real web movie

Chapter 91 My gift, do you like it

Chapter 91 My gift, do you like it

Xiao Cui and the others can no longer be contacted, so I can only rely on myself.

As long as you find Jiang Lei's friend before those monsters appear in large numbers, and fulfill her first wish, then this place should be able to return to normal.

I've checked the first floor from the outside, but there's nothing worth paying attention to.And the changes around here started when I stepped on the stairs leading to the second floor, so the second floor must be the key!
Running to the corridor entrance on the side near the gate, the feeling of being peeped struck again.

Tan Yi licked his dry lips, then looked back at the gate.

The woman who had previously wrestled with herself had begun to move this way.The hole in her head was replaced by colorful cloth.The broken forearm also appears to have recovered.

The other two new women followed closely behind, shaking their bodies and staggering towards this side with twisted steps.

Tan Yi gritted his teeth and rushed into the corridor.

Three steps and two steps, but within two seconds, I went up to the second floor.

The second floor is the same as the first floor, with six doors in total.Among them, there are only two signs next to the doors, and the remaining doors without signs, it is not known whether they did not have them in the first place, or were lost in the long years later.

Tan Yi just glanced at it for a while, then went straight to the innermost door on the left marked "Director's Office".

The turquoise paint on the wooden door has peeled and the color has become dull.

Tan Yi tried to push, but he didn't.

After more than 20 years, the wooden door is still very strong.

There were strange footsteps in the corridor.

It was the three strange women who caught up.

It seems that it can only be unlocked by violence!

Tan Yi stuck the flat end of the crowbar into the gap between the wooden door and the door frame, and pushed hard. When the sawdust fell, the lock box on the door frame tilted to one side, and the wooden door creaked open inward.

The moment he looked inside, Tan Yi was a little surprised.

There was nothing earth-shattering about the office.

It's normal inside.

It's so normal, just like the old TV series filmed at the end of the last century, it's just an ordinary office.

A large table covered with thick glass, folders on the table, and an enamel cup.A few leather chairs.A filing cabinet two meters high.A small safe thirty centimeters high.There are also two old fashioned kettles.

It's simple and normal.

But this normality itself is extremely abnormal!
Even though almost everything in the factory had been emptied, this office was still intact. Tan Yi wouldn't believe it to death if there was no problem here.

Although he was suspicious in his heart, his hands did not dare to stop.

Tan Yi quickly closed the door, and then dragged the large square desk in the office, pushing the back of the desk against the wooden door, and the left side of the desk was tightly against the wall.

In this way, it is absolutely impossible to push the door open from the outside.

Just after doing all this, there was a rhythmless banging on the door outside.

Tan Yi raised his eyes, which were checking the desk drawer, and after making sure that the wooden door was temporarily unobstructed, he continued to rummage through something that might be of value.

In addition to various reports, there are various documents in the drawer.Through these documents, it can be basically confirmed that the owner of the factory director's office is that Boss Jiang.

The only difference is the bottom drawer, which contains a travel brochure and a hotel decoration design.

The edges of both books are slightly fuzzy, as if they have been flipped through a lot.Could it be that Boss Jiang was planning to switch careers to the hotel business?
He casually flipped through the two books, and a folded piece of letter paper fell out of it.

The letter paper is relatively thick, with wavy edges and beautiful patterns printed around it, a typical product of the late 90s.

Tan Yi remembers that when he was in school, a classmate still kept a similar stationery at home, which was bought by his sister when she was a pen pal when she was a student.Later, the pen pal disappeared, but her sister kept the unused stationery.

Tan Yi picked up the letter paper in front of him, and there were two lines of untidy words on it: Dad, today is my birthday, and I prepared a gift for myself, do you like it?

The signature is: X, X, X, X, [-].

Isn't this time the time when the garment factory is about to close down?

Also, the person who wrote this note called Boss Jiang his father. It is said that Boss Jiang has a daughter, so it is very likely that the person who wrote the note was Jiang Lei.

In addition, it was obviously a gift she had prepared for herself, but why did she ask her father if he liked it?
Tan Yi put down the note, took out a small plastic box from his pocket, opened the lid, and there was a rusty sewing needle inside.

The sewing needle is the only prop allowed to be used in this wish mission.

Although Tan Yi didn't know exactly how to use it, he knew that it was definitely not the way Zhang Hua used needles to kill people. That would only allow the evil spirit of sewing needles to continue to accumulate, and in the end it was likely to reap the consequences.

The banging on the door became more and more frantic, and lime and cement residues fell from the door frame from time to time.

Although due to the large table, it is impossible to open the door.But that doesn't mean the door can't be broken.

Tan Yi saw that a board on the top of the wooden door had become loose.This is still because of the unconscious impact of the three women.

If they were wise, when they found out that they could enter the house by destroying the wooden door, then Tan Yi could only continue to escape.

Turning his eyes back, Tan Yi took out the sewing needle from the small plastic box: "Jiang Lei, I believe you have seen it, I am taking great risks to help you now. I know that please help me deal with the monster outside the door, are you sure?" I will agree. So, I only have one request, that is, when I find your friend, you can give me a little hint, okay?"

Nothing happens.

With a dark sigh, Tan Yi put the needle back into the small plastic box.


A board on the upper end of the wooden door fell off, revealing the ugly face of the woman.

The three monsters also seem to have found a way into the house.One of the women fumbled on the top of the wooden door, and soon found a gap in the wooden door.

The woman immediately grabbed the edge of the gap and pulled, and the whole board was broken by her.

did not stop.Another woman's hand came in, grabbed the lower end of the gap and pulled it back, and she removed the whole wooden door!
The low table can't stop those monsters.

Tan Yi quickly put away the letter paper and plastic box, picked up the crowbar with his left hand and tried to retreat to the window.

He moved too much in haste, and the crowbar swept the file holder on the table, and the file holder knocked over the enamel cup next to it.

A large amount of liquid poured out of the enamel cup, and there was a round, black and white thing in it.

There is still water in the glass?Sure enough, there are still people here?Who is the one?
Also, what is that round thing that just rolled out of the cup?
With doubts, Tan Yi glanced at that thing.

That' eyeball...

(End of this chapter)

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