real web movie

Chapter 194 Child Chapter

Chapter 194 Fairy Tale
The two ladies seemed frightened, and they asked the servants who followed to drive the little girl away.

The little girl shook her two empty sleeves and sat down on the stone steps again.

An old voice came from the shop: "Child, it's useless. Dad's eyes are almost gone. Even if someone wants to ask us to make clothes, Dad won't be able to finish it..."

"Why is everyone afraid of me?"

Whenever the little girl asked this question, the old father would not answer, and the little girl was used to it.

Days passed, and the food at home could no longer last for a few days.

The little girl still guards the door of the shop every day, hoping to bring a business to the tailor shop.

Another day, the sun set on the mountain, but the little girl didn't hear her old father call her into the house.

The old father sat on the chair that was as old as him, staring at the dark roof with empty eyes, motionless.

The village priest said: "The lucky old guy, he was taken away by God to the paradise flowing with milk and honey."

"But why didn't God let him go on the road with dignity? There was even a hole in his boots that had not been repaired."

At night, the little girl tried to use needle and thread to help the dead old father mend the boots with holes.

But her clumsy toes made it impossible for her to do this delicate job.

Her toes and lips were punctured with needles.

"How I want to be like everyone else, with a pair of dexterous hands..."

The little girl clung to her father's boots tightly and fell into a deep sleep.

In her sleep, she shed a drop of crystal tears, which fell on the hard bed board beneath her and turned into a sewing needle.

The magpies sang, and the little girl woke up with Chaoyang.

She was surprised to find a brand new sewing needle in front of her.

What surprised her even more was that she found that she had a pair of hands.They were so deft that she was patched by her old father's boot with as little effort as if the hole had never been there.

On this day, the little girl stood in front of the shop and showed her hands to everyone passing by.She needs to get a business so that she can have money to bury her old father.

A luxurious-looking carriage stopped in front of the tailor shop, followed by a line of armored guards.

"Dear guest, do you need to make new clothes? I promise that the clothes I make will satisfy you."

In the small window of the carriage, a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy looked at the little girl's hands obsessively: "Oh my god, what beautiful hands, they are like the hands of an angel..."

The old father was finally buried.

And the little girl got into the boy's carriage.

The destination of the carriage is Wangcheng.

In the car, the boy grabbed the little girl's hand and never let go of it for almost a moment.

"What's your name?"

"My dad calls me Teresa."

"He looks too old to be your father."

"He said I was picked up by him."

"Oh, so it is. No wonder you look a little different from other girls. You know, you are almost like an angel."

The carriage drove into the tall city wall of the royal city, without stopping, and continued to drive towards the palace complex in the center.

Teresa watched curiously at the tall buildings and the passing crowd in the royal city.She felt that she had never seen so many people in her life.

The entourage told Teresa that the boy was the king's only son, and today was the day the prince went hunting.

The prince wanted to arrange Teresa to live in the castle, but was unsuccessful, and it is said that he was rejected by the high priest.

The high priest reasoned that Teresa was a devil from the East and that she should be burned to death.

Teresa was terrified when she heard the news, and she begged the prince to let her go.

"No," said the prince, "I will not let you leave me, no matter what the old witch says!"
"However, it seems that you cannot be seen by my father and the queen for the time being. I will arrange a place for you in the royal city."

"Then help me open a tailor shop and I'll support myself."

As a result, Teresa owned a tailor shop that belonged to her on the most prosperous street in Wangcheng.

The prince spent one day every week hunting.Every day, his carriage would pass by Teresa's tailor shop and take her out into the wild.

Go to the valley full of lavender, to the lakeside where swans swim, and to the tomb where Teresa’s father is buried.

Day after day, year after year, before I knew it, Teresa was 14 years old.Her fame also spread throughout the entire royal city.

Teresa's craftsmanship is truly wonderful.Any torn clothes, after she mends, will be more beautiful than before.

As long as she made the clothes with her own hands, once she put them on, she could make a beggar look like a gentleman, and a maid look like a lady.

Along with Teresa's craftsmanship came her looks.

She has undoubtedly become more and more beautiful, although her facial features look different from everyone in Wangcheng.

"Dear Teresa, the day after tomorrow is the queen's birthday. Although I don't like this stepmother, I still think it is necessary to prepare a unique gift for her. I hope you can make a dress suitable for the queen."

"Okay, Your Royal Highness. Although I have never made clothes for the queen, as long as you provide the size of the clothes, I don't think I will let you down. But I don't understand, since you don't like the queen, why don't you just give it to me How about some perfunctory?"

"Because the day after tomorrow, I decided to make a request to my father and queen, the most solemn request in my life!"

The prince took Teresa's hand and kissed the back of her hand gently.

The Queen herself was humming a ditty to her son.

Yes, the prince is no longer the king's only son, he now has a half brother.

"Dear queen, this is an evening dress I specially prepared for you, I hope you like it."

The prince ordered his servants to unfold the clothes Teresa had made.

"Oh, it's beautiful. Can you tell me who made it? My child."

"It's... Teresa..."

The king on the side was also very satisfied with this evening dress: "It's really an amazing craftsmanship! But it seems that Teresa is not among the royal tailors."

"Yes, father. She is a folk woman of great skill and beauty. She is like an angel."

"A common woman?" The king was surprised. "If she is as good as you say, it would be a pity to live among the people. Bring her here and I will reward her."

"It's so beautiful, I can't wait to wear it." The queen caressed the evening dress made by Theresa herself and couldn't put it down.

"Go, my beautiful queen, I believe that after wearing it, you will become the most perfect woman in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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