One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 305 Frantic tactics (1 more)

Chapter 305 Frantic tactics (one more)
There is no delay, no foreshadowing, no procrastination, no grievance, kindness, and pity.

The moment the protagonists of both sides of the war appeared on the screen at the same time, this war, which completely put aside the succession and transformation, directly entered the white-hot climax stage.

The sky is trembling, the sea is moaning, and the new world is facing disaster.

"This... is the navy bloody? I don't remember when they fought against the gods, they would be so desperate?"

Levin stared straight and murmured.Like him, most church members who watched the battle were in a trance for a moment.

Is this the Navy we once knew?
On the screen, more than a dozen navy blue and white warships took the lead, rushing into the formation of the "Hundred Beasts" pirate group like sharp knives.

Outboard of the warship, no less than a hundred cannons stretched out, and the warship was decorated like an angry hedgehog.

Flames shot out, roared like thunder, countless cannonballs shot out from countless spikes, and along countless dark trajectories, they pierced deeply into the pirate ship with the "Hundred Beasts" flag flying endlessly.

And there are sharp claws flying out of many cannons, shooting at the ships of the pirates.

The hull exploded, the sawdust flew, and the iron cables were deeply caught in the side of the ship. The navy soldiers galloped along the iron cables, boarded the ship more violently than shells, and stormed the pirate ship.

Their faces were flushed, and the eyes of these marine soldiers were as red as blood, and the melee weapons in their hands were frantically swinging, starting a boarding battle with the pirates under Kaido's command.

On the hands holding the sword and the exposed skin, an extremely abnormal bright red surged, as if a large amount of blood had accumulated under the skin, and in the blood vessels, there was infinite power waiting to be released.

With a single swing of the sword, the people in the church who watched the battle were shocked to find that just an ordinary sword of an ordinary navy cut off the iron sword in the hands of the opposing pirate, and even more powerful, he chopped off the tall and strong pirate with great force. , vomited blood, and could not afford to rub it.

The navy then took a step forward, and with a swipe of the sword, he viciously chopped off the pirate's head.Immediately, his eyes frantically searched for his next enemy on the deck.

The nostrils opened and closed violently, like a raging bull.

He is just the most common example among the many navies. As everyone can see, all the naval soldiers are like this man. He knocked his opponents to pieces as soon as they fought, and showed no mercy to the defeated enemies. He will definitely hunt him down to death and take off his head.

For a while, many pirates were caught off guard, and fell into a disadvantage in the crazy offensive of the navy.

"Huh? There is a problem!" Dalton, the former King of the Drum Kingdom and now the King of the Evangelical Kingdom, said solemnly as he watched the battle of the naval soldiers.

At the same time, he repeatedly made gestures with his hands, simulating the movements of the navy soldiers.

"Being able to rank among the Four Emperors, Kaido's pirates are not weak. The physique and strength of those pirates are more than ten times higher than ordinary people. And these navy soldiers can knock them into the air so easily. There must be something in it. question."

"You know, even if you have just received the inheritance of a guardian knight, the strength of a newly promoted guardian knight who has advanced from an ordinary person is nothing more than that."

As the head of the Holy White Knights, his understanding of the guardian knights is the best among all, and he is the clearest.

If everyone in the navy really had such strength, why would they have lost so much in the previous battles with the Divine Cult and lost face.

"Looking at their situation, it seems that they have taken some banned drugs."

After taking Dalton's words, a middle-aged man in a white doctor's robe said that he was wearing glasses and was polite, but he was the father of Luo who had been resurrected by Uriel.

After being resurrected from the dead, he is full of interest in various healing arts, and has studied the Gospel very thoroughly. With his deep faith and profound medical and pharmacological connotations, he is now a member of the priests of the divine religion, and concurrently serves as the chief pharmacologist. expert.

Now his biggest goal is to study how to integrate various medicinal properties into divine arts, so he can see the real reason why the navy soldiers are so violent at a glance.

"Prohibited drugs?"

Everyone was slightly startled.

"Yes. As far as I know, the government has been developing drugs to stimulate the potential of soldiers and improve their strength. I think these soldiers should have taken certain drugs to have such performance."

His deduction can indeed explain the abnormal state of the navy soldiers in the video, but then it caused another puzzle for everyone.

"Since there is such a drug, why don't the navy use it in the battle with us?"

Dalton wondered.

The answer will soon appear by itself without much guesswork.

On the more than ten naval warships serving as the vanguard, many naval soldiers came out. Under the stimulation of the drug, they caused huge damage to the pirates in a short period of time, thus opening a gap in Kaido's lineup.

At this moment, the situation in the video suddenly changed. I saw that the navy soldiers who were like madmen just now, killing the pirates all of a sudden collapsed from strength to momentum like dolls who have leaked air.

A large amount of steam evaporated from their skins, and their bodies became extremely weak all of a sudden, and many of them couldn't even lift the swords in their hands.

"Huh? It seems that this is the time limit for the banned drug, and now it is counterattacked by side effects."

With a fixed gaze, Luo's father said.

"Is that so? No wonder the navy dare not use it when fighting us."

Everyone in the church suddenly realized.

The magic of the Miracle God Sect is well known throughout the world, and in terms of endurance in battle, there is no one in the world that can match it.

If the navy uses this kind of banned drug in the war with the gods, it will undoubtedly be courting death.

But when used to fight against the "Hundred Beasts" pirate group, it can kill a large number of enemies in a short period of time.

"But even if they can gain the upper hand for a short time, these naval soldiers are also finished. What is the navy thinking about this kind of tactics that hurt both sides?"

Someone pointed to the pirates who were launching a counterattack on the screen and said.

Under the side effects of forbidden drugs, the weak navy could not resist the many pirates who came to support and replace them one after another.

In the end, they fought with their lives, probably opening the way for the coalition forces of the World Government to break into the enemy's formation.

"Why do I feel that this kind of tactics is not normal?"

Dalton looked at the navy soldiers who fell down like rice, and were killed by the pirates before they even screamed, and said suspiciously.

"It looks like Dui Zi?"

At this time, Tina's cold voice came.


Everyone was puzzled.

I saw Tina, the former lieutenant commander of the navy, looking at the navy that was almost slaughtered, with a flash of regret in her eyes.

"Yes. Duizi's method of warfare. Exchange the lives of his own people for the lives of the enemy. This method of warfare causes both himself and the enemy to suffer heavy losses, and sometimes his own losses will be even heavier than the enemy's. But the only advantage is, It is absolutely effective in killing and injuring the enemy in a short period of time."

She stared at the screen, her eyes passed through the entangled pirates and marines in front of the screen, and fell straight to the distance behind the screen, in the main battle of the world government coalition forces.

 Thanks for Dongfang Xiayutian's monthly ticket support.Thank you Dongfang Xia Yutian, Yue Piao Xuelin, Dream has your recommended tickets.Update sent.

(End of this chapter)

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