real web movie

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

Then, after the man introduced the location of the target and the time of the proposed action, he arranged for the two of them to sit in the corner of the tavern, waiting for the night to come.

Tan Yi asked: "He seems to believe that we can handle this matter well. Could it be that he has a strong sensory ability, so he knows that we are not weak?"

"Maybe." Lisa flipped through the menu on the table, "But I prefer to think that it's because of the Mojia Gu worm... This boss is really stingy, actually let us sit here until dark, even No food is given to anyone. If you don’t have to eat, how can you have the strength to work at night?"

"Listen to you, is this Mojia Gu worm hard to catch? Could it be that the area where they live is dangerous and forbidden?"

"What do you think?"

Tan Yi smiled slightly.

It seems that Lisa, as Goddess Yatta, is not the type who is not good at fighting.

Is this okay?
This is of course good!

"Where is the Sunset City you just asked about?"

"Sunset City is the central city of the rift, the largest city. The most valuable tasks will be released there, and the most capable people will gather there.

"I went there to get more Mojia Gu worms. And the immortal person you want to find should also be able to get related news there..." Lisa said.

While talking, two bowls of ramen were placed in front of the two of them.

"For you, I'm afraid you haven't eaten yet. When you do errands at night, remember to be quick." The shop owner said lazily.

Time passed, and it was past ten o'clock in the evening.

The shop owner winked at Tan Yi and Lisa from a distance, and they sneaked out from the back door of the tavern while the other guests were not paying attention.

Looking at the bright moon hanging high in the night sky, listening to the barking of dogs and the noise of men and women in the distance, Tan Yi sighed: "What a beautiful night, it is really the best time to beat people."

Lisa glanced at him sideways, as if she felt that Tan Yi was a little psychotic.

How did Lisa know that Tan Yi was thinking of the night when he beat up Fifth Master violently in the underground parking lot. At that time, his friends and oath spirits were all there, and it was a rare and happy day for him.

The one the tavern owner wanted them to beat up was the owner of another tavern across the street.

The two taverns faced each other across the street, robbing each other for business, and had a long-standing grudge. Both wanted to beat each other up, but they were too late to do so.

The rift does not have the complex and various institutions of the country in the real world, but it does not mean that there is no order.

There is a supreme god in the crack, no one knows whether that god is male or female, no one even knows whether that god is human or not.I just know that that god is called "Sha Wuzun".

Under Sha Wuzun, there are three chief ministers.A palm of the people's livelihood.Protect the world with one palm.A palm of order.

Under the Commander of Order, there is a huge law enforcement team composed of [-] cavalry, similar to the gendarmerie, scattered in various towns large and small in the crack to maintain law and order.

In the small town where Tan Yi and the others lived, there were 50 cavalry, and it was said that each of them had extraordinary skills.

If you get caught for a crime, there are only two consequences.

Either be sent to the death-seeking army under the guardian of the world, waiting for the cannon fodder to resist the invasion of other worlds one day.

Either that or Pieta was sent to be hanged in the middle of the town.Then the needle-like towering spire penetrated the corpse, leaving it exposed for three days.

This kind of high-handed rule is basically impossible to exist for a long time in the real world except for some special periods.

But the crack is different, there is an extremely powerful "god" here.Anyone who dares to violate Sha Wuzun's prohibition will usher in the end of life, sooner or later.

Sha Wuzun, known as a god, may be omnipotent, but he is not omniscient.

Therefore, many things that the townspeople want to do but dare not do are left to outsiders like Tan Yi and Lisa.

Because their faces are unfamiliar in the small town, once they commit a crime, it will take some time to catch them.

Even some people with special abilities have never been caught after they escaped from a certain range.

As for the supreme Sha Wuzun and the three chief ministers under him, how could it be possible to personally intervene in such a fight that is not even trivial to them?
Ever since, after the two left the tavern, they went to the target tavern with almost no psychological burden.

Of course, the necessary make-up was still done.

Tan Yi hung a torn blanket on his body, and smeared some mud on his head and face.It looked like a man who just crawled out of some dirty mud pile.

As for Lisa, the tavern owner originally wanted Lisa to be a man, so he took out the fake beard he had prepared a long time ago.It's a pity that Lisa's big breasts can't be hidden, so she has to give up pretending to be a man.In the end, I had to smear some mud in the same way.

At least, from a rough look, it is not so easy to see the faces of the two of them clearly.

As soon as they arrived at the door, they saw the bearded boss chatting and laughing with the guests at a glance.

After the two looked at each other, Tan Yi stepped into the store first, pointed at the bearded boss and cursed: "Damn! What kind of crappy task was given, I almost lost my life. If I don't beat you to death today, you bastard! I'm not called Zhang San!"

The boss was immediately stunned. Before he could react, he received a punch as big as a sandbag on his face, and he fell onto the table and chair behind him with a bang.

It was quite lively now, in the originally noisy tavern, there was an exclamation immediately, mixed with whistles of various tones.

The guy behind the bar reacted quickly. Seeing that something was wrong, he hurriedly took out a mobile phone from under the table, apparently wanting to call the law enforcement team.

Before connecting, the buddy felt his arm was cold for a while, and then went numb, as if the hand holding the phone was no longer his own.

The phone slipped from the guy's palm and fell to the ground.

"Ah? Moga Gu worm! It's such a big one!" Someone exclaimed after seeing the worm wrapped around the man's arm clearly.

However, simply preventing the other party from calling is not enough.

Lisa muttered something, and drew a few circles towards the buddy with one hand, but saw that the body of the Mojia Gu entangled in the buddy's arm suddenly enlarged and stretched, entangled the buddy like a snake, and couldn't move. , Then he gave up and turned to look at Tan Yi and the bearded boss.

After receiving that punch, the bearded boss finally realized that someone was here to find fault.

Seeing that the action of the buddy notifying the law enforcement team was interrupted, he gritted his teeth, roared, walked around Tan Yi, raised his legs and ran out the door.

The request of the tavern owner was to beat the bearded owner into the hospital. The task had not yet been fulfilled, so how could Tan Yi allow the target to run away, so he caught up with the bearded owner in three steps and put a flying knee on his back waist.

The bearded boss snorted and knocked over a table of guests.

(End of this chapter)

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