One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 167 Exploration (3 more)

Chapter 167 Exploration (third shift)
Passing through several empty city squares all the way, Uriel finally understood why the refugees would rather be crowded in the narrow and cramped streets than live in the open squares.

Hundreds of corpses were piled up in disorder, piled up in the open space of the square like firewood, and the red flames swam around and licked, using human bodies as fuel, burning vigorously.

Black smoke billowed up, and ashes drifted over the city from time to time, all of which were embers after Marlan was burned.

This is an ominous thing that living people can't avoid, but Uriel found that people seem to have been used to it, allowing them to fall between their hair, on their shoulders, and black spots on their faces.

People's bodies are sluggish, their actions are numb, only the eyes looking towards the fire are full of black despair and fear.

No one in the city even dared to speak loudly, there was a dead silence in the air, only the crackling sound of the flames burning the human body echoed in the silent city.

With all kinds of doubts, Uriel finally arrived in front of the building where the statue of the holy angel was located at this time.

The largest city hospital in Sama City.

Three seven-story buildings with a plain white background are juxtaposed to form the hospital.

From the outside, there are at least hundreds of rooms of different sizes in the hospital, but the statue of the Holy Angel does not exist in any of them.

In Uriel's telepathy, the coordinates representing the statue of the holy angel are even deeper underground in the hospital.

It seems that in addition to the above-ground part, the underground part of the hospital is also huge.

Not only the main entrance, but also the entire hospital and the outer walls were full of people with live ammunition.

They are different from the army outside the city. Everyone wears dazzling white biochemical protective suits and the same pure white gas masks. They look like many white ghosts.

With the guidance of road signs, it is not difficult to find the statue of the holy angel and the believers.

Without alarming anyone, Uriel walked through the underground space of the hospital and quickly found where the believers were.

It was supposed to be a few warehouses for storing medicines, but now it was opened up and converted into a large prison cell with solid steel plates on all six sides.

Hundreds of believers were imprisoned in this cell, and the statue of the holy angel was surrounded by them.

Believers knelt in a ball around the statue of the holy angel, clasped their hands, and prayed unceasingly to the statue of the holy angel.

"Benevolent angels, omnipotent gods. If you can hear the humble call of our generation, please save us. Please use omnipotent power to show divine grace to us who are insignificant and bring us miracles .”

The words praising angels and gods came from their nearly cracked lips and dry vocal cords, echoing in the cell without a moment's rest.

All their compliments, of course, were ultimately directed at Uriel himself.But as a Greater China traveler who had engraved unbelief into his bones, Uriel had no feeling for these words of praise to the gods.

For him, the greatest contribution of these forms may only be limited to enhance the degree of belief of the believers, other than that, there is no other use.

Rather than listening to these praises, Uriel wanted to hear more about the ins and outs of the incident from the believers.

However, it was quite sad. In the end, what these believers kept saying over and over was only "save me", not "why to save" or "from where".

What's more helpless is that Uriel still can't ask.

This is the simplest and most direct method, anyone can use it, only gods can't use it.

Only its mystery can be sacred.

Omniscient and omnipotent, this is the responsibility of God.

An ignorant and ignorant god who wants to ask the believers will be a false god to anyone who looks at it, not just low.I am afraid that the style and belief will not only flow down three thousand feet.

Uriel waited for a long time, but there was no sign of these believers ending their prayers, so he was very helpless.Knowing that it is impossible to get some useful information from their conversations.

I had no choice but to find it myself.

At this moment, the door of the cell, which was also made of thick steel plates guarded by white ghost guards, creaked open.

A young man with freckles in a doctor's robe walked in.The eyes hidden behind the thick glasses swept across the cell, especially the palm-sized statue of the holy angel in the center of the cell, and spoke.

"Duke Mosif, take your statue and follow me."

His voice didn't fluctuate at all, only when he mentioned the statue, there was a slight fluctuation.

From among the hundreds of believers in the cell, a middle-aged figure stood up.

His disheveled hair was wet with sweat, his stubble was scattered, he was haggard and embarrassed, after hearing the young man's words, his face showed intense anger, which then turned into deep sorrow.

After exchanging glances with the believers around him, he remained silent and followed the young man out of the cell.

"Huh? Special request to bring the statue, why?"

Such doubts flashed in Uriel's mind.Feeling that this is a good opportunity to find out the truth, he followed behind the two of them, walking towards the upper floor without stopping.

While traveling, he split his spirit and devoted himself to the Kingdom of God, connecting to the believer star that represented Duke.

The journey of exploration begins with him.

Duke Mosif, a local resident of Sama City, a businessman.A few months ago, he encountered pirates during the nautical trade, the merchant ship sank, and the crew were killed. Only he himself was rescued by the sudden appearance of the holy angel statue when he fell into the sea and returned to Sama City safely.

After praying to the statue of the holy angel several times and saving several of his friends in the city, he and his friends became loyal believers of the statue of the holy angel.

After several months of development, more and more residents of Sama City, who have been blessed by the statue of the Holy Angel, have joined the group headed by Duke who believes in the Statue of the Holy Angel, and a considerable sect has already taken shape.

So far in the short past, Uriel's god rank is still the biggest limitation for him to obtain more information from the believer's astrology.

Spiritually withdrawing from the Kingdom of God, Uriel found that the two people in front of him walked up the walking stairs, passed through the corridor between the three buildings, and walked straight to the top floor of the main hospital building.

Most of the rooms in the hospital are vacant at this time, walking among them, there is a feeling of eerie and desolate walking in the white tomb.

The closer this feeling is to the main building, the more it changes, from desolation to bloody, scarlet blood can be seen everywhere on the walls and floors, as well as smudges that are smeared in a mess, so chaotic that it is impossible to distinguish what color.

The feeling of gloom is getting worse and worse, penetrating into the body and mind of the walkers everywhere, even worse than the lower floors.

As the meaning of blood became more and more intense, the number of people they could see in front of their eyes gradually increased.

Not to mention that there are patrols on every floor, white ghost guards tightly wrapped in chemical protective suits, and more and more people in white coats like young men with glasses.

Like the youth with glasses, their white coats are often untidy, dirt and creases can be seen everywhere, and all of them look like fanatical researchers who are deeply involved in research and have no time to care about personal hygiene.

 Thanks for *zero* monthly ticket support.Thanks to Saki Ye, cooking wine, the only talent, salted fish boy, Jian @打死小姐, light wind and light rain, blue fat man raising his paw, Xiaoyao え Xiaoshuai, who has been a bookworm for 12 years, Yang Liuqi, Ni Gerhog's recommended ticket.Update sent.

(End of this chapter)

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