One Piece: Holy Cult

Chapter 56 The Raging Rocket

Chapter 56 The Raging Rocket

"Ah..." Feeling the severe pain in his back, Yongzhi screamed and fell heavily from mid-air, not caring about troublesome ordinary coalition soldiers.Roll around on deck to put out fires.

"Damn, you bastard!"

"I don't care about it, the scientific combat troops and KX rocket launchers are all dispatched, give me a blast!"

"Are you crazy?" Hearing his order, Reiju scolded angrily.

"Now it's a boarding battle. Once the KX rocket launcher is used, our soldiers will not survive!"

"I don't care. These soldiers are destined to be consumables for our royal family. If that's the case, what's wrong with letting them consume here!"

Yongzhi broke out completely under the severe pain.Just like Reiju's evaluation of him in the original book, he is an unreasonable, downright bad embryo.

But Iji and Niji are no better than Yongzhi.

Hearing Yuuji's shout, Iji, who was entangled with Smoker, said: "Yuji is right, Reiju. Too much time has been wasted in this battle, and it is simply humiliating Germa 66's battlefield king. name."

"Just as Yuji judged, I was reluctant to kill a chicken because of the high price of the KX rocket launcher, but now it's time to end everything."

"Scientific combat force, KX rocket launcher preparation, aiming at the enemy ship personnel, firepower MAX, full fire bombardment."

On the thorny battleship, the Germa soldiers who were still staying behind heard the order, and raised no less than two hundred bazookas as thick as adults' calves. The Kirizen Island coalition forces launched.

The sky-shattering explosion sounded crazily in the Moon Sea Fjord, superimposed back and forth, the rock wall vibrated, and broken stones continued to fall one after another, falling into the sea.

Apart from the two thorn warships that had not participated in the boarding battle, there were no ships to be seen on the sea at this time.

After the Moon Sea Fjord, between the sea and the sky, there are only flames and explosions that cover everything.

After a bombardment, the clone soldiers did not stop, and without any hesitation, reloaded and fired again.The flames exploded and engulfed the ship again, stirring up huge waves in the sea.

The power of these rockets is several times stronger than the artillery commonly equipped in the world of One Piece. For a while, there is no other object on the sea except the flame.

At this time, amidst the thick smoke formed by the flames and explosions, the four small figures stepped on the violently erupting airflow, breaking through the smoke and flying high into the sky like birds flapping their wings.

The airflow brought out long white trails in the air, pushing the four of them to the sky above the thorn warship, and slowly landed.

Iji, Niji, Yuji, and Reiju's armors were not afraid of the flames, and they were unscathed. At this moment, they stood in a row, looking at the magnificent scene in front of them.

Nearly twenty large ships were entangled together, no longer distinguishing between enemy and friend, and all of them were caught in the sea of ​​fire.

Yuuji laughed wildly.

"No matter how weird your abilities are, I don't think you'll die this time," he said with a maniac laugh.

Yiji and Niji also showed smiles on their faces.After being entangled by Smoker for several hours, their patience has already worn out to the limit, and their irritable mood is even worse than that of Yuzhi. They will only be happier than him to see their enemies buried in flames.

Only Reiju had neither sadness nor joy on her face, as if she had just finished a normal daily work.

The flames crackled, with the sound of wood cracking under the heat of the flames, and the thick black smoke went straight up into the sky, covering the sunlight.

There were a few loud creaks, and a thorny warship at the edge of the flames was finally burning in flames. It could no longer maintain its own structure, and began to collapse from all parts of the hull. The scorched wooden components continued to fall off from the hull and slipped into the sea. .

Even with the entire hull tilted upright, it sank into the depths of the sea.

Starting with it seemed to set off a chain reaction.

The ships in the flames fell apart one after another, collapsed, shattered, or sank into the sea, or simply fell apart, turning into a pile of charred ash on the sea.

The end of each ship invites gleeful laughter and merciless jeers from the three Germa princes.

Laughing at the bad luck of the navy and priests, and becoming an enemy of Germa 66.

The flames gradually dimmed, because most of the ships had sunk, and there was not much material left to burn.

At this moment, there was a sudden violent shaking in the bright and fierce pillar of fire, and the flame rolled and deformed, gradually becoming the outline of the bow of the ship.

The pillar of fire was like a cage, and the fierce beasts in it broke free suddenly and burst out of the fire.

The four of Yiji's eyes popped out, their jaws dropped, and they were so shocked that they watched the navy's warship suddenly rush out of the sea of ​​flames.

Like a beast escaping from a cage of flames.

Numerous huge auras enveloped most of the hull, and the naval soldiers and garrison soldiers were all concentrated on the deck of the warship, looking out of the hull, constantly rotating, guarding the white aura of the warship, like watching a god descending from the gods. trace.

Everyone's eyes were full of fanaticism and admiration, looking at the stern of the half-disappeared ship.

Following their gazes, the four of Iji saw the naked young priest standing upright at the stern of the boat, facing the four of them.

Needless to say, he was the real creator of this miracle.

At the last moment when the rockets were fired wildly, Uriel punched and kicked Reiju away, dodged to the middle of the soldiers, and at the moment the rockets flew over, he displayed his pious protection.

Different from the pious guardian who just protected himself in the past, at this moment, Uriel's divine power surged out of his body, and he actually poured a thousand divine powers into the divine spell.

Under the blessing of massive divine power, the halo formed by devout protection suddenly expanded to half the ship, protecting the naval soldiers and the soldiers of the garrison who were concentrated on the warship as soon as the war started as planned, all within the halo.

Under such a huge infusion of divine power, the aura that was originally only used to defend against physical attacks, even the high heat with flames was mostly isolated.

At that time, the Germa soldiers gathered at the stern screamed and died in the sea of ​​flames under the attack of their own side, regardless of the enemy or us.

Later, due to the boarding battle and the warship, the thorny warship that hindered the warship's movement was burned by the continuous flames, and continued to sink into the depths of the sea, which actually cleared the way for the warship to evacuate.

Originally killing many enemies in the melee, Sanhuang, who had made great contributions, puffed up his face under Uriel's signal, gathered all his strength, and blew a strong wind.

With the protection of the halo, the white sails of the naval warships were raised high on the masts, without any trace of stains, bulging with the breath of the three yellows, and the half-destroyed warships protruded out of the flames, and gradually receded to the rear.

After finally retracting his jaw that fell to the ground, Yongzhi yelled insanely, "What the hell is this? I can't believe it."

The anger in his heart has completely exploded so far, and he just feels that he has never been played with and humiliated like this in his life.

"Bastard, do you think you can escape like this, delusion!"

He turned his head to the battleship, and the soldiers armed with rocket launchers ordered, "Boom, keep bombing, I'll see how long he can protect the whole ship."

 What are you most afraid of when writing?stand-alone!Thanks to Maomao r for the recommendation ticket, let Lao Liang get rid of the terrible illusion of stand-alone.Lao Liang asks for recommendation and collection, so that the interaction will be more intense!One more.


(End of this chapter)

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