One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 314 Roasted Whole Lamb (2 more)

Chapter 314 Roasted Whole Lamb (Part [-])

"Free your sheep? Yes. You give Ace to me."

Carrying a goat between them, Uriel threatened Warring States with his pet's life.

"What? What does 'Fire Fist' Ace have to do with your church? Why did you, the White Pope, personally save people?"

Warring States was taken aback for a moment, never thinking that Uriel would make such a request, and asked back.

"This matter is out of your control. You just need to know that the goat is in my hands now. Whether it is dead or alive, and whether it will become a roasted whole lamb is up to you!"

Uriel ignored Warring States' doubts and threatened further.

"I see! Since even your church is involved, I can't let Ace go. Do you think this old man is someone who compromises with the enemy?"

Zhan Guo's tone was extremely harsh, and at the same time as he spoke, he pointed out that blood burst from the goat's heart in an instant, and he had pierced the heart of his beloved pet with his own hands.

"Hmph! As expected of the admiral of the navy, this set of naval justice of beheading one's own people is really proficient."

He didn't hesitate to kill the goat with his own hands, just to avoid being threatened by the enemy, and Uriel knew that it would be impossible to find out the whereabouts of Ace from the Warring States today.

With the life detector made by Vegapunk, it is impossible to stealthily investigate secretly. The matter has come to this point, and it is useless to stay longer.

As soon as Uriel's figure moved, he appeared outside the castle tower in an instant.

"It's not that easy to leave!"

Uriel didn't plan to fight the Warring States, but the admiral who had just lost his pet didn't think so, and his stomach was full of anger.

"The shock wave of the Buddha!"

There was a loud noise from the castle tower, and a big golden hand broke through the roof and slapped Uriel who was in the air.

The movement was so loud that it immediately alarmed all the navies stationed at the headquarters.

Everyone can see the figure of the great Buddha suddenly revealed by their own marshal. In the golden light, it grows bigger and bigger, soaring into the sky, standing in the nearly ruined castle tower.

But the target of the Great Buddha is a figure that the navy is extremely familiar with and hates and entangles.

"The White Pope! Uriel!"

Many people in the crowd screamed.

"What! At this juncture, why did he appear in the Navy headquarters?"

The sailors were startled and angry, and looked at the greatest enemy the navy had ever encountered in their lives.Watching the giant palm of his own marshal approaching Uriel step by step.

At this time, Zhan Taomaru, who had just arrived in Marin Fando, naturally saw the outbreak of the battle in his eyes, and immediately decided to join the battle.

With one order, the 5000 pacifists led by him were all activated, their movements were uniform, and they looked up at Uriel.

With both hands held high, the eye-catching light gathers in the palm of the palm, and thousands of lasers shoot out, following closely behind the palm of the Great Buddha of the Warring States Period.

In front of the Buddha's palm, the air exploded, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye exploded the air, and suddenly hit Uriel.

Afterwards, Wan Dao Laser was merciless, trying to pierce Pope Bai through thousands of holes.

"Don't you just want to eat a roasted whole lamb? Your navy is really stingy!"

Uriel didn't pay attention to the attack that could destroy the city and the country at all, he laughed loudly, and pressed down slowly with one hand.

For a moment, the sky and the sea were silent, and everything returned to silence. The violent shock wave stopped abruptly a foot in front of him, and he could no longer move forward.

The same is true for the ten thousand laser beams that followed. In the incomprehensible eyes of the navy, the rate of fire became slower and slower, and finally became absolutely still, as if the ten thousand beams of light were frozen in the air, unable to move forward or retreat, just staying in the air so embarrassingly middle.

Senmomaru was so shocked that he forgot to order the pacifists to attack again.

"The more you don't want me to eat it, the more I want to eat it. And I have to roast it in front of all of you!"

As soon as the combined attack of the Admiral of the Navy and 5000 pacifists was under control, Uriel sat down swaggeringly in the void.

Put the goat in front of him casually.

"Hey, why does this sheep look familiar to me?"

Said Hai Hai in a murmur, a little afraid to recognize the identity of the goat.

"That's right, it seems to be the pet sheep of Marshal Warring States."

Someone told the truth.

"Pope Bai said...roast the whole lamb? Could it be this lamb that he wants to roast?"

Numerous navies watched in horror as Uriel cleaned up the goat in a smooth manner, covered his body with spices that stimulated his nostrils and stimulated his appetite, lit a flame in one hand, and roasted the goat in the navy headquarters in such a grandiose manner.

"Boy Uriel! It's too much of a bully!"

The first one who couldn't bear it was naturally the Warring States himself.

With a roar of anger, the Buddha jumped high, jumped to the sky above Uriel, swung his fist violently, and then smashed down on Uriel.

It's just a pity that this blow, which was hoped by many navies, didn't even make a sound.

Ten meters away from Uriel, there seemed to be an invisible barrier that protected Pope Bai's body.

Zhan Guo's punch was blocked by the barrier from a distance, as if it had smashed into the cotton, and all the strength and impact were completely wiped out by the barrier in a silent manner.

The feeling of the sudden loss of strength is even enough to make people feel sad enough to vomit blood.

Not only the Warring States period, but all the admirals who attacked Uriel at this moment all folded their feathers in front of this barrier. No matter physical skills, swords, domineering, or various abilities, they could not pass through the barrier, affecting those who concentrated on grilling. Uriel.

I saw that his hands were roasted with a big fire sometimes, and sometimes with a small fire, roasting the poor goat until it sizzled, and the fat dripped from the air to the ground, splashing the fragrance in all directions, and the crazy fragrance followed. The divergence, floating in the Navy headquarters.

I don't know how many marines couldn't control themselves after smelling the fragrance, drooling and being swallowed vigorously.

Despite the furious attack of many naval generals, the lasers of the pacifists below could not stop firing furiously, and Uriel was guarded by the barrier, roasting the goat that had been with him for a long time in the Warring States Period until it was golden and flawless.

Taking out a small meat cutting knife, Uriel shaved off a piece of fat mutton from the roast lamb while it was hot. Hot air rose from the piece of meat, and the mere smog seemed to make people smell the supreme delicacy contained in it.

Pope Bai is not only unparalleled in combat power, but now it seems that his cooking skills are even more invincible in the world.

"Good! Delicious! Perfect! It really is worthy of the Warring States period. You used secret documents to feed the grown lamb every day. It is tender, chewy, full of juice, delicious, delicious, and it is by no means comparable to other lamb."

Throwing the sliced ​​meat into his mouth and chewing, Wu Lie praised the incredible delicious taste, and shouted at the Warring States who was about to be vomited blood outside the barrier.

What is swagger?What is a living provocation?White Pope Uriel performed vividly at the Navy Headquarters today.

Pitiful, the anger of many marines broke through the sky, but they couldn't break through the barrier outside Uriel's body. In the end, he watched Uriel enjoy the mutton and wine, as if he took the trip to the Navy headquarters as a field trip. With the support of the audience, the delicious whole sheep picnic was broadcast live.

 Thanks for Skipper's monthly pass support.Thank you Jian @打死小姐, who has been a bookworm for 12 years, and the recommended ticket for Oriental Xia Yutian.Update sent.

(End of this chapter)

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