, because this place is within the enemy's occupied area after all, if the enemy really searches this place, our situation is still very threatening , so you'd better restore all your strength as soon as possible, so we don't have anything to worry about.

At that time, even if the other party has any ideas, we can do our best to suppress the other party. The second thing is that this time, although we have not achieved anything, at least we will know the other party's details. Now that the other party is in As for the number of people left in this level, it can be said that we have almost figured it out, so you still have some credit this time. "

Ye Xingchen didn't intend to continue punishing the other party at this time, because the other party was throwing his head and blood for the Tang Dynasty. If he was punishing the other party at this time, it would indeed be inhumane The second thing is that the other party didn't ask me to save him at all. The reason why I risked my life to save him was naturally because of some problems, so it would be useless to blame the other party at this time, so he just directly After leaving this place, then I went out to protect the law for this person, and then let this strong man in the realm of the great master continue to recover his internal strength in this place!

Ye Xingchen also left a few pills for this strong man in the realm of the great master, although these pills are very good pills, and they are of great benefit in recovering from injuries and restoring internal strength Yes, but such pills are almost the best pills in the hands of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. He is not stingy at all, and he naturally has no words of stinginess for his loyal ministers. , If he can give the other party something, he can give it to the other party.

After solving these things, he directly led the person under him to leave this place. After all, after restoring his own internal strength, if he continues to stay in this place, it will obviously make the other party People rush over, and by that time the damage to them will be extremely huge.

Ye Xingchen was very puzzled that the other party did not send troops to search them, or even sent any people to search them at all. In such a situation, he had no idea what the situation was, but if he In the end, I left this place directly. No matter what the other party sells in the gourd, it is the most correct choice for him to leave this place as soon as possible. Even if the other party has any thoughts in the end, as long as he leaves this place, The other party can't implement this idea at all.

In fact, he thought a little too much, because the five tiger generals thought that it would be a very unwise choice to disperse the army to search for the opponent at this time. After all, the opponent has tens of thousands of troops. Under the siege, they can fly with people in the air, so the opponent's ability can be said to be very strong. Even if thousands of people surround the opponent at the same time, the opponent can completely fly away from the sky. place, so under such circumstances, if you continue to fight with the opponent, and then send troops to search for the opponent, after the opponent directly kills the army he sent, he has nothing to do!
At that time, even if you have determined where the other party is, and then surround it with tens of thousands of troops, but if you have surrounded it with tens of thousands of military guards, the other party will have already left this place, and even if it is tens of thousands The army surrounded this place, and with corresponding arrangements, it would be very difficult to completely capture the opponent. Since it was a useless effort, he would naturally not let his men go. Such useless work.

Because the army in his current hands can be said to be very important, and he cannot do these useless things. If he can really solve a strong man in the realm of a great master, it will be considered as 1 dead. He is also willing to use a human army. After all, it is a very good thing to be able to kill a strong master in the opponent's realm.

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