real web movie

Chapter 88 Entering Jiangshang Garment Factory

Chapter 88 Entering Jiangshang Garment Factory

"There was a kind person in the next ward who offered to help Kangmei contact a psychiatrist.

"Although I knew that the anti-American situation was definitely not due to psychological abnormalities, I still agreed, just because I wanted to correct the hospital's erroneous view of anti-Americanism.

"Two days later, the psychiatrist came and then left. Kangmei continued to stay in the hospital, but no one said that she was mentally ill.

"However, despite taking nutrient solution every day, Kangmei became weaker and weaker, and she was so thin that only her skeleton remained. During that time, many relatives and friends came to visit her in the hospital, and they were all frightened by Kangmei's appearance. Arrived. In fact, if I hadn't been with her every day, I certainly wouldn't have recognized her.

"During that time, the doctors also used tools to forcibly pry open Kangmei's mouth and forcefully pour food and stomach nourishing pills into it. Although it hurts the teeth, this is already the cheapest treatment method.

"We thought that this kind of treatment would be effective. No one thought that just after the food was poured into the anti-food canal, the mouth and nose of the anti-mei began to bleed profusely, and the whole person seemed to be experiencing some great pain. His face twisted, his whole body convulsed, and all the food that was just poured in was sprayed out.

"After the examination, the hospital found that Anti-Mei's internal bleeding was not due to the common sense problem of cramps caused by overeating after starving for too long, because the food did not even reach her stomach. It was not poisoning or other chemical problems, but Visceral bleeding from direct physical injury.

"'It's like someone grabbed her intestines, wringing out the blood from her body like someone wringing clothes...' I still remember what the attending doctor said at that time, and even the tone of his voice when he said it , contains incomprehension, reluctance to believe, and hidden fears.

"That time was the closest that Kangmei came to death. After staying in the emergency room for thirteen hours, Kangmei passed the dangerous period.

"After that time, we also completely dispelled the idea of ​​force-feeding Gang Kangmei.

"Finally one day, the anti-Americanism was so weak that I couldn't even sit up. The hospital couldn't do anything about it. They proposed many treatment options, but no matter what kind of treatment it was, it was meaningless to us at that time. Because we had no money. We don’t have any savings, and the money raised in the village has already been used up. We have borrowed everything we can from relatives and friends, and we can no longer get another dollar.

"It's like a dry straw, there's no way to squeeze out a drop of grass liquid. The hospital kept calling for the payment of the hospitalization fee. I couldn't say it, and it dragged on for another week.

"Just when it was about to drag on, a relative reminded me to go to the owner of the garment factory, and I woke up.

"Boss Jiang is in his 40s, but he looks like he is 60 or [-] years old. He was very surprised when he heard about the anti-American situation. Fortunately, Boss Jiang promised to pay most of the medical expenses for the anti-American.

"With Boss Jiang's support, there is finally room for maneuver.

"However, the money problem was solved, but the anti-Americanism itself couldn't stand it. Finally, one morning, I never woke up again."

At the end of the transcript, it was mentioned that two workers with the same symptoms appeared on the third day after Kangmei's death, but the relevant transcript is not in this document.

It was also from the emergence of the second wave of patients that the number of workers in garment factories began to decrease sharply.

That Boss Jiang never appeared in front of people again.

Cao Shuang refolded the information: "Oh, it's so long, I'm thirsty~!"

Gulp, gulp, another two mouthfuls of coconut milk.

Since He Yushi only came to Liulitang once yesterday morning, He Yushi still remembered the route very clearly, so she didn't waste any time on the road, and it only took more than 40 minutes to drive to the destination.

There was still no one around the garment factory, it was very quiet.

It was a little abnormally quiet.

People get off.

Tan Yi poured out the contents of the canvas bag, took a thing the size of a little fingernail from it, and stuffed it into the earhole of his left ear.He also put a unique electronic watch on his right wrist.

"These two things are the internal communication equipment used by the investigation department. The high-energy battery provides up to 48 hours of continuous use. Each of us has a pair... No, of course there is no tearing sound..."

After everyone put on their communicators, Tan Yi continued: "Originally there was a matching helmet, and most of the functions of this special communication tool were on the helmet, but we were not approved to use it, and we basically also No need. Okay, let’s unify the channel next. From now on, this channel will be dedicated to the few of us.”

Cui Wenxiu suddenly asked: "How far is the signal transmission of this equipment?"

"In an open area, the farthest call distance is 600 meters. If it is farther away, the call quality will be difficult to guarantee, and it may even be impossible to call.

"When there are obstacles, the call distance will be different depending on the number and type of obstacles. The shortest call distance is about 50 meters."

After speaking, Tan Yi took out a crowbar, a claw hammer, and a small backpack from the badge.In the small backpack is a small first aid kit.

For this wish mission, since the use of any props provided by the crew is not allowed, and Tan Yi is not sure whether the badge belongs to the category of crew props, just in case, he can only carry these tools with him.

Insert the claw hammer into the outer pocket of the backpack, and the handle is exposed for easy access at any time.Then he put his backpack on his back, jumped on the spot twice with a crowbar, and then nodded in satisfaction.

"After I go in later, I will open the door. You just wait outside, if you find any problems..." Tan Yi patted the watch on his right wrist: "Contact through the communicator."

Finally, Tan Yi touched Tieyin in Caoshuang's arms, turned his head and strode towards the base of the garment factory wall.

Climb up the mottled wall and look inside the wall, but did not see the little milk dog from yesterday.

Going down the wall, Tan Yi tried not to make too much noise.

Arriving behind the door, there were several sofas with faded and worn leather.

I poked it on the sofa with a crowbar, and the sofa leather was directly poked a hole, and the spring inside was completely corroded.

After looking around to make sure there was no movement, Tan Yi moved the sofa away, and then went to pull the big iron gate.


The big iron door, which hadn't been opened for a long time, was finally opened to both sides with difficulty as the door shaft turned.

If it wasn't for Cui Wenxiu and others outside to help push it, Tan Yi might not be able to open it by himself.

"Okay, you are here, if I don't take the initiative to call you, don't step into the gate."

(End of this chapter)

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