One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 173 Uprising (3 more)

Chapter 173 Uprising (Third)
The familiar faces in the past, and the actions after the decision after decision, are like hitting countless sparks on Duke's soul with a heavy hammer.

Both the heart and the will are under the constant hammering, aching, but becoming more and more transparent.

Suddenly a kind of enlightenment surged in his heart.

Kneeling, Duke prayed aloud.

"God! The pious who are lost pray to you, please guide me to the right path."

It was silent, and in his mind, there was no longer the thunder of heaven and earth.

But I saw countless portraits around changing and distorting, and the lines built by blood moved forward in unison along the ground, walls and roofs, and converged at the end of the road.

Floating and intertwined in the empty air, forming a line of bloody fonts.

"Only by self-improvement can we be free. Miracles do not lie on the other side."

The moment he saw the handwriting, an inexplicable understanding rose in Duke's heart, like a traveler who didn't know where he was, and suddenly had the confidence to get out of a desperate situation.

At this moment, all the surrounding scenes suddenly shattered, like a shattered glass window, and the endless passage disappeared from Duke's sight.

He raised his eyelids to take a closer look, and found that he was already in the cell at some point.

Including the woman he had just rescued, hundreds of believers looked at him with burning eyes.

"Boss Duke, did you hear that too?"

A young believer held Duke's arm tightly, his eyes sparkled brightly, and hope was shining.

"Hear what?"

Duke just escaped from the illusion, feeling a little dazed.

"A dialogue between the gods!"

The young believer said hurriedly.

"Oh, yes. But why... you?"

Duke answered him subconsciously, then suddenly realized something.

"That's right. Just now, each of us heard the voice of God."

The young believer said excitedly.

"So it's all true?"

Like all the believers around him, Duke suddenly became excited.

If hundreds of people heard the voice just now, it means that what I experienced was not a hallucination caused by my mind going crazy, but a real response from the gods.

"Only by self-improvement can we be free."

Thinking of everything that happened just now, he couldn't help but muttered.

Hearing his voice, the believers' eyes sparkled, and they followed him and shouted in unison.

"Only by self-improvement can we be free! Only by self-improvement can we be free!"

The sound waves were intense, gathering and vibrating in the steel cell.

As if activated by sound waves, from Duke's clenched hand, the holy angel flew high, with crystal wings spread high behind his back, and his gentle and compassionate face in the past became full of determination and vigorous heroism, just like in the legend A Valkyrie who leads mortals against demons.

"The angel... is alive!"

The believers changed from surprise to excitement, and from excitement to fanaticism. Under their gaze, the holy angel stretched out his finger, using light as a pen in the air, and wrote a line of golden handwriting.

"go ahead!"

"Oh oh oh! Angels are guiding us!"

Hundreds of people shouted in unison, and boundless hope was injected into their bodies by this scene.

Duke was the most excited, and immediately followed the angel flying out of the cell, without any hesitation, followed the direction of the angel, and moved forward.

At the same time, he waved his arms vigorously and shouted loudly, "Follow the angel's guidance, the miracle does not lie on the other side, but only in our hands!"

With the sound of shouts, everyone rushed towards the iron door of the cell.

Behind their team, Uriel, who was invisible, followed them with a smile.

A ray of sunlight fell from the angel's hand to Duke's body, dyeing his whole body golden.

In an instant, he felt countless strength growing in his body, and at the same time, an impulse and confidence surged in his heart.

"I can break the prison door!"

Such a thought suddenly rose in his heart.

Moving with his body, following this thought, he rushed to the door of the cell violently, and slammed into the door of the cell.

There was a piercing sound of metal cracking.

Not only the cell door made of fine steel, but even the entire steel wall, was completely separated from the entire cell in his slamming, and flew several meters away before being slammed outwards and fell to the ground .

There was a sound of bone shattering and skin sacs being squeezed under the iron wall, and then blood flowed out from under the iron wall.

Undoubtedly, this was the end of the two white ghost guards standing outside the cell and guarding the cell door.

Seeing the bright red blood flowing on the ground, the believers only felt refreshed in their hearts.

Duke has suddenly become so powerful, besides the blessing of the holy angel statue, Uriel is still playing tricks.

Although the holy angel statue can strengthen the believer's body to a certain extent, it is never to the extent that a single blow can break the steel, let alone pull the entire iron wall away from the seamless steel prison.

In fact, at the same time that his impact reached the wall, Uriel had already used the holy fire to separate the iron wall from the prison cell. The timing was so ingenious that the believers couldn't even notice it.

The holy angel continued to fly and lead the way, and golden light continued to fall on each believer in the team, and then they smashed open one door after another in the underground space with golden light.

The first is the warehouse door used by the secret army to store ammunition. The guards guarding the warehouse are completely vulnerable to the believers who have become extremely powerful.

Taking out the ammunition and re-arming everyone, the believers followed the angels and then began to move around the entire underground space, breaking down one after another of the cell doors used to imprison the Marlan people, releasing their compatriots from imprisonment, rewriting the Their tragic fate would have been tortured by pain.

"Only by self-improvement can we be free."

"Follow the angel's guidance, the miracle does not lie on the other side, it is only in our hands!"

Faith has always been the most contagious thing in the world, and soon louder and louder slogans roared in the underground space of the hospital like a torrent.

Every Marlan who was rescued from the edge of hell was infected by the fanaticism and self-confidence of the believers, especially after seeing the small statue of the holy angel flying in the sky, but as bright as the sun. The long-standing despair was burned away in this intense and fiery light almost without delay, and infinite hope arose instead.

Everyone took the weapon and joined the advancing team, shouting two deafening slogans with their loudest voice all the way.

In just a short period of time, the team of believers grew to thousands of people.

All the Marlan people who were imprisoned underground waiting to be put on the test bench were rescued by the believers. Everyone was armed with guns and ammunition, and became fighters fighting for their own destiny.

Uriel followed behind them, and quietly removed the magical illusion imposed on the entire hospital.

The soldiers of the secret army in charge of guarding discovered the great uprising of the Marlan people immediately after they regained consciousness.

 Thanks to Zeng*cheng 17864112025, the blue fat man raised his paw, CV·Liu Qiang, Saki Ye, OnePhoenix, the snow falls and the rain clears, the light wind and light rain, cooking wine and Fenghou, who has been a bookworm for 12 years, Jian @打死小姐,阳六七, the recommended ticket for salted fish.Update sent.


(End of this chapter)

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