real web movie

Chapter 102 The Ambitious Coach Tian

Chapter 102 The Ambitious Coach Tian
"According to your description, it looks like a person. When I am free later, I will check the license plate number for you. I think it should be almost the same. Only he has Such a pair of eyes!" Old Hu said.

Tan Yi asked: "Are you also from the investigation department?"

"That's not true. His real file is top secret, and we don't even know the background behind it. If it's really that person, I suggest you don't provoke him."

"Oh? Who exactly?"

"The name on the surface is Feng Xiao, you probably don't know it..." After a pause, Lao Hu continued, "But if I tell you that he is the brother-in-law of Guo Huaide of Jingchang Culture, you should be able to think of something... ..."

Guo Huaide is the boss of Jingchang Culture.

Tan Yi was stunned: "This... can't be... From your tone, that Feng Xiao is probably a big shot. Could it be that he wanted to trouble me because I forced him to look at that kid's phone, Guo Zhi?"

"Of course it's not that simple. And if he really wanted to trouble you, how could he contact you in this way? Maybe your meeting was really just a coincidence..."

Tan Yi didn't believe in the coincidence that Lao Hu said, there must be something tricky in it, maybe it was because Lao Hu couldn't elaborate on it for some reason.

Regarding this, Tan Yi was inconvenient to ask, and asked instead: "Feng Xiao must also be a person with some kind of ability, can you tell me about his ability?"

This time, Lao Hu didn't hide anything, and said simply: "Although his background is mysterious, he is still considered a celebrity in our special departments. It's okay to tell you. His ability is foreknowledge..."

Tan Yi was shocked: "Officer Hu, please stop teasing me... Prediction... How is this possible... If you ask me to believe this, what's the difference between asking me to believe that there is a god in this world?"

"Believe it or not. By the way, I want to tell you one more thing. The video you handed over to the investigation department, because the two intruders are no longer in Sachuan, so another person was found to take over. You will Don't ask me about that. That's it, I have work to do."

Putting away the phone, Tan Yi pushed the cart while sorting out the thoughts in his mind.

Through Guo Zhi's video, Yang Yi restored part of the process of Guo Zhi's contact with the two intruders.

At that time, Tan Yi felt incomprehensible to the intruder's behavior of letting Guo Zhi go.

According to Yang Yi, in order not to expose themselves, intruders rarely kill innocent people indiscriminately.Tan Yi always felt that this statement was a bit far-fetched.

Now it seems that the two intruders may have known Guo Zhi, or felt something from Guo Zhi, so they threw the mouse.Otherwise, even if Guo Zhi is not killed, destroying the phone directly is much better than spending half a day with him.

Could it be that those two intruders were just worried about Feng Xiao?

The more he thought about it, the more likely Tan Yi felt.

After pushing the battery car uphill, Tan Yi got into the car and drove towards the investigation branch.

After putting the things in the dormitory, Tan Yi changed his clothes, let go of his worries, and rushed to the Orly Fitness Complex refreshed.

Even if there are thousands of mysteries in my heart, the most important thing is to complete my own affairs in an orderly manner.

The lunch break time has passed, and the number of people in the clubhouse has gradually increased.It's just that if you pay attention, you will find that the training area is still lively at first glance. Some equipment has been temporarily vacant and no one is using it. Compared with the past, it is indeed a little deserted.

In the corner of the fighting area, He Yushi was learning the basics of fighting with A Bin.Ghost Zhan was lying on a leather chair not far away, watching martial arts movies on his mobile phone connected to the wifi in the clubhouse.

His fingers kept swiping on the screen, but there was disdain on his face.

A finger suddenly stretched out from the side, pressing and holding the swiping screen: "Look at this, this is good."

"The first part of "Sunrise in the East, Only I'm Undefeated"? Is this the heroine on the cover? It's quite heroic." Gui Zhan glanced at it and praised it unprecedentedly.

"That character used to be a man. Well, tell me, where are Xiao Cui and Cao Shuang?" Tan Yi withdrew his fingers from pressing on the screen.

Gui Zhan clicked on the movie recommended by Tan Yi, and casually said, "Coach Hetian is in the conference room. If they say you're here, go directly to the conference room to find them?"

In the conference room, Cui Wenxiu nodded with emotion while listening to Tian Long's eloquence.From time to time, I echoed "Life is really hard..."

Cui Wenxiu usually works very hard, because it is his first job as a fitness trainer in Orly, the salary is good, and the boss is also very nice.Therefore, he also hopes that Ollie will get better and better.

Although the flow of people Oli gave was obviously less today, which made him not very happy, but he was not so sad to the point of being disheartened.Even if in the future Ollie is really hit hard by Jingchang, the big deal is to change the club.

After all, I have only been working in Orly for a month, and I haven't developed too deep feelings for the club yet.

Tian Long is not the case, he seems to really take Ollie very seriously, and he has the intention of living and dying with Ollie.This made Cui Wenxiu feel very puzzled.

After some conversation, Cui Wenxiu found out that Tian Long had been in prison.It's not that he has done anything outrageous, it's just that he has a hot temper, likes to drink too much, and fights with others several times.

Originally, such things as impulsive fighting, that is, detention for a few days, are not a big deal. Both parties in the fighting also have a sense of propriety, and they will not make things big, otherwise it will be difficult for everyone.

However, in a bar fight, a certain yamen son was offended, and trivial matters were no longer trivial matters.

After being released from prison for several months, Tian Long decided to change his past.However, even if he was only sentenced for a few months, the black spot of "released personnel" in his file could not be erased no matter what.

Although the mainstream voice sings well, enterprises and institutions should treat ordinary people and released prisoners equally, and should not engage in discriminatory differential treatment.But after several job searches, Tian Long discovered that the actual situation was far worse than imagined.

As a former Sanda athlete, Tian Long knows nothing but boxing and kicking. He is not reconciled to what he is learning now.

"Maybe you will feel a little bit second, but I still have to say, I am a person with dreams! I am still young, so if I give up my dreams like this, what is the meaning of my life?"

Tian Long put the mineral water bottle heavily on the conference table.

"I have applied for several boxing gyms, and among all the applicants, my performance is the best. However, I was still the one who was rejected in the end. I know the reason.

"Until I came here, I saw the hope of realizing my dream. The boss also gave me a lot of support. I can see that he, like me, also has a dream! The boss and I, the two of us, are like a pair on Wang Yangshang. A small boat. He steers, I pull the sails. Even if there is a storm ahead, we will ride the wind and waves!"

(End of this chapter)

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