real web movie

Chapter 28 Fight

Chapter 28 Fight
"Your Excellency Black Mamba, that guy refuses to say anything. I think we may use some other means."

"Okay, I see. I hope you won't disappoint me."

The black Gerald put down the phone and tapped his fingers on the armrest of the sofa.

The phone rang again suddenly. After looking at the caller ID, Gerald picked up the phone again: "Tracey, I may be busy tonight, so don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

"No. Something very bad happened."


"The surveillance on the ship is no longer working!"

"You should go to Victor for such a small matter."

"It's the whole ship! The monitoring of the whole ship has been destroyed! Someone attacked the monitoring room!"

Gerald's face sank: "This is impossible! There are a total of 11 monitoring rooms on this ship! This is absolutely impossible!"

"I have sent someone to investigate. But I think the other party may not be easy to deal with."


Gerald angrily threw the microphone back on the landline, stood up with a whoosh, took two steps back and forth, and picked up the phone again: "Go and call that... By the way, it's called He Yushi, take her there , Interrogate together. Be careful not to affect other guests."

Tan Yi pressed down fiercely, and the iron railing deformed slightly, but it was still far from falling off completely.

The humanoid monster was less than five meters away from his feet.

Taking out the claw hammer from the badge, Tan Yi used his greatest strength to smash it at a corner of the iron fence.

a bit!
The humanoid monster is less than four meters away from him!


The humanoid monster was less than three meters away from him!

Three times!

The humanoid monster is less than one meter away from him!
Four rounds!

The screw fixing the corner of the iron fence broke out, and Tan Yi took advantage of the situation to press the weight of his body, and the iron fence immediately twisted to one side, and he just fell straight down on his head and feet.

Seeing that his face was about to hit the ceramic surface of the urinal, his entire body suddenly stopped falling and hovered in mid-air.

"what happened?"

"There's another person up there!"

"Wow, this is crazy."

"What are you doing standing still, you idiot! Go find some more guys."

Tan Yi, who was hanging in mid-air, almost lost his body autonomy. Even if his legs struggled and kicked wildly, he couldn't stop himself from being dragged back by the humanoid monster.

There was pain from the skin being pierced in the calf, then the thigh, and the lower back.

Just when the five fingers of the humanoid monster were about to buckle into Tan Yi's back, Tan Yi let out a hoarse roar, turned his upper body, and smashed the claw hammer in his right hand towards the ugly head of the humanoid monster.

At the same time, the random teleportation talisman was also held in the palm of Tan Yi's other hand.

If the crisis is really unavoidable, you can only crush the random teleportation talisman in your hand, even if there is a high probability that you will be teleported into the sea.

The hammer head seemed to be knocked on thick rubber and bounced high.

The rebounding claw hammer hit the top of the passage wall and almost let go.

This time the counterattack seemed to have enraged the humanoid monster. Its five fingers that had dug into Tan Yi's back suddenly tightened, hissed sharply, and the other hand stabbed at Tan Yi's chest at a faster speed than before.

Tan Yi was about to hold the hammer handle in front of his chest, when a streamer of various colors suddenly passed quickly from the left.

Before he could see what was going on, Tan Yi felt that the hand originally held by the humanoid monster on his lower back suddenly left his body.

Without the hindrance of the humanoid monster, Tan Yi finally slid down from the passageway.

The security guard who remained at the scene was the leader guarding the opera house.In order to find out what happened in the ventilation duct, he was stepping on the edge under the urinal while looking into the duct.

Tan Yi's sudden fall made the team leader unable to dodge in time. He was knocked to the side and fell into the urinal.

It has to be said that the Brilliant Princess pays great attention to various details, and there will never be a situation where there is a fault in the facility that cannot be dealt with.

For example, at this moment, after the infrared sensor of the urinal sensed the presence of the team leader, it sprayed out the gurgling water very professionally, and the water flow was very abundant.

"Oh! God damn it!"

The team leader yelled and got up from the urinal in a hurry.

Tan Yi didn't listen to the team leader's cursing, but focused on the ventilation duct above his head.

Just listening to the pipe, there was a burst of noise at the moment, accompanied by the weird and ugly hiss of the humanoid monster, and the harsh sound of metal twisting.

The stainless steel ceiling where the pipeline route is located has several bulges of different sizes, as if countless pits were smashed out of the pipeline by something.

Several times, Tan Yi even saw the terrifying fingers of the humanoid monster piercing through the stainless steel plate.

The team leader also saw this scene and immediately stopped cursing.

When he saw the penetrating finger on the ceiling, his expression was very strange, and there was a bit of fear in his fear.

He already knew what was going on with all this.

The team leader quietly put the hand holding the baton behind him, and his feet silently approached Tan Yi's back.

Tan Yi's attention seemed to be completely attracted by the movement on the ceiling, and he didn't turn his head to look at the team leader approaching behind him.The claw hammer in his hand trembled slightly, as if it was about to be released at any moment.

The team leader didn't know that the corner of Tan Yi's eyes was watching the mirror on the sink on the right at the moment, and he could see every move of the team leader clearly.

It's just that he's not clearly injured now, and he's about to try his best to stand up.

Facing the leader's malicious intentions, he can only take a gamble, if he can catch him by surprise before the leader makes a move, that would be great.

Tan Yi also now knew what was fighting the humanoid monster in the narrow ventilation duct.

Thinking of the fleeting glimpse of the colorful streamer and those suppressed and creepy meows, a smile appeared on the corner of Tan Yi's mouth: "Tearing..."

Suddenly, the leader reflected in the mirror showed a ferocious look, and the baton in his hand was raised above the head.

Tan Yi gritted his teeth, swung the claw hammer in his hand that was stained red by his own blood, turned around, and was about to sweep away at the leader behind him.

But before the hammer reached the leader, the leader himself suddenly tilted his neck, and his body movements stopped abruptly.

As a trace of red mist spewed out from the temple, the team leader fell straight to the ground.

"It was so dangerous, so I was almost late." A young man's voice sounded suddenly.

Tan Yi was stunned, and hurriedly looked at the place where the sound came from, his eyes could not help but focus.

The visitor looked familiar.

An image flashed through his mind, and Tan Yi remembered that the person in front of him was the man packing fishing gear he saw on the deck before the masquerade party.

"You seem to be seriously injured... I'll talk about my business later, and get rid of the biggest trouble first." The man wiped his left arm with his right hand, and a small flashlight appeared on his hand .

Holding the flashlight in his mouth, the man stepped on the edge of the urinal, raised both hands, grasped the sides of the vent, kicked hard with his feet, and at the same time with both arms, half of his body was inserted into the pipe.

(End of this chapter)

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