One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 312 Infiltrating (2 more)

Chapter 312 Infiltrating (Part Two)
Do what you say.After appeasing Lu Jiu and leaving Leili Xiaqi to accompany him, Uriel immediately set off for the Navy headquarters not too far from Chambord Island.

Casually creating illusions to hide his figure, Uriel walked in the naval headquarters, passing by countless naval soldiers and generals, and no one knew about it.

Indulge in the joy of revisiting old places.

Looking up at the town-like castle in the center of the Navy Headquarters, after most of it was destroyed by Uriel last time, the scale of the rebuilt castle is even bigger and magnificent, especially the castle tower at the top, the walls, pillars, and roof are all golden, like Decorated with gold foil, it is both prestigious and expensive, and it has improved many grades compared to before.

The core area of ​​daily life and office in the Warring States Period is undoubtedly in the Tianshou Pavilion.

Passing through the castle wall with the huge word "Navy", Uriel climbed up the stairs all the way to the center of the castle where the castle tower is located.

The atmosphere here is different from that of the naval garrison on the periphery below.

Most of the people who come and go in a hurry are admirals with high ranks, most of them have serious faces and awe-inspiring atmosphere.

Slightly listening to the conversations of the people in the past, everyone is concerned about the upcoming battle with the Whitebeard Pirates.

Although he was nervous, Uriel found that among these generals, there was no fear or worry about the white beard pirates. In his words, there was a mentality that he was sure of victory.

This mentality is brought about by the existence of pacifists.

"I heard that this time the marshal has mobilized nearly [-] pacifist units from the Holy Land to distribute to the scientific combat troops. With such a quantity, it is estimated that it is enough for Whitebeard to bring his men and boats back and forth."

While walking, Uriel heard several naval officers chatting with each other.

"What? Didn't the number of pacifists just exceed 10 when we were fighting Kaido before? How long has it been since now? How come the number of pacifists is [-] times?"

one of them asked in surprise.

"The news is not wrong. I heard that Dr. Vegapunk has improved the craftsmanship of the pacifists. The production time and cost have been greatly reduced. If the materials accumulated by the government are not enough, even millions of pacifists, the world government It can also be taken out."

"After all, it is a world government with all the resources from all over the world. In terms of family background alone, it is really not comparable to any other power in the world!"

After hearing the convincing answers from their colleagues, several school officials all sighed.

"If there are really millions of pacifists, I don't know if we can win the Miracle God Cult and earn back the face we have lost in the past few years."

As soon as the subject changed, several people brought up the religion.Listening to their tone, they no longer worry about the war with Whitebeard, and instead set their target on the old enemy Miracle God Cult, and begin to ponder over the outcome of a navy with pacifists against the greatest enemy of the God Cult who belongs to.It sparked a little controversy.

Such scenes can be seen everywhere in the castle. Although the war with Whitebeard is just around the corner, in the eyes of the navy, the Cult of Miracles is the enemy that deserves the most vigilance, and it is also the real target of many generals.

It's a pity that they didn't know that as the supreme leader of their lifelong enemy, Uriel, the Supreme Pope of the Miracle God Sect, was by their side, listening to all their arguments.

Uriel didn't care about the pacifists they called, he wanted to hear more about Ace, but apparently Ace's current intelligence was top secret, even after Uriel eavesdropped on several lieutenant generals , and failed to get any clues.

"It seems that we can only copy the old nest of the Warring States Period, hoping to find something useful."

After another futility, Uriel sighed to himself, and then went straight to the castle tower at the top of the castle.

At this time, the castle tower, where the living and office of the Warring States Period was located, was very deserted. From the mouths of many generals, Uriel had already learned that the Warring States Period was receiving another batch of pacifists who arrived at the Navy headquarters at this time.

It just gave him a chance to be an intelligence thief.

The first target is naturally the office of the Warring States Period.Uriel didn't expect to find out Ace's whereabouts from it. Of course, such secrets can only exist in the mind of Sengoku.

But although there is no exact whereabouts, since it is the office of the Admiral of the Navy, there must be some important information. Even if it is not related to Ace, it will undoubtedly be very useful to the cult and have great search value.

Soon, a supernatural scene took place in the deserted office of the Warring States Period. Cabinets, drawers, and safes were constantly opening and closing automatically, and countless files locked inside were automatically opened without wind.

Uriel glanced at the important information in various documents.

It even found various plans deduced by the naval staff to fight the Whitebeard Pirates.

Especially the information of the cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates and the captains of each team, from abilities to daily habits, everything that can be inquired, big or small, is included in these documents.

At the time of battle, this information is enough to allow the navy to anticipate the enemy's opportunities and make extremely targeted deployments.

In it, Uriel also discovered that one of the preplans was information about instigating Whitebeard's crew. Although there was no specific name of the personnel, there is no doubt that the Navy has found a suitable rebel among Whitebeard's subordinates. Then he gave White Beard a backhand blow from the inside.

"Tsk tsk! How insidious!"

Uriel groped his chin and said, the methods used by the navy in the original book, I didn't expect to see them here.

In addition to the Whitebeard Pirates, a lot of information about the Miracle Cult filled several cabinets in the office, which really allowed Uriel to discover several secret plans that the Navy was carrying out against the Cult, and gained a lot .

Flipping through all kinds of documents in the office, Uriel quickly read all kinds of information one by one, then returned them to the original place, locked them up and sealed them up again, and there was no trace of anyone breaking in.

With the existence of divine arts with many abilities, it is only a trivial matter to do this.

At this moment, there was a sudden rustling sound in the office.

Uriel listened attentively, but found that the sound was coming from behind a wall.


The golden light in his eyes lit up, and the eyes of spiritual vision opened instantly, and Uriel suddenly discovered that there was a secret room behind the wall.

In the eyes of spiritual vision, the secrets of the wall can be seen at a glance, and Uriel quickly found the mechanism to open the wall and enter the secret room.

Walking into the secret room, the first thing Uriel saw was the existence of several large boxes and a goat on the ground.

Each big box is full of papers, and the goat with a leisurely expression, one bite at a time, buried his head in the box, tearing and tearing, rolling pages of paper into his mouth, and chewing slowly.

"I recognize you! You are the non-trace shredder that is specially used to destroy confidential information by the Warring States!"

Uriel squatted beside the goat with a smile on his face, his malicious eyes darting back and forth on the lamb.

 Thanks to Month, who has been a bookworm for 12 years, SoulKing, Jian @打死小姐 for the recommendation ticket.Update sent.


(End of this chapter)

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