real web movie

Chapter 240 Going to the Rift

Chapter 240 Going to the Rift
In Tan Yi's view, this kind of wound healing speed is almost comparable to that of a supernatural being who specializes in healing. For a while, Tan Yi is no longer so afraid of this Mojia Gu.

What kind of bad thoughts can a little bug that can heal?

As if seeing what was going on in Tan Yi's mind, Lisa immediately poured cold water on it without hesitation: "Don't expect it to heal your wounds. Before you recognize the owner, such an effect will only appear in the first implantation and the first time. It will only appear when it is taken out."

"That's it...that's such a pity." Tan Yi was a little disappointed, "What should I do next?"

"Come here." Lisa beckoned to Tan Yi, "Move this stone slab away. Below is the magic circle left over from Mojia Village. If you want to cross the border, you need to use it."

"A magic circle? It sounds a bit unreal..."

At Lisa's feet, under the cover of weeds, there is a stone slab that is two meters square and half a meter thick. The erosion of the years has covered it with moss.

"This... I'm afraid I can't move it with bare hands. I'll go find a suitable tree trunk and pry it open."

However, Tan Yi slid around and only found a dead tree trunk as thick as an arm, and he couldn't help shaking his head.

In the end, a tree was cut down to get a barely qualified tool.

First a small hole was dug under the stone slab, and then another stone was placed opposite the stone slab and the small hole, and then the end of the tree trunk was inserted into the small hole.

Under the principle of leverage, the slate was pried open a little, and Tan Yi noticed that there was another black slate under the slate.

The difference is that there are some strange lines carved on the black slate.

A new stone slab appeared below, so it was naturally impossible to continue prying the boulder pressing on it in place, and could only switch to the removed part. The upper stone slab was tilted up, and then a stone was used to create a gap underneath.

After tossing and tossing for half an hour, the magic circle stone was finally fully exposed.

Tan Yi wanted to say something, but Lisa had already walked to another place, bent over and pulled the grass blades on the ground: "There is still here."

"Anything else? All right."

After gaining the experience of the first time, the processing of the second stone slab was much faster, and it only took more than ten minutes to complete the work.

Unexpectedly, after the second piece was done, Lisa ran to the distance again: "This is the same."

Then the fourth place, the fifth place...

Finally, after prying open the seventh stone slab, Lisa, who was sweating profusely and panting heavily, sat down to rest: "It's done. Let's take a rest first."

Tan Yi observed the lines on the stone slab, and after looking at it for a long time, he couldn't see why.

"Lisa, what are the patterns on this? It doesn't seem to be words, nor does it look like paintings, and the patterns on each slate are different..."

"Those patterns are meaningless. It's just a way for the people who arranged this magic circle to deceive people. They were all carved indiscriminately."

Tan Yi was speechless, he had never expected such an operation to exist.

But then again, it really works.For example, the current him is studying the weird lines on the slate like an idiot.

After resting for a while, Lisa got up: "You stand aside first. I'm about to start the final preparations."

Tan Yi's expression became serious, and he obediently stood aside.

Lisa cut her finger, and this time, it was bleeding.

First drop one drop of blood on the first black stone slab, then two drops on the second black stone slab, three drops on the third black slate slab...until seven drops on the seventh black slate slab.

Then, she stood in front of the seventh black stone slab, placed her hands flat on her chest, palms facing up, and recited something in a low voice.

After about 30 seconds, several Mojia Gu worms crawled out from her cuffs.

This scene made Tan Yi's teeth sore.

Lisa placed the Mojia Gu worms one by one on the black stone slab dripped with blood, and then looked back at Tan Yi: "The next time will last about 10 minutes, you have to make sure you don't disturb me. If someone suddenly appears if……"

Lisa made a chopping gesture: "You are a member of the real online movie crew, so it shouldn't be too difficult to do these things."

Tan Yi nodded silently, and with a thought, a faint red mist gushed out from Tan Yi's body, spread to the surroundings, and gradually disappeared in the jungle.

At the same time, he flipped his palm, and Tan Yi held the PX4 Storm in his palm.

After Jiang Lei completely accepted Tan Yi, Tan Yi's control over Jiang Lei's power has become like a command.

At this moment, the entire site of Mojia Village and the jungle surrounding Mojia Village seemed peaceful, but within a radius of [-] meters, they were already under Tan Yi's strict surveillance.

The restricted area of ​​blood mist, this is the usage that Tan Yi only mastered not long ago, it is somewhat similar to the effect of a spider web.Whenever anyone or anything enters the coverage of the blood mist, Tan Yi will be aware of it immediately, so as to deal with it.

However, since the restricted area of ​​the blood mist spreads power, as the coverage area expands, the combat characteristics of the blood mist itself decrease inversely.

The current range of [-] meters is the limit that the Blood Mist Restricted Area can currently reach.And completely lost the ability to fight.

Tan Yi paid attention to the movements around him and made a mental calculation: Jiang Lei's ultimate ability is a curse.However, because her body is still incomplete, the power of her curse is still weak. Only conscious control can the curse take effect on the target.

After finding her remaining body and replenishing her strength, this blood mist restricted area should also have the power of curse...

Lisa saw Tan Yi's actions, nodded to him, and then stood in front of the fourth block, which was the center of the seven black stone slabs. She raised her arms high, closed her eyes, and recited a strange rhyme in her mouth. mantra.

As the voice of Lisa chanting the mantra became louder and higher, Tan Yi also found that the surroundings seemed to be gradually different.

This difference cannot be directly observed with the naked eye, but comes from the feedback of the blood mist.

" it going to start...?"

Suddenly, Lisa's chanting reached its highest point. At the same time, the trees became quiet and the wind stopped, and even the ever-present birdsong disappeared without a trace.

After the last long note, the spell stopped. Lisa took a few steps back, took Tan Yi's left arm, faced the position where the No. [-] black stone slab was, and knelt down on one knee.

In Tan Yi's eyes, nothing changed at all, but in his perception, there was another scene.

This perception came from the blood mist, and also from the Mojia Gu worm lodged in his left arm.

It is they who are transmitting to Tan Yi the changes that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but are actually happening——

The No. [-] black slate, under a burst of twists and changes, turned into a burly and sturdy black-armored giant holding a long spear.

The giant's eyes were dark, like two black holes leading to another world.To Tan Yi, it felt like the gaze from Bu Yao that he saw for the last time before he passed out in the refrigerator when he was on a mission for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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