real web movie

Chapter 176

Chapter 176

The water quality of the Sanjiang River is not very good, and with the continuous rain and snow, the water quality is slightly cloudy.

When Tan Yi dived to a depth of eight meters with the gondola, he could no longer see the outside world clearly.

Although wearing a diving suit keeps your body out of contact with the outside water, it doesn't mean you won't feel cold.

Tan Yi was trembling all over at the moment, and felt a faint pain in his ears.

Is the dish river so deep...why hasn't it reached the end yet...

Just as he was thinking this way, the hanging basket suddenly stopped.

in the end.

Dive depth, 11 meters.

The cold and water pressure made Tan Yi, who had never received diving training, quite uncomfortable. If it weren't for being a member of the crew, his physical fitness and endurance have surpassed most people, I am afraid that he would have returned early because he could not bear it. up.

Turn on the underwater searchlight fixed on the forehead, and all kinds of old garbage come into view.

There are rubber tires, cans, glass bottles, plastic bags wrapped in sand, leather shoes, etc., all covered with a thick layer of silt and algae.

The real situation on the river bed made Tan Yi feel a little sick.

Holding three probing rods in his left arm and a Luoyang shovel in his right hand, Tan Yi kicked his feet lightly, and as he swung his legs up and down, he swam towards a river bed that was not covered by garbage.

First use a Luoyang shovel to thrust upwards, bringing out a large amount of silt, and then insert a probe into the hollow that was drawn out.

After confirming that the probe would not be disturbed by the current and that there was no other metal garbage nearby, Tan Yi slowly swam towards another place.


The mobile phones of the members of the Flying Wings on the bridge vibrated at the same time, and Lao Hu's voice was heard in the earphones, the voice was very low, and he seemed to be panting.

"The information of the person in charge of the shop under the bridge has been sent to you."

"Thank you, Old Hu. Where have you found out now?" He Yushi asked.

"Me, Ding Yu, and Wei Fen are still on the first floor. But after a carpet search, every corner has been searched, and the entrance to the basement has not been found."

"You and Ding Yuweifen? Aren't there seven of you? Where are the other four?"

"They went upstairs to search for the missing Seventh Armed Police Team. Although I tried to dissuade them, Team Leader Xu refused to listen and insisted on going upstairs. In the end, he took three of his men and separated from us. gone."

"He is blatantly disobeying Section Chief Chen's orders."

He Yushi was a little angry.The three of Lao Hu belonged to the intelligence team and were not good at fighting. Team leader Xu left with his subordinates. If Lao Hu and the others encountered any trouble, it would be dangerous.

Lao Hu let out a wry smile: "There is some disagreement between Team Leader Xu and Team Leader Xiang. Section Chief Chen also understands this, but there is no good solution... Unlike other regular departments, the Investigation Section is ultimately lacking in talents. And if we act separately, the efficiency is indeed higher..."

"Could it be that the members are allowed to bring personal emotional factors into the work because of the lack of talents...Forget it, Lao Hu, hurry up, if you really can't find the entrance, take Ding Yu and Wei Fen out of the cultural center first."

After the call ended, He Yushi was about to check the data he had just received when Cao Shuang suddenly asked: "Why not try the void meter? As long as we set up as many observation points as possible, misjudgments should be avoided, right?"

"It doesn't work," He Yushi replied: "There are many pipes around the building. More importantly, there is a lot of metal in the layout of the building and the structure itself, which will affect the detection."

"Oh." Cao Shuang replied regretfully, "Tan Yi has been in the water for almost a quarter of an hour, and I don't know how much data he has collected..."

Underwater, the data collection was basically completed. After Tan Yi retracted the last probe, he grabbed the rope around his waist and started to swim back.

But as he swam, he gradually realized that something was wrong.

I’m obviously not far from the hanging basket. How come I haven’t seen the hanging basket after swimming for so long?

The length of this rope...

A rope was tied between Tan Yi and the hanging basket. While swimming back, he wrapped the rope around his elbow. At this time, the rope had been wound more than ten times, and it was roughly estimated to be seven or eight meters long. The length of the rope before launching.

Have you been recruited again...

The rubbish on the riverbed was strewn all over, Tan Yi felt a little familiar and a little strange at the same time, which made it difficult for him to determine whether he had passed this place when setting up the probe.

Tan Yi pressed the distress switch, turned around and swam upwards.

Now that he knew he had been tricked, Tan Yi no longer had much hope that the distress signal would work.

However, after swimming for a long time, I still did not see the water surface.

Looking at the indicator dial of the oxygen cylinder, the remaining oxygen is only enough to last for 2 minutes.

Fuck, this bottle of oxygen is enough to dive for an hour.Even if you dive deeper, as deep as 20 meters, you can still last for four to five ten minutes...

Tan Yi's heartbeat started to speed up, and the oxygen he consumed also accelerated visibly with the naked eye.

calm!calm!I must not mess with myself, it will only make me die faster...

Tan Yi's legs swayed slightly.

There was no sign of seeing the water above.

In his hand, there is a rope that has been wrapped around an unknown number of times.

And under his feet, there was still a river bed full of rubbish!
After going upstream for so long, is it still not far away from the river bed?But the rope can still be wrapped around my arm round and round...

Tan Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he withdrew his hand from the rope like an electric shock, and then began to untie the rope around his waist.

But his fingers, which had been numb from the cold, couldn't move, and he didn't untie the rope around his waist for a long time.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in front of his eyes, swaying gently with the current.


No!Aquatic plants will only appear in the shallow water area, which is the riverbed area in the middle of the Banjiang River.

Tan Yi followed the shadow and looked down.

The rope thrown out just now has turned into a big black shadow at some point.It opened and extended from Tan Yi's feet.

Soon, all Tan Yi saw were black shadows.

He was completely enveloped by the shadow...

The black shadow enveloping Tan Yi began to shrink a little while slowly wriggling.

Now Tan Yi finally saw clearly what kind of black shadow it was, it was clearly countless intertwined hairs!
The rope wrapped around Tan Yi's waist also revealed its true colors... The pitch-black hair began to gather itself, and it became tighter and tighter!

Tan Yi threw away the probe and Luoyang shovel, his wrist flashed, and he held a fruit knife in his hand.

With a slash of the fruit knife, the hair wrapped around his waist was cut off on the spot.

Tan Yi felt relieved, thankfully these hairs were no tougher than ordinary hair in terms of strength.

But in the next second, Tan Yi's eyes widened.

I saw that the severed hairs were not taken away by the water flow, but all seemed to have spirituality, entangled at a faster speed!

(End of this chapter)

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