One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 187 Plague (2 more)

Chapter 187 Plague (Part [-])
Facing the rioting crowd, Uriel ended the despair and chaos with just one sentence.

"Quiet, stop. I'm a doctor."

The white doctor's robes that are popular all over the world are like the sun behind the dark clouds, illuminating the eyes of the plague-infected.

No one bothered to scold Walpo angrily anymore, and everyone looked at Uriel with the warmest eyes.

"Let me treat the injured first, and then come to check the plague on you."

Carrying a small boxy medicine box, Uriel strode into the crowd, bent over, and squatted in front of Chopper.It seemed that there was an invisible force that calmed people's hearts, spreading from his behavior and actions, calming down the plague patients in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom who wanted to rush up, and quietly watched Uriel heal the wounded and save people.

Originally, some of the patients had no confidence in the doctor's medical skills due to his young appearance, but as Uriel treated the wounded one by one, people gradually opened their mouths wide, their eyes almost jumped out of shock, and their faces The expression on his face couldn't help being tinged with joy, which turned into a huge surprise in the end.

"Is this...medical skills?"

Someone in the crowd murmured.

"Whether it's medical skills, I don't know. But, it's amazing!"

Beside him, another person stared at Uriel intently, and answered without hesitation, in exchange for everyone's unanimous approval.

The treatment begins with the child rescued by Chopper.

The wound pierced by the lead bullet was between the heart and lungs, the penetrating wound twisted the inside of the body into a mess, the flesh and blood were torn open, and the blood flow continued.

Only seconds away from death.

Then Uriel came, and the treatment he showed to everyone was simple and rude.

He casually took out a bottle of liquid medicine from his small medicine box, unscrewed the purple liquid medicine, poured it into a small container in his palm, and applied it directly on the child's wound.

For a moment, people couldn't tell whether he was saving people, or trying to speed up the death of the wounded so that he could get out of the unbearable pain as soon as possible.

Two seconds later, everyone who had this idea was slapped in the face by the strength of the healing effect.

The child's bloody wounds healed and recovered visibly with the naked eye. The granulation buds grew rapidly and intertwined like young shoots full of vitality in spring. Blood vessels, muscles, bones, and skin all healed in the blink of an eye.

As everyone watched, the dying and nearly comatose child took a few breaths before being rescued by this young doctor of unknown origin. Not only that, his chest was as smooth and flat as if he had never been injured before. .

Dozens of wounded were rescued and recovered by doctors in just the time it took to drink a bowl of hot water.

With Xiaolu showing such medical skills, how could Uriel not be worshiped by the patients like a god? Even the way Chopper looked at DR.

"It's saved!"

After everyone was rescued, the crowd erupted in huge cheers.Many patients surrounded Uriel, impatiently walking towards the town.

Wooden houses, white tops, filled the town with sick people.

Led by the crowd, Uriel and Chopper soon came to the Drum Kingdom, a plague isolation zone spontaneously opened up by the citizens.

This was originally a town, but at this time it was full of people infected with the plague, and the number of people only increased but never disappeared. Patients came here continuously every day.

Occupying the largest house in the quarantine area, Uriel beckoned to an infected person, observed and asked the doctor in a feigned manner, looked, smelled and asked, and then took out a bottle of medicine and a syringe from the medicine box under the eager eyes of the patient .

Extract the liquid medicine and inject it.

This set of things was a disguise he made to conceal his identity, and he directly used the magic of holy light healing, which inevitably exposed his identity.Once it is discovered that he, the doctor, is a white missionary that the world government is desperate for, then the citizens of Drum Country may become victims of man-made disasters in addition to the plague.

The liquid medicine in the syringe is just the most common normal saline solution, but at this moment Uriel injects the power of divine magic into it, turning it into a medicine with magical power, and pushing it into the patient's body along the needle.

According to patients, the plague arrived so imperceptibly and so silently that no one knew how it spread.

The only sign was that weird purple-black spots began to appear on his body, but it was already too late, indicating that the plague had already set up camp in his body and started to attack.

There will be no more complicated diseases in the future, and the patient will only weaken extremely quickly as the number of spots increases until he dies.

The injection is complete.Everyone stared at the patient closely, looking forward to the effect of the medicine.

Uriel was the same, waiting calmly for the end of the magical treatment, not as sure as before.

Because judging from the spiritual connection of believers' astrology, the statue of the holy angel did not completely cure those patients infected with the plague.

The treatment of the holy angel statue is essentially the healing of the holy light, which cannot be cured, and it is the same in the hands of Uriel.

The magic effect quickly disappeared. Half an hour later, Uriel stared at the purple-black spots that still existed on the patient's body, and asked, "How do you feel?"

The patient stood up, shook his arms and kicked his legs, half surprised and half dazed.

"It feels... that all my strength has returned, and I no longer feel weak. But it seems that the plague is still there and has not been eradicated."

He scratched his head and said.

Uriel wiped his chin, thinking on his face, "It's really interesting," he said.

"It seems that I have to change the method and make a diagnosis again."

"But before that, let me inject special medicine for everyone to stabilize the condition."

In the room, the patients who watched the treatment were overjoyed.

Although the root cannot be removed, as long as the body can stop being weak, life can be guaranteed, which undoubtedly brings strong hope to everyone.

The news quickly spread throughout the quarantine area, and thousands of plague sufferers showed unprecedented ecstasy on their faces.

For two whole days, Uriel and Chopper became the busiest people in the Magnetic Drum Country, one by one continuously injecting the plague-infected people with medicine.

Even many citizens of Magnetic Drum who had never been infected came to watch near the quarantine area. Uriel did not refuse some of those suffering from other diseases, and treated them equally.Those normal diseases were cured in minutes in front of the saline solution transformed by divine magic.

The name of DR. Wu and his special medicine began to spread in the Drum Kingdom.Along with the skyrocketing reputation, Uriel's faith points also soared all the way.

Two days later, the conditions of all the citizens of Magnetic Drum infected by the plague had been stabilized, and Uriel set out to analyze the truth of the plague.

Of course, he did not forget to keep an eye on the situation of Arolan and other believers. In the starry sky of the Kingdom of God, except for the first few stars that were extinguished, the stars corresponding to Arolan and other believers were still dim. But they are all shining steadily, showing that everyone's situation is fairly stable.

In the wooden house, the corpse that had fallen to death due to the plague two days ago during the begging, which caused the riots, was now placed upright in front of Uriel.

 Thanks to Sakuba for the support of the monthly ticket.Thanks to Ji Zhonghua, Jian @击死小姐, who has been a bookworm for 12 years, Saki Ye’s recommendation ticket.Update sent.

(End of this chapter)

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