real web movie

Chapter 227 You Need a Backstage

Chapter 227 You Need a Backstage

Then, Tan Yi began to tell what happened to him.

"At that time, I was still in junior high school. I have forgotten the specific day of my junior high school. At that time, just like you now, I had a very low sense of presence in the class - although my grades were good - some bad students gradually found me I.

"At first, they asked me to do their homework and offered to pay for it.

"They would pay me [-] cents for each assignment, and I agreed. First of all, my family background is not very good, so [-] cents is already a certain temptation for me..."

Wei Yu interrupted, "What can you buy with fifty cents..."

Tan Yi smiled and said, "It was different back then. At that time, you could buy one or two rice noodles for fifty cents. Now if you want to buy one or two rice noodles, you have to spend four yuan."

Wei Yu seemed a little surprised, and asked after a while, "What happened next?"

"Don't worry. Apart from my greed for the little income, there is also the fact that I dare not refuse their request. At that time, the security was not as good as it is now. Outside our school, there are some social scum around all day long. According to the saying at the time, it was called' rotten'.

"At that time, around our school, there were more than a dozen people who helped each other, as far as I heard. And the few students who asked me to do homework belonged to a certain gang.

"In the beginning, there were only two people who asked me to do my homework. They also paid as promised.

"The other guys who hang out with those two classmates probably heard about this incident, so more people came to me the second time, a total of six.

"At first I was very happy, thinking that I got three yuan. However, it turned out that only two people paid. The other four said they would give it next time.

"For the third time, after I finished writing for them, none of them paid any more.

"I asked them for it, but I was threatened. I was very angry and refused to help them with their homework.

"At that time, there were a few very honest students in our class who were always bullied by them. But after I refused their request, they changed the object of bullying to me.

"I don't need to tell you exactly how you got bullied. If you have personal experience in this regard, I believe you know better than me."

Wei Yu let out a "hmm".

"And then?" he asked.

"There are six of them, and they are connected to gangsters outside the school. In normal times, I would not dare to do anything to them. So, I made a request to the class teacher to change seats."

Wei Yu was very puzzled: "Replacement? What effect does this have? No matter where you are transferred, you are still in the class..."

Tan Yi sneered: "It's not what you think, I'm not trying to avoid them.

"The seat I applied for transfer is the front desk of those six bad classmates.

"My first class after I transferred there was maths. In maths, the guy started bullying me, as I expected.

"He kept rubbing the cap of the pen on the table, and when it was hot, he lay down on the back of my neck.

"I warned him several times, but instead of stopping, he scalded me even more intensely. And his deskmate, who is the study committee member in the class, saw his behavior not only did not stop him, but secretly laughed from the sidelines.

"Finally, after he didn't know how many times he had scalded me, I took advantage of the math teacher walking to the back of the classroom, left my seat abruptly, pressed his head on the table and hammered hard.

"I don't know how long I hammered, half a minute... or 1 minute... In short, I didn't return to my seat until my hands were a little swollen from the hammer.

"I believe the teacher also saw this scene. When she returned to the podium, she looked at me in surprise."

Wei Yu interrupted: "Is this math teacher the teacher Long you mentioned earlier?"

Tan Yi said in a very soft voice: "No, this teacher's surname is Lu, and she is very kind to me—of course, I mean learning. She is a teacher I still miss very much."

"Oh, what happened next?" Wei Yu asked.

"Later, that classmate cried and kicked my chair for the whole class.

"I was also panicked at the time, knowing that he would definitely come to retaliate against me after class. You know, he is half a head taller than me, and I couldn't beat him in a real fight.

"However, I also understand that once I surrender, the revenge will come more violently, and the situation in the future will be even more miserable.

"Finally, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. As soon as the teacher left the classroom, he stood up. I was also polite and stood up to confront him.

"I was punched in the chest, but there was a desk behind me, so I wasn't in a very embarrassing situation. I heard from other students afterwards that I was blown away at that time. Although the statement about being blown away is a bit exaggerated, I still feel that way now." I remember, that punch really made me feel a little weightless.

"With the desk blocking me, I didn't fall, but calmed down. He didn't continue to do anything, just pointed at me and said he wanted someone to beat me.

"I didn't show any anger or fear, but approached him very calmly and put an arm around his shoulder.

"I leaned into his ear and said to him, 'If you can find someone, I can also find someone. Don't think that you are from the XX gang, and I will be afraid of you. But in this way, it will be endless. You Let's see.'"

"After I finished speaking, he stared at me for a long time, and I also stared at him calmly. In the end, he returned to his seat without saying a word.

"Later, he didn't find anyone to block me outside the school. As for me, there was no one at all. But since then, no one in the class has bullied me again.

"Later, I met him once in the game hall and fought a few boxing queens together. Instead, we established a little friendship. I met him two years ago and said hello to each other."

After Tan Yi finished his story in one breath, Wei Yu muttered after a while: "But, they know me very well, they know that I have no backer..."

Wei Yu was right.The reason why Tan Yi was able to bluff those bad students was precisely because they didn't know Tan Yi well and couldn't confirm the truth of what Tan Yi said.In addition, all kinds of bad forces outside the school are intricate, and it is impossible to find out clearly, which allows Tan Yi to be fooled.

However, for Wei Yu now, all of this cannot be replicated at all.

"Yes, you lack a backstage." Tan Yi smiled lightly, "If you agree, then I don't mind acting as your backstage."

"You?" Wei Yu was surprised for the third time, "Is this really okay?"

"Don't forget, I'm a policeman... Well... Strictly speaking, it should be a more special position than a policeman. However, no matter how different the positions are, there is one purpose that remains the same, and that is to serve the people!"

Wei Yu did not applaud Tan Yi's declaration, but asked indifferently: "Then what will you do?"

Tan Yi said: "After you start school, take me to meet those classmates who bullied you. I will take care of myself."

(End of this chapter)

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