Chapter 33
In the medical staff lounge, Tan Yi stood by the door with his back against the wall.His breathing became heavier as the sound of footsteps in the corridor approached.Sweat gradually seeped from the palm of the palm holding the claw hammer.

Swallowing his saliva lightly, he slowly raised the claw hammer.

Suddenly feeling hot and humid on his cheeks, Tan Yi froze and turned his head to look.In the darkness, Tieyin's eyes were staring at him.

Is this little guy comforting me, telling me not to be nervous...

Smiling slightly, Tan Yi rubbed Tieyin's head, and continued to pay attention to the voice in the aisle.

There was another bang, and the door next door was kicked open, followed by a burst of chaotic sounds.

We are almost here.Judging by the sound of footsteps, there may be more than ten people on the other side.

Tan Yi only felt a lightness on his shoulders, and the sound of tearing had left his shoulders.Although he couldn't see clearly in the darkness, he knew that Zhiyin was already ready for battle somewhere in the room.

Finally, footsteps came to the door of the lounge.Tan Yi raised the claw hammer high, as long as the opponent showed his head, he would smash it down immediately!


Da da da!
A burst of gunfire exploded in the corridor.

The other party chose the opposite room, which is the room where Oni Zhan ambush.

Tan Yi heaved a sigh of relief and squatted down.Grabbing the doorknob with his hand, he opened it quietly.

The first thing that caught his eye was a man's lower back.The man wears a shirt with the lower end of his shirt tucked into his trousers.

Tan Yi grabbed the man's belt and pulled the man in front of him directly into the room with a strong force.

When people fall, they always instinctively want to grab something.

Right now, under Tan Yi's drag, the man lost his balance and fell on his back.The finger that had been resting on the trigger tightened instinctively, and the G36 rifle shot out strings of light chains under the ambiguous light of the aisle.

The bullets from his gun not only knocked down another armed man in the hallway, but also left several holes in the wall and up to the ceiling of the lounge.

With the help of the light in the aisle, Tan Yi aimed a hammer at the man's calf.


The man let out a scream, and the broken leg bone caused heart-pounding pain.The gun in his hand fell to the ground, and he curled up horizontally on the ground, hugging his calf and howling in pain.

The accident here naturally cannot escape the eyes of the armed personnel, and a shuttle of bullets hit the open door.

Tan Yi quickly bent down and picked up the G36, then continued to hide by the wall.After waiting for two or three seconds, although there were loud gunshots in the corridor, which made his eardrums hurt, no one entered the lounge.

After putting away the claw hammer, taking out his cell phone, and turning on the camera as quickly as possible, Tan Yi squatted down and stretched the camera toward the aisle.

Just after doing all this, the camera captured Gui Zhan flying in mid-air, and before Tan Yi could take a closer look, Gui Zhan fell heavily on the carpet in front of the lounge door.

A muffled groan came from Guizhan's mouth.But a strong man is a strong man after all. Ghost Slayer did not give the armed men a chance to refill their guns. As soon as the situation rolled back, they entered the lounge where Tan Yi was.

Several bullets hit the spot where Oni Zhan fell, leaving several dark bullet holes on the carpet.


Tan Yi couldn't help baring his teeth.What kind of power can actually knock people into the air.

Tan Yi winked at Gui Zhan while he continued to look at the screen.

On the screen, there were four corpses lying in the aisle, and there were seven or eight armed men approaching here with guns in hand.

However, these armed men kept a certain distance from two of them, and Tan Yi had contact with both of those "people".

One of them was Gerald the Negro.

The other one was the humanoid monster that chased him through the ventilation ducts so that he had nowhere to go and nowhere to go!

Taking back the phone, Tan Yi was about to get up, but saw Gui Zhan lying on the ground and staring at him speechlessly.

Tan Yi pointed to his side with his finger, motioning for Ghost to come over.

After Gui Zhan came over, Tan Yi lowered his voice and said, "Didn't you see my wink? Why are you still lying there?"

"Ghost knows what your wink means!"

Tan Yi was dumbfounded, and could only sigh secretly that the two still lacked a tacit understanding after all.

He patted the gun in his hand lightly, and pointed to a sofa facing the door. Combined with the previous words, it meant that Gui Zhan was to guard by the door, and Tan Yi took the gun to guard behind the sofa.

This time Guizhan understood and nodded slightly.

Tan Yi walked a few steps quickly and hid behind the sofa, with the muzzle of his gun facing the door.

The first time I touched a real gun was when I was filming the short story "School Flower vs. Voldemort".At that time, Tan Yi made a special trip to the shooting range to try to familiarize himself with the usage of some firearms, in order to avoid actors making jokes when using prop firearms.

Although the facts later proved that his enthusiasm was just self-indulgence.

But what I didn't expect was that the efforts I made for filming at the beginning came in handy for survival at this time.

Although Tan Yi hadn't fired a few rounds because the bullets in the shooting range were too expensive, but facing a target as big as a person only a few meters away, it was not so outrageous that he could shoot it to the ceiling.

Xiyin sprang out from nowhere and came to Tan Yi's side.

For a while, the surrounding area was strangely quiet, only the armed man whose leg was broken by Tan Yi was left huddled on the ground, hissing for air-conditioning.

At this time, Tan Yi did not dare to have any distracting thoughts.

However, what surprised the two of them was that after waiting for a long time, there was no movement at all in the aisle outside the door.

Are they just waiting outside the door?

Just as Tan Yi was thinking, a figure suddenly appeared at the door.

Without saying anything, Tan Yi took aim and shot!
A chain of light hit the figure. The 5.56 caliber bullet directly pierced through the figure's body with a muzzle velocity of more than 900 meters.

A painful hiss came from the shadow.

This voice was very familiar to Tan Yi, it was the voice of a humanoid monster.

Looking intently, Tan Yi discovered that behind the figure, the humanoid monster was half squatting, with one hand resting on the ground, and the other holding an armed man to block the front.

I don't know how much damage the bullets that penetrated the body of the armed personnel did to the humanoid monsters behind.

How did it know I had a gun?No, compared to this question that is easy to draw conclusions, that monster actually has a high IQ, which is the scariest thing!

With a cold snort, Tan Yi was about to refill his gun again, when there was a sudden bang from the ceiling.

The sudden loud noise startled both Gui Zhan and Tan Yi, and instinctively looked up.

"You are doomed!"

A huge black shadow swooped down from the ceiling.The direction was Tan Yi, who was kneeling half-kneeling behind the sofa with a gun in his hand.

The sofa was blown apart by the huge figure's punch, and the scattered fragments splashed around.

Although Tan Yi rolled to the side one step ahead of time, he was still hit on the buttock by a splashing sofa wreckage, making a crisp "pop".

(End of this chapter)

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