real web movie

Chapter 213 Tan Yi's Death

Chapter 213 Tan Yi's Death
Whoosh!A person suddenly appeared between the doctor and Yang Yi.But it was Captain Xu of Team Six.

He saw at a glance that the blood mist on the two of them was only protecting them, and immediately shouted: "I'll take you away!"

As soon as the words fell, a hole opened in the blood mist on the two men.

Captain Xu grabbed one with each hand, and the three of them disappeared in place in an instant.

Captain Xu couldn't care less about Tan Yi who was still lying on the ground.

The three of them had just teleported away when an invisible tornado filled with inexplicable sharp energy spread explosively with Du Wanqiu as the center.

In just an instant, the dozens of beams of light covering the intruders burst into high-frequency flashes under the cutting of this invisible energy.

Amidst the continuous roar, the console seemed to be evaporated, and turned into dust in a blink of an eye.

The mental storm that Du Wanqiu launched with all his strength was so terrifyingly powerful!
However, it is precisely because of the full force that the attacks formed are all-round and indiscriminate.

After the doctor and Yang Yi left, the scattered blood mist flowed back, making the blood mist surrounding Tan Yi more intense, almost forming a substance.

But under Du Wanqiu's mental storm, she was still weakened layer by layer.The figure of Tan Yi lying inside also gradually became clear.

However, at this moment, Tan Yi had no intention of paying attention to the outside world. He was lying on his back on the ground with blood all over his body.

His eyes and lips were completely sewn together by the bloody thread, he could no longer see anything, and he could no longer communicate with others.

He heard Yang Yi's cry of surprise, and Captain Xu's shout, so he understood that help was coming.

He removed the blood mist protecting the doctor and Yang Yi, and asked Captain Xu to lead them away.

But he couldn't go away.

He made a deal with Jiang Lei for the second time, and the price was to hand over all 50 days to complete the second wish task.

But there are still 50 days left, so this transaction is equivalent to directly bearing the curse from Jiang Lei.

The reminder on the phone once directly stated that Jiang Lei's curse cannot be resolved by any means!

Soon, he will become the next fabric monster in Jiangshang Garment Factory.

Jiang Lei's illusory figure floated above Tan Yi, her blood-colored eyes staring at Tan Yi's face.

Of course Tan Yi couldn't see all this, but amidst the cutting roar of the mental storm outside, Jiang Lei's voice reached his ears very clearly.

Very close, so close that it seemed to be right next to his ear.

There were only two words in Jiang Lei's words - "Thank you!"

Before Tan Yi's chaotic brain could figure out what Jiang Lei meant by thanking him, his heartbeat stopped in a daze.

Tan Yi died.

As a natural person, he truly dies.

The blood mist that enveloped him disappeared the moment he died.

Yang Yi, who was brought into the crack by Captain Xu, hadn't seen Tan Yi's specific situation clearly before seeing him being turned into a blood mist by Du Wanqiu's mental storm.

It was different from the blood mist transformed by Jiang Lei's ability, but the real blood mist made of flesh and blood.

Yang Yi's eyes widened and she opened her mouth, but she didn't know what to say.

The joy that he had just been rescued disappeared the moment he saw Tan Yi die with his own eyes.

My heart became empty.

The mental storm gradually subsided.

The little energy left in her body is no longer enough for Du Wanqiu to continue.

Swish swish!
As the mental storm completely stopped, one figure after another appeared around Du Wanqiu, and together with her, they confronted the intruders in the beam of light.

Feng Xiao smiled lightly and shook his head: "It's a pity, doctor, I really don't want you to die. You are a talent, even if you go to our world, you are also a talent. But——it doesn't matter.

"Everyone in the investigation department, I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart. I wanted to have a good chat with you, but my companions don't seem to have the patience."

After finishing speaking, Feng Xiao snapped his fingers.Immediately, the intruders in the beam of light all began to slowly rise into the air.

The doctor shouted angrily towards the glass cabin in mid-air: "Why?"

A word of apology, with a faint sigh, came from the glass cabin and fell into everyone's ears: "I'm sorry, doctor..."

"Feng! Xiao! You traitor!" Lao Hu gritted his teeth, pointed his gun at Feng Xiao who had risen into the air and fired repeatedly.

Once the magazine was finished, Lao Hu wanted to replace it with a new magazine.

"It's useless." Chen Yong pressed Lao Hu's hand holding the gun, "Once the eye of the storm is activated, unless you have the absolute power equivalent to the abyss invader, you can't destroy the beam of light it casts. Want to destroy the eye of the storm itself , it is even more impossible.”


"There's nothing good about it. It's just our lack of ability that's to blame."

Chen Yong shook his head. Although he had obtained tangible evidence that Feng Xiao was an intruder and found out the spies hiding within the investigation department, the price paid was too high.

"Doctor," Jim Chen asked, "where do you set the end point of your escape? Is it still too late for us to intercept him now?"

The doctor shook his head and said, "It's useless. After the activation, the destination has been changed. I never thought that the person we worked so hard to find, who can resonate with the energy of the eye of the storm, is actually the traitor of the base!"

The doctor scratched his head in pain.

"Then, can you roughly guess where they will be teleported to?"

Before the doctor could answer, an intruder in the beam of light gave the doctor the answer to this question: "Border breaking!"

The doctor raised his head violently and shouted, "This is impossible!"

The intruder's lowered gaze fell on the doctor: "Do you think that after we broke into the base, why didn't some people stay outside to snipe the people who came to rescue?

"Or do you think that after I tore open the space channel, I was unable to seal it, so that's why you let people from the investigation department chase you here?
"No! Not at all! I deliberately let you gather here!"

Another intruder, who hid himself in a black robe, said in an old, shrill voice, "You will die soon... Oh, maybe some people will survive."

Another intruder said: "But this is enough. The supernatural energy you provide after death is enough for us to return to the boundary!"

The intruders all laughed.The laughter was cold and merciless.

Chen Yong was shocked, and finally realized the problem, his expression suddenly changed.

"Get out of here! Get out of the base!"


Infinity City, District F, Third Avenue, Room 5, Building 106.

This is a very spacious room.There are two people in the room at the moment.

One is a woman who looks 27 or [-] years old, lying on a large bed and reading a book.

Another woman, about 20 years old, was sitting on the ground, wiping a sniper rifle more than two meters long in her hand with a cloth.

The woman reading the book suddenly changed her expression, and said in surprise: "Someone broke my curse... no... no, it's not cracking! But why..."

(End of this chapter)

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