One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 350 Undead Death (2 more)

Chapter 350 Undead Death (Part [-])
Now that he has understood the reality of the clones, it would be a bit too stupid to continue to entangle them with fists and kicks.

Unless he wanted to fight the clones forever, Uriel would naturally choose to use magic.

Divine power gathered between his hands like a stream, and in a moment, there was a huge scythe more than ten meters long in his empty hands.

Only the length of the sickle is comparable to the height of the clones.

"Divine Art: Scythe of Soul Reaper!"

As the pace changed, Uriel held a giant scythe and swung it around his waist. As the light flashed, the scythe passed over the crowded clones, and swept across more than a dozen clones.

There were no scars and no blood, but the eyes of the dozen or so clones suddenly widened, they fell back suddenly, and lay down on the ground, holding their legs tightly with both hands, howling loudly, and the voice clearly conveyed Meaning of unbearable pain.

"what happened?"

The five old stars who watched the battle turned pale with fright, seeing the sudden change on the battlefield, they couldn't understand why.

Since Kaido's immortal body has been perfectly inherited by the clones, how could he be so easily injured and fell to the ground under Uriel's attack, and there is no sign of recovery?

The sudden tragedy of the clones inevitably made them startled and fearful, and they turned their attention to Uriel, wanting to know what kind of methods Uriel used to treat the clones they had placed high hopes on. cause such an effect.

It is no exaggeration to say that since Uriel can break through the immortality of the clones, even if the real Kaido shows up to fight Uriel, the end result will not be much better than these clones.

In the battlefield, the clones could instinctively feel the extreme danger contained in the sickle in Uriel's hand, and their armed domineering force burst out violently. The power to weaken the opponent's unknown magical ability.

This is also one of the experiences accumulated by the World Government in the successive years of war with the Miracle God Sect. Domineering can more or less resist the magic and reduce the effect of the magic.

Undoubtedly, Vegapunk did not know what kind of black technology was lit up, so that the clones perfectly inherited Kaido's armed domineering, and it exploded at this moment, even increasing their size by a few points , the strong domineering, as far as this.

Under the protection of heavy domineering, the clones hoped to meet the cutting of Uriel's scythe again.

The shadow of the knife changed into dozens, and the giant scythe in Uriel's hand swung rapidly, turning into dozens of phantoms, with different postures and directions, and attacked dozens of clones at the same time.

"Five senses do not exist!"

"Four bodies are hard to work!"

Uriel muttered while fighting, calling out the name of the move can increase the hit rate, which is the hidden law in the anime world.

What followed were exclamations from the clones.

Some of them suddenly found themselves in a silent dark world after waving the scythe, unable to see or hear, and deprived of all five senses; The pain was cut off from the body in an instant, and it was impossible to perceive it, and it was impossible to direct it. However, in fact, from the perspective of others, their facial features were intact, their eyes were bright, and their limbs were also well grown on their respective bodies, without any signs of injury. .

Only Uriel, the instigator, knows the real reason why the immortal clones are now half dead under his own attack.

The divine art Reaper of Souls is a high-level divine art specially designed to harvest souls obtained by Uriel in a lottery.

The scythe in his hand ignores physical defenses and can directly attack the enemy's soul, and the pain that the clones suffer is precisely because their souls are cut off by the sickle of souls.

With force on the soles of his feet, Uriel shuttled across the tens of thousands of people, often aiming at a direction at will, then went straight forward, waving the scythe, cutting a hole through the impenetrable formation of the clones, leaving a straight and short-term blank passage , all of them were clones who felt their arms and legs were cut off under the attack of the Reaper of Souls, and even suffered the pain of cutting their souls in half.

Then the passage was blocked by the clones that surged up, so Uriel found another direction, like a pioneer, and rushed over with his scythe.

These clones have obviously been brainwashed. Not only do they have immortality, but they are also implanted with the thought stamp of not knowing how to retreat and not being afraid. Although more and more clones fell under Uriel's scythe, their offensive never weakened.

Every minute and every second, they were trying their best to crowd Uriel's side, trying hard to hit Uriel even with a fist.

Uriel could feel that the strength of their iron fists was getting heavier and heavier. If more than a dozen fists landed on his body at the same time, it would indeed make him stagger, and of course he was still far away from being injured.

In fact, at the same level, although Kaido relies on his immortal body and his defensive ability is arrogant, but according to the original book, his attack power is at the general level of the general level, otherwise he would not be able to challenge the four emperors and the navy in the battle Lost many times.

Since the clones came out of the same body as him, their attack power is naturally the same, and they can't even break through the defense of Uriel's physical body. Even if they add domineering, it's just a protective magic, so you can rest easy.

With the Reaper of Souls in hand, it was only a matter of time before Uriel harvested the souls and killed the clones.

The Five Old Stars certainly couldn't fail to see this trend, but there was no trace of restlessness or dissatisfaction on their faces. Instead, they all looked confident, showing some confidence.

Uriel didn't know their plan. Seeing the tricks, seeing that the clones were still fearless of death and attacking him furiously, he could only get rid of these brainless artificial Kaidos in front of him first.

In other places in the encirclement, the four magical creatures also did their best to contribute to Uriel's battle progress. Although their efficiency in killing clones was not as good as Reaper of Souls, they were able to use their own coups to restrain the clones. After the ability to move, slowly wear down their defenses, and finally kill the clone.

So in terms of the situation, Uriel will eventually prevail.

The number of clones was getting smaller and smaller, each Kaido was defeated and died in front of Pope Bai.

Wu Laoxing once again intuitively understood the strength of Uriel.

Since it is possible to win 1 Kaidos, it is logical to be able to destroy the navy.

"Unexpectedly, the real strength of the Pope Bai kid is so terrifying!"

Among the five old stars, one subconsciously pulled his beard and said.

"Yeah, with the combat power he's showing now, even if the five of us fight together, we probably won't be his opponents. After all, it's just a little bit more smearing on the face of the World Government."

The others nodded in agreement.

"However, fortunately, these clones are just cannon fodder. We still have a real killer trump card hidden behind it, which will definitely make this kid unable to escape the fate of death."

 Thank you 161*** for recommending tickets.Update sent.


(End of this chapter)

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