real web movie

Chapter 266

Chapter 266

As soon as the words fell, an extremely gloomy voice, with a strange smile, rumbled from the bottom of this land: "Stupid human beings are still so innocent..."

The sound appeared so abruptly that Tan Yi and Lisa were startled and looked around in a hurry. The muzzle of the gun in their hands followed their gazes to find the owner of the sound.

"Who! Come out quickly!" Lisa shouted in a low voice.

The voice laughed hehehe, and the playful meaning in it made people shudder.

The strong wind whirled around, and at a distance of more than ten meters from the two of them, it brought up dust and sand to form a small tornado.

An old man appeared in front of them.

The man's appearance, figure, and clothes were all extremely ordinary. Tan Yi looked at it for a long time, but couldn't tell whether the man was a supernatural being, a dead soul, or a high-level existence in this tower...

From the fact that the other party knows how to speak and can use such a unique method, it is obvious that the latter is more likely, and the two of them can't help but secretly groan in their hearts.

Tan Yi and Lisa looked stern, and the muzzles of their guns kept aiming there from the wind and sand, not daring to be careless at all.

The old man put one hand behind his back, touched his chin with the other, and kept looking at the two of them.

The three of them faced each other without saying a word.

Finally, the old man spoke first: "You two can hold your breath. You know, everyone who sees me either yells or attacks me indiscriminately."

Tan Yi vaguely heard something, and asked tentatively: "Indiscriminate? Are you saying that you are not our enemy?"

"Enemy?" The old man asked in a strange tone, "What is an enemy?"

Tan Yi was startled, not understanding what the old man wanted to express.

The old man snorted and continued: "The robber who broke into the house said to the owner of the house, 'You are my enemy'. It's ridiculous! It's so ridiculous! Hahahaha..."

As the old man spoke, he looked up to the sky and laughed wantonly.

That laughter seemed to have some kind of magical power, Tan Yi only felt that the beating rhythm of his heart was also changed by the old man's laughter, and he was terrified.

Taking a peek at Lisa out of the corner of his eye, Tan Yi noticed that not only was Lisa's face pale, but her hand holding the gun was trembling slightly.

But those stubborn eyes showed that her trembling was not because of fear, but because of weakness.

The fifth layer as a human shield to withstand the light ball attack has too much influence on her...

At this moment, the heart-shaking laughter coming from the mysterious old man was almost the last straw that broke the camel's back, almost making Lisa unable to hold on.

It's impossible to let that old thing laugh so unscrupulously.Not to mention Lisa, even Tan Yi felt a little overwhelmed.

But he didn't intend to act recklessly like a stupefied young man, as doing so would be tantamount to courting death.

"Master." Tan Yi called.

Seeing that there was no response from the other party, he raised his volume: "Master?"

The laughter stopped suddenly, and the old man looked at Tan Yi: "You called me?"

Tan Yi spread his hands: "You are the only one here who is older than us, so of course I call you. Of course, if you are not satisfied with this title, it is not impossible to call you uncle. If my parents are still alive, they should also be called uncle." You are about the age of..."

The old man's eyebrows trembled, and he raised his hand to stop Tan Yi's homely words: "Stop, stop, stop! Even if your parents live another 100 years! They still have to call me ancestor!"

Tan Yi's eyes lit up, and he took two steps closer: "Master, so your surname is also Tan?"

The old man opened his mouth: "The surname... the surname... the name is just a code name, it doesn't matter what the surname is! The important thing is..."

Before the old man finished speaking, Tan Yi had already walked up to the old man, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and handed it to the old man with both hands: "Master, you smoke."

This pack of cigarettes was bought in the town of Liulitang on the way to Jiangshang Garment Factory with He Yushi for the first time.

The old man's words paused, he picked up the cigarette with two fingers and looked back and forth for a long time.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to know cigarettes, Tan Yi thought to himself that the old man might have stayed here for more than a hundred years.

Because in the rift world, there are all kinds of dresses in different ages, so it is not easy to judge a person by their clothes.

Seeing that the old man didn't know how to smoke, Tan Yi hurriedly lit one for himself, which was like a silent demonstration, and at the same time conveyed that he had no malice at all.

The old man observed Tan Yi's every move throughout the process. When he saw Tan Yi bringing the burning lighter to him, he held a cigarette in his mouth and held it in a decent manner.

Tan Yi took a deep breath, exhaled two smoke rings, and said rather unwillingly: "Alas... I heard that someone can spit out a picture of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival". And the limit I can do is just spit out Just two smoke rings..."

"Oh? Can you do that?" The old man was a little surprised, tried to inhale, and then exhaled the smoke.

Looking at the curling green smoke, the old man said disdainfully: "I once heard that this thing can refresh me, but it's nothing more than that, I don't feel it at all."

Tan Yi pointed to his chest, and said with a smile: "Master, it's not right for you to do this, you have to inhale it, inhale it into your lungs..."

Lisa slowly put down the muzzle of the gun, and looked at the old and the young who were swallowing clouds opposite, their small mouths could not be closed for a long time.

What's the situation, aren't you going to kill him? Why are you smoking and chatting and farting all of a sudden?

O man!

Lisa spat secretly, and simply sat down on the floor.

She's in a bad situation right now.Originally, he tried to enter the Bloody Tower in order to obtain a large amount of life essence.

At the beginning, I just planned to feel the situation first, and I would go back once I found that something couldn't be done.

However, later the retreat was cut off and we had to bite the bullet and continue deeper.

Although the first four floors were a bit dangerous, even without Tan Yi, she could still get through by herself.

After all, as Goddess Yata, she still has some tricks she hasn't used.

But the fifth floor is really too much for her.If she couldn't obtain a large amount of life essence in a short period of time, she would die from exhaustion of life within a month.

It was also because of the excessive consumption that she had almost lost all means of concealment at this moment, and she had almost completely become an ordinary person.

The reason why I say almost is because she has another move, which does not require the energy provided by the Moga Gu insect and is not very powerful.But the price is the highest...

While listening to the two chattering over there, Lisa seized the time to recover her strength.

Finally, five or six minutes later, she heard the old and the young over there talking about serious business.

After taking the last puff, the old man threw the cigarette butt on the ground: "This stuff doesn't seem to be good for the body...Young people should smoke less."

Tan Yi hurriedly responded, "Master taught you the right thing! The younger generation must follow the teaching carefully!"

(End of this chapter)

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