real web movie

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

The corners of Tan Yi's closed eyes twitched slightly, and the thick light red mist suddenly rolled up and gathered towards the front seat of the Audi car.

As the red mist gathers, the blood threads all over the car converge towards the place where the red mist gathers.

With bloodshot bones as bones and red mist as skin, a blood-red figure appeared faintly in the car with its waist hunched over.

The figure's figure expanded and contracted erratically, and it could only be barely discerned that it was probably a female figure.

On her head, the facial features are blurred, and the long hair flutters like jumping flames.

Her face was facing Tan Yi, and the two were very close.

Tan Yi slowly opened his eyes, silently staring at the blood-red figure in front of him, breathing gradually slowed down, trying to keep himself calm.

The car was unusually quiet.

After staring at each other for nearly a minute, the bloody figure turned his head slightly, first looking at Chen Yong who was sitting beside Tan Yi.After just one glance, he looked at Huamao Tieyin on the other side.It took a little longer this time.

Tieyin shrank her body, hid her sharp claws under her body, her watery eyes radiated pure light.Try not to reveal any intention to attack as much as possible.

It wasn't until the sight of the bloody figure moved away from him that Liyin's tail trembled slightly.

Tan Yi slowly opened the car door.

The figure took one last look at Tan Yi, and then turned into bloodshot again, spreading out of the car along the crack of the car door.

After most of the bloodshots left the car, Tan Yi quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The bloodshot was in the shape of a net, fully covering most of the passage.They advanced towards the front of the passage, and soon crossed the road and entered the Binjiang Pop Culture Museum opposite.

Tan Yi asked to use plastic film to build this passage, just to prevent others from seeing his intention when he released Jiang Lei.

After all, he cannot leave the scope of the mission until the mission is completed, and this road is the boundary of the scope.

Although Jiang Lei, the network-shaped blood thread covering a huge area, has entered the cultural center, there is always a very thin blood thread connecting her and Tan Yi.This thread of blood, as thin as a hair, is now the only connection between the two of them.

Through it, Tan Yi can roughly know where Jiang Lei is currently.And Jiang Lei can also use it to find her way home.

The location of Tan Yi's left chest is the home he promised Jiang Lei.

"Okay, now, just wait for the news." Tan Yi felt relieved.

This is the first time that Tan Yi has released Jiang Lei almost completely.

In less than 2 minutes, Tan Yi communicated with Jiang Lei dozens of times in his mind. Finally, after paying a huge price, Jiang Lei finally agreed to Tan Yi's request to help him explore the cultural center.

The phone in his pocket vibrated, and Tan Yi knew that it was the crew's app that had sent the message, but since Section Chief Chen was by his side, he couldn't take it out to check right now.

Through the windshield, Section Chief Chen looked at the seemingly deep, but actually not very long, depth of the plastic film channel, and seemed to be talking to himself: "It seems to be stronger than I expected. But , it is also weak."

"Weak?" Tan Yi asked in surprise.

Section Chief Chen withdrew his gaze and looked at Tan Yi: "It should belong to the wanderer, right?"

Wanderer is the name given to the newly-appeared life forms similar to the legendary ghosts after the investigation department discovered the mutation of Sarakawa.

"It should be... right..." Since Jiang Lei's mission still needs the investigation department's assistance in collecting information, Tan Yi doesn't intend to hide too much, "However, it should have existed for a long time. Compared with the concept of 'Wanderer' It would have been many years earlier.”

"Wanderer is just what we call this kind of existence." Section Chief Chen smiled slightly, "There are more than a dozen documents similar to life in the base. Each of them has existed for many years before the city's mutation. "

Tan Yi was stunned.

"Has this kind of life form been discovered in our base long ago? But why did we only pay attention to rogues recently, and specifically proposed the concept of 'rogues'?"

Hearing Tan Yi use the phrase "our base", Section Chief Chen's smile became more obvious.

A simple wording, but the content contained in it is not simple, which shows that Tan Yi has truly regarded himself as a member of the investigation department.

Although it is unclear what Tan Yi's real thoughts are, at least on the surface, he is no longer an unstable factor.

Section Chief Chen realized this at the first time, and because Lao Hu had already planted seeds in all members of the Flying Wings, Section Chief Chen decided to reveal some more secrets of the investigation department to Tan Yi.

"Rogues have existed for a long time. They are usually relatively powerful, and most of them are law-abiding. So as long as they don't do anything outrageous, we won't take action against them."

"That is to say..."

"That is to say, they can only exist because we allow them to exist!" Chief Chen said coldly.

Tan Yi looked at Section Chief Chen, and Section Chief Chen also stared at Tan Yi.

After a long time, Tan Yi nodded: "I understand. When the mission is over, I will submit a report on how I obtained the assistance of the rogue."

Section Chief Chen was very satisfied with Tan Yi's answer, and patted Tan Yi's shoulder lightly: "I hope you don't misunderstand, I am not a threat. At the moment when the change in the river is happening, we must unite all forces and work together To meet the great challenges that are coming.

"When you can successfully complete your mission, I will take you to meet a person whose research on supernatural power will be of great help to you and me!
"At that time, you will have a better understanding of the truth of this world, and I believe it will help you complete your future tasks. At least, it will make your purpose clearer!

"After all, we—including your companions, and all real online movie crew members like you—are all human beings at heart..."

Tan Yi scratched his head with his uninjured hand: "No... Chief Chen, your idea is a bit big... Why do I think that you are saying that human beings are about to face a huge crisis..."

"You'll know when the time comes." Section Chief Chen opened the door.

"Chief Chen, are you leaving now?"

"I'm still the on-site conductor after all, so I can't stay here with you for half an hour."

"Oh, then go slowly." Tan Yi didn't want to keep him anymore.

"By the way, Lao Hu should have sent you all the information that should be provided.

"Although I also hope that the investigation department can participate more in your tasks. However, according to our analysis, the more external forces you use, the more unfavorable it will be for your crew members to perform their tasks. You are a smart man , should know what I mean."

After finishing speaking, Section Chief Chen left the Audi car and walked out of the plastic film passage with square steps.

(End of this chapter)

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