One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 192 Angel's Trace (1 more)

Chapter 192 Angel's Trace (Part [-])

Natural timidity doesn't seem to have much to do with being strong or not. Chopper wept and shouted, not daring to open his eyes at all.

Unexpectedly, he felt that a big hand had already pressed the top of his head.

"You can stop. Weeping Chopper Knight, we've arrived."


Chopper let go of his little hoof covering his eyes, and suddenly found that he had been sitting firmly in the soft and thick snow on the top of the mountain at some point.

Beside him, DR. Ugeng had brought Jess to his side at some unknown time.

Unlike Chopper, Uriel naturally flew up easily.

Blushing and embarrassing, Chopper quickly turned over in the snow and stood up, reminding himself that he was already a powerful new knight, and he shouldn't be scared to cry by such a small scene.

"And where do we go?"

he asked Uriel.

Touching his chin, Uriel narrowed his eyes and looked at Chopper, looking very uncomfortable at the little reindeer.Then he said, "Next, let's separate."

"It's up to Knight Chopper to do the important task of rescuing Aroran and the residents of the town. It just so happens that you know where they are being held."

"As for me, I'm going to meet that messy King Walpo, and see how he created such a plague of souls."

"I, can I?"

Chopper opened his cute eyes and asked unconfidently.

Uriel gave him an encouraging smile and raised his thumb, "Of course, you are now a powerful Mr. Knight."

Chopper, who has accepted the inheritance and was promoted to a guardian knight, has physical strength and a powerful holy light, and his strength is no less than that of the pirates who offer a reward of tens of millions. What's more, he saved the citizens of the magnetic drum overnight, which made his strength rise again. a lot.

It's no joke that you can become stronger by doing good deeds.

According to Uriel's estimate, even the protagonist Luffy who just arrived in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom in the original book would never be the opponent of Chopper today without the protagonist's aura.

What Chopper lacks is just to understand the fact that he is already powerful through real battles.

With the affirmation of the idol DR. Wu, Chopper no longer has any doubts in his heart, and his blood boils all of a sudden.

Just thinking about being able to rescue the little friend with your own hands, it makes people feel so burnt!
Chopper's fighting spirit erupted like a volcano, and the holy light that swirled like fire rose from his whole body.

"DR. Wu. I'm going! Aloran, I'm coming!"

Spreading his little hooves, Chopper sprinkled countless flames all the way, rushing towards the direction of the prison.

"Well, now it's our turn."

Uriel threw Jess in his hand into the snow, "Stand up and lead me to the palace, to your king."

"Yes, yes, the villain will lead the way."

Jess hurriedly struggled to get up, bowed obsequiously and said, hurriedly walked ahead, and walked towards the direction of the palace.

It seems that he is very obedient, but in his heart, he never gave up the idea of ​​revenge.

In his opinion, although this doctor of unknown origin can fight, he only relies on his physical ability and does not exceed the realm of mortals.

As long as he is brought to his own king Walpo, the ability to "swallow fruit" can eat this guy who dared to beat the king's staff in minutes.

Thinking of the viciousness, he even let out a "hehehe" laugh unconsciously.

"Shut up, it's so ugly!"

Uriel yelled and cursed after kicking Jess to the ground.

"Although I don't know what bad thoughts are spinning in your muddy mind, now lead me obediently."

"Small dare not!"

A tooth was knocked away by a stone in the snow, Jess begged for mercy with a leaky mouth, not daring to delay for a moment, immediately got up and continued to lead the way.

At the same time, he viciously cursed a certain soldier to death.

If it wasn't for the guy who escaped from the woods and reported to himself that a doctor had entered the magnetic drum country, how could he have led his troops to arrest him, and finally fell into the hands of this demon doctor and was brutally tortured.

"Master Jess!"

As they walked forward, patrolling soldiers kept discovering Jess in miserable shape, and the young doctor who was obviously the culprit walking behind Jess.

"Bold, where did the doctor dare to hurt Master Jess?"

They raised their guns, shot, and Uriel hit them like balls.

The same play was repeated and repeated until Uriel and the others reached the gate of the palace.

I don't know how many soldiers lay down along the road, groaning in pain in the snow, and the patrolling guards outside the palace wall were all wiped out!

On the tall palace wall, two huge palace doors are tightly closed. From the bottom plate to the pattern on the door leaf, there is a strong and sturdy steel luster.

But that's no reason for Uriel to stop.A steel gate under his power will not outlast two pieces of foam.

What stopped him was not the iron gate, but a dead body hanging on the iron gate.

Withered, blue and black, with a noose around his neck, he was hung under the palace wall, and had been frozen into ice crystals by the wind and snow.

Uriel recognized the identity of the corpse. It was none other than the old man who had seen it in the spiritual connection, the mayor who saved Aroran, and the owner of the missing holy angel statue.

Judging by the situation, the old man has been dead for at least three days.

Walpo didn't just shout, but actually hanged the old man.

With a blank expression on his face, Uriel waved his hands and slashed empty-handed. The wind pressure was like a knife, and he cut off the noose directly, and his cold body fell into Uriel's arms.

A devout believer, Uriel certainly would not allow him to die like this.Send the old man into the Kingdom of God with a wave of his hand, and soon he will be resurrected and reborn.


Uriel shouted with fierce killing intent.

"Yes, my lord."

Jess shuddered, feeling that Zhihan's dead air was surrounding him.

"Let me ask you. What is the crime that this old man was sentenced to death for?"

"Report, my lord. It is because he practiced medicine without authorization, in violation of the king's decree."

Jess didn't dare to hesitate, and replied immediately.

"The old man got a statue of an angel with strange abilities that can cure diseases from nowhere. He went around treating plagues for people. After being discovered by the king, he gave him the death penalty."

"A statue of an angel?"

"Yes, my lord. Later, when we captured the old man, we found out that the statue not only can cure diseases, but also has other abilities, which made the soldiers waste their efforts to catch him. Later, the king himself shot, After directly swallowing the angel statue, the old man was caught and hanged."

Feeling that the god of death has grabbed his heart with his claws, and will take his life away at any time, Jess no longer cared about those small thoughts of revenge, and told Uriel everything in detail, even Valpo's fruit ability I dare not hide it.

"Although there was speculation, I didn't expect it to be true."

Uriel frowned and whispered to himself.

When he learned from the astrology of the believers that the lost statue of the Holy Angel was located in the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, Uriel wondered if it might be swallowed by Walpo's fruit ability, and now it seems that the truth is indeed the case.

 Thank you Nighog for your tip.Thanks Nighog for the monthly pass.Thanks to Nigel Hogg, Saki Ye, Black Bamboo Demon, Salted Fish Aberdeen, #…@ for the recommended tickets.Update sent.

(End of this chapter)

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