One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 170 Ins and Outs (3 More)

Chapter 170
As a qualified experimental maniac, DR. Puendo's daily life is in the laboratory.

Uriel soon found a room isolated in the experimental area.

It is not only the living room of DR. Puendo, but also a space for storing experimental records and important documents.

Flipping through the documents in the living room, Uriel discovered that DR. Puendo is not only the host of the laboratory on the top floor, but also the master of the entire Sama City.

The authority in his hands is so great that the life and death of all Marlan people are within his grasp.

Even Uriel discovered that the entire Garter-Marlan war of annihilating the country was, to a certain extent, achieved precisely because of DR. Puendo's promotion.

Browsing through the various documents and reports in the living room, Uriel discovered that the identity of DR. Puendo was not simple.

He should be a senior scientist affiliated to the world government. With the support of the world government, he came to Salma to carry out a secret experiment.

But that's about all the information the document can provide.Uriel still can only get a general idea of ​​the ins and outs of the matter, but it doesn't matter, he still has a living statement in his hand.

Since everything is dominated by DR. Puendo, then just ask him directly.

Grabbing DR. Puendo, Uriel disappeared into the living room, turned around and entered the Kingdom of God.

With a wave of his hand, he manipulated the air mass in the Kingdom of God to build a standard interrogation room, and Uriel led DR. Puendo into it.

Unraveling the illusion imposed on him, Uriel tortured him inhumanely to extract a confession.

Compared with his fanatical scientific spirit, his will to resist pain and interrogation is much weaker.

Before Uriel exerted much force, he had already thrown himself to the ground, raised his hands in surrender, and expressed his heart and soul, just come and ask, I will tell you everything you want to know.

Facing such a cooperative prisoner, Uriel wanted to torture him for a while to avenge the miserable Marlan people, but he couldn't find a suitable reason.

"Tell me. I want to know why you, a senior scientist under the command of the world government, appeared in Sama City? You must tell me the cause and effect."

Uriel asked.

Dr. Puendo, who was wounded all over, described as tragic, and had a cross-haired scalp drooping into one piece, did not dare to neglect, and quickly answered Uriel's question.

"The cause of the incident is very simple, it is an experiment to develop a new weapon," DR. Puendo said.

"The world government has always been suffering from the lack of means to suppress the endless emergence of devil fruit abilities in the sea, so it is constantly committed to the development of powerful weapons."

"And just recently, someone in the government proposed to develop a powerful toxin weapon, and I am the most authoritative toxin scientist in the world today, so the person who presided over the experiment naturally fell on my head."

"Since it is an experiment, there is no shortage of materials. The development of toxin weapons requires a lot of human experiments, so at the beginning of the establishment of the laboratory, I made a large number of requests to the world government for materials."

"In the beginning, the world government provided me with prisoners in the prison. However, the experiment consumed materials at an unprecedented rate, and soon these prisoners were exhausted, unable to make ends meet, which led to the stagnation of the experiment."

"At this moment, the king of the Garter Kingdom used some kind of flattery to get on with a Celestial Dragon."

"Since the king's ascension to the throne, his ambition to annex the neighboring country Marlan has become more and more intense. However, due to the fact that the two countries' armaments and forces are comparable, it has never been possible to realize it. At this time, it is a lucky turn of events for the Tianlongren to be involved. , through the Celestial Dragons, received strong military support from the World Government."

"The balance of power was broken, and King Gard quickly launched an aggressive war."

"With the support of the world government behind it, Marlan has no chance of winning. In just one year, it was on the verge of destroying the country."

"And after I got this information by chance, I made an application to the World Government."

"Let the Garter army stop outside of Sama Island. I want the entire city of Sama and all the remaining Marlan people to become the material library for my experiments."

"To be honest, the world government doesn't pay attention to a tiny country with a population of only one million. It's just that it can't be unscrupulous due to its image and public opinion."

"Now that Garter's army can block the news outside the island, and then push the death of the Marlan people to the war of annihilation, it is naturally the best opportunity."

"So my application was approved as soon as it was made."

"Then let the flow take its course, I established a toxin weapon development laboratory in Sama City. At the same time, the secret forces of the world government are responsible for security and secrecy."

After listening to DR. Puendo's confession, Uriel found that although he had seen the darkness of the world of One Piece many times, he still underestimated its almost endless lower limit.

In order to develop a weapon, the population of an entire country can be directly consumed as materials.

Back then, Germa 66 could only use the very inefficient way of buying slaves to obtain living materials needed for human body modification experiments.

But when it comes to the world government, a country with a population of one million, just one person, a few words, and an application are sent directly to DR. Puendo as a consumable base.Compared with Germa 66, I don't know how much neater it is, fully revealing the domineering spirit of being the master of the world.

"So, those corpses burned every day in the city..."

Uriel asked again.

"That's right, it's just some consumables that were consumed in the experiment."

Before Uriel finished asking, DR. Puendo had already answered.

"After all, it is an experimental subject that has undergone toxin experiments. Whether it is discarded or buried, it may cause pollution in the city, or even a mutated disease or plague. This will inevitably consume the experimental materials in the city, so it must be incinerated every day. .”

Uriel's face was not very good-looking.

Based on his observations, several squares in Sama City were set on fire three times a day, and at least hundreds of corpses were burned in each square every time. One can imagine how many countries have been ruined and their families destroyed during the two months of siege. The Marlanes were black smoke in the fire.

A slap slapped DR. Puendo into the ground, vomiting blood, looking at his extremely innocent eyes, Uriel was expressionless, "What are you looking at? My hands are sore and I want to move around. Do you have any opinions?"

Burying his head in his crotch, DR. Poon repeated, "Don't dare, dare not."

"Okay, I have a general understanding of the matter, but there is one more question I want to ask you," Uriel said.

"How did you get your eye on Duke, and his angel statue?"

DR. Puendo's old face showed a look of astonishment, obviously he didn't expect Uriel's question, and he couldn't help but suffocate.

After recalling for a moment, he continued to speak.

"Actually speaking, it's not that I targeted them first, but that they were the first to confront me."

He recalled the process when he first heard about Duke, and said slowly.

 Thank you for the bookworm who doesn't eat fish.Thanks to OnePhoenix, Saki Ye, Salted Yuzai, The Life of Crazy Dan, Cooking Wine Fenghou, Jian@击死Miss, who has been a bookworm for 12 years, Tianya Little People, Fantasy, Yang Liuqi, Dongfang Xia Yutian for the recommended tickets.Update sent.

(End of this chapter)

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